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Everything posted by theashtraysays

  1. There's one in every crowd.... when Lammy shows up, there's two.
  2. Just a simple "yes" or "no"... did you exercise your right to vote in today's presidential election?
  3. Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band
  4. While we're on the subject, any thoughts on why my iPhone app says that this ivision app is now discontinued and I need a new one? The new one isn't free. Well, it's only 99 cents but hey I'm cheap.
  5. We saw the movie last night, and I thought it was a great performance. We also had to "encourage" the theater people to crank it up, and they did. The musicianship was really, really good... better than I expected and just sharp as a tack all around. I thought JPJ looked a little winded / strained at times, but wow did he deliver. I usually can't sit through a whole concert film but this was really special start to finish. I agree with the sentiment that it was a special one-night stand, and probably couldn't hold up all that magic on a tour. But Jimmy Page sure looked like he has a fe
  6. there, there... don't blame yourself. when our kids were being borned (early 90's), the big thing in all the books was to play Beethoven for them while they were in the womb. we played Pink Floyd. ... now for the most part, they all have pretty good taste in music. Louie's right, it's all good.
  7. I listened to Monster today, and Circus Envy is just one helluva great rock n roll song.
  8. In related news, my daughter and I snuck into the venue yesterday afternoon where Andrew Bird was playing last night (which of course we attended). It's the campus venue for UK, and my daughter attends UK and has performed in that center a few times, so she kinda knew her way around. I just wanted to get in for sound check, which is something I've always wanted to do but not had the chance. As we were going in the back door of the venue, a guy comes wheeling up past us on his bicycle to the back door, hops off and heads in. Andrew Bird. He nodded at us and started talking to one of the st
  9. Andrew Bird tonight... also in my very own city! I hardly ever get to see anybody here anymore. Concerts without road trips... what a concept.
  10. Dave Matthews Band. Still OK in small doses, and on some of the deeper cuts, but not the steady diet it once was.
  11. Euchre is a big deal in Indiana as well. Fun game, quick and not too complicated. Our current favorite card game is 31 which is also a quick / fun / easy game. (null)
  12. Looks like they've moved past Popeye. Another icon kicked to the curb....
  13. Lost. Great premise to start out (Gilligan's Island meets The Twilight Zone), and great first couple seasons. Loved it. But it just got too weird for its own good. Annoyingly disjointed and impossible to watch, let alone follow. The ending was so-so. Maybe it was planned that way from the start, but I think it was just a semi-graceful way to get out of the hole they dug themselves into.
  14. I thought the ending of St. Elsewhere was brilliant. Well, after I read what it was about the next day I thought it was brilliant. In real time I didn't quite comprehend it.
  15. in no particular order, although I the top 10 are the top 10... You Are the Everything Begin the Begin Flowers of Guatemala Perfect Circle Leave Half a World Away 7 Chinese Brothers Saturn Return The Wrong Child Endgame What's the Frequency, Kenneth? Can't Get There From Here World Leader Pretend Swan Swan H Binky the Doormat Low All the Way to Reno Daysleeper Country Feedback Superman
  16. The record comes out tomorrow, and I downloaded it today (pre-orders got access to the download today). It's been streaming for a few days as well. Only one listen so far, but it's pretty good. The horns are more prevalent on some tracks than others. Nice vocals from both. Looking forward to a few more spins. "Dinner For Two" is my early favorite.
  17. This sounds really good... would love to hear more about it. Glenn's website doesn't say anything about it, but it also has a Palo Alto show date in January (although it's not specific about whether it's this work or not). Oddly spread out dates. Hoping for something a little closer. Minneapolis in February does not sound like a fun trip.
  18. And now back to our scheduled programming... I doubt that in 10 years TBS will be running that one 12 times in a row on Christmas eve. I really can't think of another movie that I like that I would LESS like to see a sequel to. (null)
  19. well, you might as well get used to it pal.... those moments become more and more frequent. The good news is that soon you won't remember them anyway. I turned 50 last month, which was really not a big deal for me. I've been quite comfortable with my age and acquired wisdom as time goes by. Of course, I got my AARP card in the mail last week, and I admit that was a bit of a zinger. On a "parenting" note, there was also an open house at our son's school last night. He's our third kid, and is a senior in high school. Same school the other two went to. We skipped it. Figured that aft
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