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Charleston Rescheduled???: The Merged Superthread!

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/\ Stop being such a freaking elitist. Jeff was a true artist when he had to work a part time job between tours and sleep on people's floors. Now he's a sell out. That's how it works.


and I'm being a sarcastic prick.

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Jeff sold out when he moved to Chicago from Belleville. Everyone knows that. I know he's got to be living the high life in Chi-town. If he was a true artist, he'd still be living in the shitty apartment across from the warehouses behind Family Video.



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Whoa, time out. SNL is still on the air? I was under the impression that this show had been cancelled after Jimmy Fallon's first season...


I have a lot of trouble believing this. I think it's, like, a joke.

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Some of you people are serious koolaid drinkers. I have been into Tweedy since No Depression came out. I would venture to say that his music means as much to me as to anyone on this board. This was a bad move. "Be happy for the exposure they'll get", "What else could they do?". Laughable. Anyone giving any grief to anyone upset about missing this show is misguided. A true illness or a family emergency, of course cancel the show, oh excuse me certain vc Jonestown residents, reshedule the date. But a week's notice to be on SNL? No way. Try to be objective for a moment. Let's say that the band made the OPPOSITE decision. They said no to SNL because they have a sold out show in a week. I doubt that a one of you would have said, "What a stupid move. Fuck the date! They could have been on SNL!!" You ALL would have said, "Hell yes. THAT is why I love this band".

And yes, I have tickets but I would feel the same regardless.

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Some of you people are serious koolaid drinkers. I have been into Tweedy since No Depression came out. I would venture to say that his music means as much to me as to anyone on this board. This was a bad move. "Be happy for the exposure they'll get", "What else could they do?". Laughable. Anyone giving any grief to anyone upset about missing this show is misguided. A true illness or a family emergency, of course cancel the show, oh excuse me certain vc Jonestown residents, reshedule the date. But a week's notice to be on SNL? No way. Try to be objective for a moment. Let's say that the band made the OPPOSITE decision. They said no to SNL because they have a sold out show in a week. I doubt that a one of you would have said, "What a stupid move. Fuck the date! They could have been on SNL!!" You ALL would have said, "Hell yes. THAT is why I love this band".

And yes, I have tickets but I would feel the same regardless

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Some of you people are serious koolaid drinkers. I have been into Tweedy since No Depression came out. I would venture to say that his music means as much to me as to anyone on this board. This was a bad move. "Be happy for the exposure they'll get", "What else could they do?". Laughable. Anyone giving any grief to anyone upset about missing this show is misguided. A true illness or a family emergency, of course cancel the show, oh excuse me certain vc Jonestown residents, reshedule the date. But a week's notice to be on SNL? No way. Try to be objective for a moment. Let's say that the band made the OPPOSITE decision. They said no to SNL because they have a sold out show in a week. I doubt that a one of you would have said, "What a stupid move. Fuck the date! They could have been on SNL!!" You ALL would have said, "Hell yes. THAT is why I love this band".

And yes, I have tickets but I would feel the same regardless.

i'm guessing you were -4 when you got into no depression, so that would make you about 14 right now. yep, that is about your maturity level.

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SNL was actually pretty funny last week.


At any rate, it sucks for the fans that will miss the show but I am SURE that Wilco will make it up to everyone that doesn't boycott them. I understand the disappointment but the theatrics is a bit much. Wilco didn't steal your iPod or something.

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No. I will be 45 on the 22nd of June. I am quite mature. What would you reaction be if they did the opposite, as I queried?

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Six million viewers for SNL last week vs. 1200 fans at one show.


If you're working for a friend and getting paid minimum wage, and get offered a job with a $200,000 annual salary, which do you take?


I'm not sure why it's expected that artists should pass on excellent career opportunities. Why should they be exempt from the career advancement that's expected with other careers? Cred is all well and good, but it doesn't provide for health insurance, mortgage payments, funds for new albums, retirement, and food on the table.


I know it sucks that the show was postponed. Yeah, if I had tickets, I would be terribly disappointed. I've been in that boat before and guess what? I survived. But I'd also be glad that a band I love was being given an opportunity to bring their music to a bigger audience. I figure I've gotten so much from their music over the years, the least I can do is not bitch when they're granted an opportunity to advance their careers. Don't they deserve that level of success? I think so.


Somehow, I get the feeling this sort of response would follow even if they were asked and then went on to accept a gig to play the Republican National Convention.

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Six million viewers for SNL last week vs. 1200 fans at one show.


But I'd also be glad that a band I love was being given an opportunity to bring their music to a bigger audience. I figure I've gotten so much from their music over the years, the least I can do is not bitch when they're granted an opportunity to advance their careers. Don't they deserve that level of success? I think so.



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No. I will be 45 on the 22nd of June. I am quite mature. What would you reaction be if they did the opposite, as I queried?

My reaction, if they did the opposite, would be that the band is retarded. how can you pass up an opportunity to play on SNL just to play a generic show that you can just as easily reschedule? how can you pass up an opportunity to expose yourself to potentially millions of new listeners?


i would love wilco to break into the mainstream. i'm sick of my friends listening to only foo fighters and thinking everything else sucks. they don't give wilco a chance because wilco doesn't get enough exposure. why are some fans so selfish that they want wilco to be their own little secret and never reap any large scale success? i mean, u2 is doing pretty good, radiohead is doing pretty good, etc. those bands are making way more than wilco, but are they really that much better? the answer, in my opinion, is no.


tweedy should be a household name. if we lived in a perfect world, tweedy and wilco would be as recognizable as any music artist out there. he is a better singer/songwriter combo than 98% of artists alive today, and better than 90% of artists in history. but what makes a wilco show great is not only the music, but the entertainment factor that tweedy provides. if snl was smart, they might try to incorporate that into the broadcast. have tweedy and co. do some skits or something. i doubt this will happen, but snl is a still a great gig despite the recent downturn in comedic ability.

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speaking of which, they are nice enough to reschedule the show. when are the white stripes going to reschedule all the dates they canceled last year? "oh meg had a nervous breakdown, sorry we aren't playing! fooled you!!!!" and no word of any rescheduling. that almost ruined ACL for me... only wilco made it all better by playing an awesome set.

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Preach on Ellsworth. I feel the same way. My hotel accommodations and our arrangements for childcare can be changed/rescheduled. One of my biggest disappointments is not catching the band with the momentum coming off last week's residency. I am definitely excited about SNL, but at the same time feel a little betrayed. I guess looking at things from a reasonable perspective, it is probably borderline unhealthy how much my wife and I look forward to each Wilco show (starting from the day after the most recent one.) Looking forward to August 7th...

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I would bet that you are in the minority with your answer. As far as wanting them to break in the mainstream, it won't happen. There music isn't mainstream. That you have friends that you expose to Wilco but still don't like them says volumes about your friends. Wanting to be on SNL is fine. No gripes. Canceling, again excuse me, postponing, a sold out show with 5 days notice is wrong from my end of the telescope.

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You sound like my wife and I!! We were excited to see them after the Residency shows. The setlists are looking great, as I expected. What will the summer hold?

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Try to be objective for a moment. Let's say that the band made the OPPOSITE decision. They said no to SNL because they have a sold out show in a week. I doubt that a one of you would have said, "What a stupid move. Fuck the date! They could have been on SNL!!" You ALL would have said, "Hell yes. THAT is why I love this band".


I do happen to agree with this part, there was something pretty cool about the band playing a show in Mobile, Alabama, the night of the Grammy's in 2005. And my heart goes out to fans of the band in Charleston, SC (once when David Crosby was playing a show in my hometown, Charleston, West Virginia, he famously said "it sure is great to be in South Carolina" but that is neither here nor there), I think this could have been handled a little better by the management and the venue (i.e. getting information about this out sooner, but it sounds like this SNL thing was very last minute). So yeah it sucks, but they'll be back and while those of you who were going to go to the show are waiting you start a pool on how many sellout threads we will have/which one will be the first to the closed. And Tweedy and Armisen appearing together again in a sketch will forgive any bad karma in my humble opinion.



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Wow this is a mini-VW blow up. they haven't played Richmond in 11 years, but if I was in the same boat as Charleston, I would understand it completely and totally. To me this is a non-issue, they rescheduled immediately, and its a major opportunity to promote an album that has already been out for quite awhile. As for their not sending out a personal statement that's ridiculous. The band themselves probably had little say in the matter and they have actually played for three nights in a row. I'm sure it will be acknowledged during the makeup show and they'll play 38 songs.

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Somehow, I get the feeling this sort of response would follow even if they were asked and then went on to accept a gig to play the Republican National Convention.


Oh, yeah? Then I get the feeling some people would be whining if they'd postponed the gig to play a cancer research benefit that was broadcast globally.


So there!



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