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Preferred B

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Everything posted by Preferred B

  1. Actually, I had been wondering what Wilco had never played as a band, period. (Like "Some Day Some Morning Sometime.") But thanks to you guys I have both categories broken down! So basically, all that's left that's never been played are some b-sides and "Solitaire." Sounds like an overall fun show. I honestly cannot believe how many songs they've been playing. I hope none of the band members keel over mid-set before the tour is over. Or after the tour is over, either, but you know what I mean.
  2. Here's a question for someone. What other songs are left that have never been played live by the full band? I can think of Solitaire off the top of my head. I'm sure they're mostly b-sides at this point. The only possibilities since the residency are stray Mermaid Avenue songs, b-sides, and ... Solitaire. Now that I'm thinking about it, Solitaire would be great to hear in the stripped-down set. Maybe ... in Montclair?
  3. This is wonderful. Dreaming of seeing an entire show like this.
  4. I'm about done with this discussion in a thread about the Durham Wilco show, but wrinkleintherug has been around here for awhile, so this isn't a newbie issue. I thought rather than settling this in a PM and hiding any posts, it would be beneficial to explain what the moderating staff takes issue with, and why. After this, I'll take it offline if needed. So! 1. You're free to dislike U2 or any other band as much as you want, just like people here are actually free to dislike Wilco. The catch is that in the rules and regulations, we ask people to be respectful. It's not really a request,
  5. There are a number of U2 fans here, and often threads about U2 (positive and negative) in the music forum. Your comment above was uncalled for, and added no value to this discussion. Signed, A Moderator
  6. I just saw this thread now - nice resurrection, people! Suites: so jealous of you seeing Live Aid. Holy crap. 1. First Concert, when? I think it was the Beach Boys at the Wisconsin State Fair in 1988. Eight years old. We had seats (meaning, sitting spots) on the track. It was about 100 degrees and the Beach Boys were late coming on. I liked the Beach Boys, so I liked the show, but I had mild heat exhaustion beforehand and needed to be taken to the restroom so my mom could wet down my clothes with cold water. 2. First Concert you really wanted to go to and did? U2, Soldier Field, 199
  7. I assume it was part of the acoustic set, so not exactly the extended electric fest I've been dreaming about since Nels joined Wilco. But yes ... details, please!
  8. LAMINATED CAT! (Or is it "Not for the Season" when played by Wilco?)
  9. New Scranton interview with John here: http://www.theweekender.com/cover/Wilco__the_interview__03-23-2010.html They're back in the studio this summer, which I think we knew, but the plans to leave Nonesuch are news to me:
  10. Dude. Thanks for the reports, guys. I was wondering where the accordion would fit in; I guess I have my answer. And as for Pat and the banjo ... THAT'S NOT THE ISSUE. Can I start my campaign for Montclair now?
  11. Three exclamation points from bbop, you know it was good. I checked out the in-progress set earlier, and I'm so excited about the upcoming shows. That acoustic set in the middle is most intriguing. Spiders! April can't come soon enough for me.
  12. I'll undoubtedly repeat this when the actual post-show thread is started, but let me just say: :blink
  13. I was never quite sure how this works. Is that zero degrees? Or in order to be zero degrees separated, must you be Tim Rutili?
  14. Aren't they all old? Probably a lot.
  15. I don't really get what the big deal is about this release - or rather, what people are upset about. Granted, I only glanced over the email, but anyone can buy it, right? It's not just for fan club members; it's just that fan club gets a discount and first crack. And the price is $35 for the vinyl collection. That's not cheap, but it's not exorbitant. Is it? Anyway. I'm no longer a fan club member and have no intention of rejoining, and probably wouldn't buy this anyway. But it seems kind of neat, if you're into remixes. And U2 on vinyl.
  16. That was my request. I wouldn't really call it a standing joke, but years ago at our first basement show Jeff did a little impromptu singing of another Beyoncé song. "Crazy in Love" maybe? And at the Second City event last December, he played a little bit of "Single Ladies" while some people were trying to make a decision about what to request. Plus, the song is fantastic. So, I figured ... what the heck.
  17. Me too please. And some for my mom - I'm pretty sure she still dreams about them occasionally.
  18. The Cultural Center production with On Fillmore and Nels is actually part of the Downtown Sound Series at Millennium Park. So it will indeed be free, but not exactly Preston Bradley Hall. Here's more info, including the full Downtown Sound lineup for the summer: http://gapersblock.com/transmission/2010/03/16/awesome_downtown_sound_line-up_announced/
  19. Don't go horning in on my local record store's supply! It would be so great if there were bonus tracks from that fourth show, but somehow I can't imagine we'd be so lucky.
  20. No, he didn't say anything like that. It's just that the request was a choice between "Ashes" and "Single Ladies," and Jeff went with Beyonce on that one. So this is more joking extrapolation than an actual statement based in fact.
  21. Here's a thread in Just a Fan. Your specific area of interest begins around page 2. Go nuts: http://forums.viachicago.org/topic/42985-standor-sit/
  22. Jeff/Wilco don't allow videotaping of their live shows, so actually the security woman was right on the ball if that's what you were doing. I'm glad you enjoyed the show, though! The comments about "Poor Places" reminded me of how much I liked that one, too. I think this was a new arrangement, because I'd never heard it quite that way before. Specifically toward the end.
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