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Do your siblings have the same musical taste as you?

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I have a brother who is 3 years older than me and I don't think we have one band in common we both like. He is into R & B , Gopsel and Rap...I am not sure if he even heard of Wilco. Once in a rare while I will join him for a concert and he will join me but neither of us like each others taste in music.

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No, one bother likes top 40 and my youngest brother only listens to music at parties so he can dance with girls (he's 18). They both think I'm a total weirdo. I think they're boring. One big happy family :cheekkiss

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I have two older sisters. The younger of the two likes very similar music to me and actually was the person who introduced me to "college" radio when we were younger -- although to this day she still doesn't understand why I like early Wilco or anything "country" like DBTs or Lucero. The older one is a lost cause -- cheesy top-40 pop, rap, dance music crap.... basically the same kind of shit my wife likes to listen to. ;)

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i'm an only child, but my mum hates bob dylan. since scoring some free tickets a couple of weeks ago, i took her to the melbourne show with me. she hated it. on the other hand, we're both both beatles fans and she saw them in australia in 1964 and loved it. my dad loves CCR and so do i, but he cant stand led zep. go figure!

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I'm another only child, so I'll use my parents and the next best thing.


Mom and I have few common musical interests. Mostly newer bands she's heard from being around me (Spoon, Band of Horses, My Morning Jacket). She also finds Jeff Tweedy entertaining, though she won't admit to enjoying Wilco's music. We can also get together on some bluegrass-ish stuff. At the end of the day though she'd probably rather listen to Celine Dion or Anita Baker (both of whom I cannot stomach).


Dad and I have more in common - sort of. The first time I ever impressed him (musically) was when I announced I wanted to buy a Pearl Jam CD. He's mostly a classic rock kind of guy, so that appealed to him. He was also a great help during my Beatles obsession in my early teens and he helped me get into Neil Young. These days if I want to put on some music he'll approve of I go for The Black Keys or Drive-by Truckers. A little Son Volt goes over well and I still think I might get him into My Morning Jacket someday. He's definitely a guitar driven kind of guy.

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My brother and I are both Deadheads. 'Nuff said!

Nah, not really. Other than Jerry and the boys, and a few classic rock icons like Hendrix and the Stones, we probably don't like all that much of the same stuff. He's more into what I would consider some of the weirder bands from the 80s - 90s (Jane's Addiction, Meat Puppets, Phish), while I'm a huge jazz fanatic and heavily into guitar players who never really made the mainstream (Zappa, Bruce Cockburn, John McLaughlin, etc.).

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Well, let's see... I am a triplet (two sisters the same age as me) and I have an older brother. My one sister likes Lady Gaga and that type of music played on the radio. My other sister is the one who got me into listening to Wilco. She also loves The Clash, Bob Dylan and Janis Joplin etc. I recently got her into Tom Waits, Dr. Dog, Heartless Bastard and Patti Smith etc. My brother is 3 years older and is a fan of bands like Faith No More, Mr. Bungle, My Bloody Valentine, Queens of the Stone Age, Black Sabbath. The good thing is all four of us are very accepting of each other musical tastes. We'll all listen to just about anything, though I really can't stand listening to the radio when driving with my sister... those remixed songs she loves! :frusty

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Sister - Country and top 40/hip hop

Brother #1 - Allman Bros, CSNY, etc

Brother #2 - Pretty much stuck in the late 60's early 70s, though he seems to like almost every indie band I play for him.

Mom - Neil Diamond, (bad) Rod Stewart & Journey. Carol King a long time ago.

Dad - listens to christian "rock" and other church group approved garbage, but I know he secretly loves Moody Blues & Bob Dylan


My sister is insufferably bad - e.g. Lady Gag {sic], the country song about rain/corn/whiskey/frisky, etc.


My dad probably saved my childhood, though he made no effort to. He'd throw Dylan on in the car or on a Friday night after he'd had a couple. :cheers

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Interesting prompt. Never given it much thought.


Oldest sister - Eagles, Dan Fogelberg, Doobie Brothers, Hall and Oates, Michael Bolton, etc. So...no.

Sister #2 - Eagles, classic rock back in the day, etc. Closer, but no.

Brother #1 - Decembrists, Hothouse Flowers, etc. Getting warmer.

Brother #2 - Wilco, DMB, The Who, etc. Very close.


Seems those closest to me in age (I am the youngest) are closer to me in musical tastes. Not surprising I guess, given the decade difference in age between my oldest siblings and me. (Disclosure - my wife is a huge Hall and Oates fan, and I have come to like a lot of their early stuff. So I have something in common with my oldest sister.)

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My older brother helped to mold my taste when I was still in high school and to some extent in college, but since then my influence on his taste has been at least as great as his influence on mine. (I got him into the Pixies in the late '80s, and that's steered the subsequent development of his taste as much as anything else.)


We have a LOT of common ground, but have also diverged a great deal. Which is cool, because those divergences give us stuff to share with each other, even if it doesn't ultimately take.


We haven't lived in the same state since 1986, so divergence was inevitable.

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I follow my older brother like a lapdog when it comes to music. EXCEPT, I take credit for turning him on to Wilco. In the late 90s, we were both frustrated with most of the rock scene. He really got into jazz, and I followed. Then he got really deep into classical, esp. opera. I learned a lot from him, but opera requires a big investment of time and focus to really get into. It was around that time I got him into Wilco. I'd bought him Being There when it first came out. He liked it, but didn't love it. Then came YHF and it blew him away. We went to residency night #2 together.


Anyhow, he turned me onto Bowie, 'mats, VU, Talking Heads, and more. I think I most appreciate the jazz he turned me onto.

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My twin brother and I share and overlapping in several musical areas and bands. However, we have divergent musical tastes/bands too. I'm more indie/alt-country/alternative/current and he's more into British/glam/80's/post-punk. I hip him to newer bands that he may like and he hips me to some older obscure stuff. My other brother and sister are older...My brother likes the Stones and AC/DC. My sister, jesus music.


Whoever said that thing about the country song with the whiskey-frisky country shite is funny as hell! My wife listens to that terrible shit! Freaking awful!

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My twin brother in DC won't listen to Wilco, The Decemberists, The Flaming Lips, Okkervil River, Stereolab or any band I have liked in the last 10 years


He listens to Bruce Hornsby and old Yes albums ... the last band we had any joint liking of was probably Phish, though he started listening when I was finishing ...

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Me and my bro have very similar taste. I remember when we were both young (around '86) our dad took us to the local record store as said we could chose a record. I choose 'Invisble Touch' by Genesis and my brother choose 'Kind of Magic' by Queen. At the time he thought he choose the best path my now recognises that my choice was far wiser in the long run.


Common threads that have run through our collections are Neil Young and Pink Floyd (and lesser known UK bands Marillion and Archive). However, its apparent that with the Neil Young Archives and the upcoming Floyd re-issues we are both going to be poorer in the next couple of years.....and are respective wives are not going to be happy!!.


...and my sister has shocking taste in music. Three words...Wet, Wet, Wet. Two more...Bon Jovi.

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I have a brother who is 4 years older than me. While I do have to give him credit for turning me on to Blue Oyster Cult back in 1977, our musical tastes pretty much split after that. It probably has a lot to do with our age difference and that we haven't spent much quality time together since the late 1970's. He went off to college in 1978 and discovered BOC, Genesis, and The Moody Blues; I went off to college in 1982 and discovered The Ramones, Clash, and American hardcore. I don't think that music plays much of a role in his life anymore - he's more into guns.


The last birthday present I got from him in 1983?




My wife and I are far more sympatico in our musical tastes.

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Brother #1 (4 years older) - He turned me on to Beatles, Cheap Trick, Dylan and most 60's era rock. For these I'm eternally grateful. Plus he taught me the blues scale on guitar. Our split comes in that he tends to lean more towards more commercial music than I. For example where his dream concert would probably be Stones at the Enormo Dome, I'd rather see Wilco at a small amphitheater. So pretty much a yes to this question.


Brother #2 (3 years older) - He turned me onto Hendrix, Who and college rock of the 80's (Guadal Canal Diary, etc.). This brother was and still is my guitar-playing hero. I've tried for years to emulate his abilities and always have fallen short. He's also a great songwriter and all-around great musician. The last rock band either of us played in was the first we played in together and was my favorite by far. Yes on this sibling as well.


Sister (5 years younger) - Her first music faves were The Beatles as I used to put on shows for her using her stuffed animals as the band members (Snoopy was Paul, Pink Panther was Ringo, etc.). Then as a tweenager and on, I lost her to Bon Jovi, Duran Duran, New Kids On The Block and The Monkees (I think all of these were driven by the world of MTV and music videos). Later, I'd like to think I had some kind of influence as she became a fan of stuff like the Cult and I actually took her and a friend of hers to a Cult concert. These days, our tastes are pretty similar. Everything on the radio pretty much sucks as far as we're concerned. She's not as much into music as I am, however.

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I always felt a bit adrift as nobody I knew, friends nor family, shared my musical tastes.


My Brother is seven years older than I am. He was the jock in the family. His musical tastes were pretty typical for the late 1906's. Creedence, Grass Roots, Stones, Beatles. His musical tastes ossified around 1972. I think the last concert he went to was an Elvis concert in 1974.


My Sisiter is six years older than me. Her one saving grace is that she liked the Rod Stewart of Every Picture Tells a Story and Never a Dull Moment. I seem to remember her having the Supermes meet the Temptation records. I remember a Bobbi Gentry record and several Beatles singles. I stopped listening to her long ago.


My friends were pretty much slaves to the top 40 of the mid 1970's...a lot of really bad disco tunes. I was able to turn some on to Springsteen in 1976 and found some kindred spirits listening to the mid-70's metal (Black Sabbath, Deep Purple). Country was big in my neck of the woods, and in the 70's, that meant a LOT of bad music.


I find that my son and I share quite a few musical interest points: Wilco, Springsteen, Muse, KoL, Manchester Orchestra, U2, the Foos. But he is distinctly his own person and likes bands that I have never even heard of.


My Daughter has really wide and varied tastes tending toward the electronic realm. She and I share the common points of Radiohead and LCD Soundsystem...but all she wants to do is dance. However, a couple of weekends ago she called my up raving about a band that she had just seen in a club. After checking them out, I was totaly shocked. Didn't seem to be anything like her cup of tea.




My wife, though I love her dearly, is a complete cypher when it comes to music. As a matter of fact, until 2007, I had to go to concerts by myself. She did't like standing and I like to show up at the venues at least 2 hours before showtime to take in the ambience of the crowd. My son is just like me in that regard.

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