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Though it would be a monumental disaster, there would be perverse pleasure in a Trump presidency. If a nation existed that would be unaffected by anything the US did and I lived there, I would relish Trump as president. It would be a hilariously surreal shit show.

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I have to say, I really hope Trump doesn't fade too fast. He needs to stick around to give this thing some interest for awhile. Meanwhile Rand Paul made the most sense, but that is only because he really didn't get to talk to long.  After awhile he stops making sense too.  Even Christie looked pretty good the other night by contrast to some others.  Ben Carson is done. 



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Though it would be a monumental disaster, there would be perverse pleasure in a Trump presidency. If a nation existed that would be unaffected by anything the US did and I lived there, I would relish Trump as president. It would be a hilariously surreal shit show.


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Yeah, too bad the number of nations that would be completely unaffected by what's going on in the US is very small.


I do find this stuff more disturbing and scary than funny. It's hard to keep a sense of humor about it.

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Though it would be a monumental disaster, there would be perverse pleasure in a Trump presidency. If a nation existed that would be unaffected by anything the US did and I lived there, I would relish Trump as president. It would be a hilariously surreal shit show.

Sort of like the POTUS from "Infinite Jest".

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Two quick things:


Remember when the Pope gives his speech to Congress, he is only moral and correct when he speaks of things we agree with.  If he says something we don't agree with then it is not his place as Pope to talk about that stuff.  


Also not all Republicans are racist, but over 40% of republicans support candidates who are indeed racist.   

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I can't even really figure out why the Pope is speaking to Congress at all. I  know he is the leader of the Vatican which is in fact a country, but I am not sure what this really accomplishes, other than pissing a whole bunch of people off.


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I can't even really figure out why the Netanyahu is speaking to Congress at all. I  know he is the leader of Israel which is in fact a country, but I am not sure what this really accomplishes, other than pissing a whole bunch of people off.



Fixed it for you

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I get Netanyahu and Matisyahu confused. 


I think everyone could get behind Matisyahu addressing congress.  


In other news Boehner stepping down from congress (not just the speakership) at the end of October.  




Probably one of the least effective speakers in recent history.  He often talked a leadership game, but he was really pushed around by members of his own party and the President.  And it appears the conservative wing of the GOP have finally pushed him out of congress.  I worry what this will mean for the next speaker.  Will the speaker be a conservative ideology?  Or someone who actually try to work with the President?  My guess it will be someone really conservative.  And you think the gridlock in congress is bad now.  ugh.  

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Indeed.  Obama's last year promises to be total chaos.




The way it is shaping up it won't look to good for the next president either.  We more than likely will have another Democrat in WH and a congress controlled by the far right.  Yeah Gerrymandering!

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“I’d ask the American people to think about how they can get our government to change these laws, and to save these lives and let these people grow up.”


Dumb. Voter sentiment has virtually nothing to do with how laws are made. And Obama knows this.



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Sure it is wishful thinking I suppose.  Meanwhile we are all comfortably numb with this happening over and over. 



It gets to a point when a lot of people simply give up on even trying to affect change. It's like an abusive relationship where the victim accepts the abuse because they don't know what else to do or where to turn. Politics has been so corrupt for so long that apathy sets in and near-blind acceptance of whatever shit is put in front of us is either tolerated or shrugged off. It blows, but that's the reality.

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As a democracy, it's the only way it can be done, though. Vote people in / vote people out - hopefully the system of laws can and will change. How else can it be done in this country?


One can bury the head in the sand and do nothing -  thinking their vote is not gonna change anything - which is exactly what big business and others wants people/voters to think.


Also saw my second Bernie bumper sticker in my neighborhood -- one of those round "Feel the Bern" ones - clever - and again the car was driven by a women - so my neighborhood score card is two (2) Bernie's and zero (0) Clinton's.

And both Bernie cars driven by women...


My bumper is still undecided.

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