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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. Drive-By Truckers tonight. Oddly, the show (in a pretty small room, the Norva in Norfolk) is not sold out.
  2. Ha! I swear I thought Spencer might have been drumming on Taste the Ceiling when I was listening to it yesterday. It just sounded like his style somehow.
  3. It would indeed be fun to think that jhamm was Jon Hamm but its Jesse Hamm. He is the person who really fed my Wilco addiction early on by sending me lots of DVDs which I still treasure. Thank you Jesse!
  4. I love what you said and I agree completely. While the specifics of my feeling of connection may be different from yours (I'm older than you, for one thing), I too feel an absurd personal connection with Jeff that I've never experienced with any other artist, no matter how much I may have loved and admired their music. It begins with the voice, which speaks to me directly like none other, and from there extends to his words, his music, his character, his integrity, his intellectual confidence, his quiet persistence, his emotional nakedness, his vulnerability, his swagger, his awkwardness and h
  5. I just saw the new Amy Schumer movie Trainwreck directed by Judd Apatow. At a pivotal scene in the characters' relationship they play a good chunk of Please Be Patient With Me. The movie is really funny too.
  6. Jeff said in an interview yesterday that they were.
  7. Oh, that is something else. First off, the cat looks more like a fox, and there appear to be various faces embedded in the fur. And those flowers don't exactly look like flowers.
  8. This is such a great album! When the hell did they find the time to do this? And how could they possibly have kept it such a secret from everyone? Not even any little teaser hints about what was to come. Jesus, I love these guys.
  9. I remember having a conversation with you somewhere (Raleigh maybe?) and being really impressed with the care you put into accurately documenting the details of setlists, as well as rounding out some of the more interesting collateral specifics. (Not to mention your good strong voice that helps me stay focused on the melody even when Jeff's singing harmony!) Anyone who sees as many shows as you do is bound to view them through a little different perspective than the average fan, but you always acknowledge that upfront. I think everybody sincerely appreciates the service you provide, and we mi
  10. Odd. Someone posted this comment about the show--I'm assuming the MN below refers to Manitoba? But maybe they were referring to Minneapolis the night before and just posted the comment in the wrong place. Brandon Hanson – July 13, 2015 @ 5:48 amGreat Show! Too bad about the curfew. Set was great, Camera, Chicago, Impossible were highlights. Come back to MN soon!
  11. Dying to her what you think of Lydia Loveless.
  12. The daily lineup is scheduled to be announced this Tuesday, July 14. Since this is a daytime fest, I wonder if there will be aftershows around town like at Jazzfest, Newport, Outside Lands, etc. That would be cool for sure. Of course, it's only about 30 minutes from Nashville, so that would be another option for the indefatigable festivalgoer.
  13. If I were a betting woman, I'd bet it will be an acoustic set, similar to Friday night's set at Solid Sound. Maybe with a Byrds cover or two tossed in.
  14. I just got a phone call from a nice representative at Kung Fu. She said that if people have already ordered one show and later a bundled option comes up, just contact Kung Fu directly (by phone or email) and they'll apply the appropriate credit. Note that you do need to contact them to get the credit applied--it won't just happen automatically. In my case--I had already bought Friday night and had not yet bought Saturday--she said the easiest thing would be to place a new order for the bundle, and then to put a note in the comment field telling them to cancel my previous order. I just did t
  15. Isn't that amazing? I'll have a word with that bitch!
  16. I just called Kung Fu and left a message asking about the same thing. Also we're hoping that there will be a release of Sunday's show as well, and what will be involved in terms of bundled pricing? I will be sure and post here if I hear back from them.
  17. Rodolfo, I'm Diane and it was entirely my pleasure to share the rail with you. And what a thrill to watch these videos, since our perspectives were exactly the same. To think that this was your very first Wilco experience still blows me away--what a unique first show you got to see. I'm having almost as hard a time wiping the smile off my face tonight, reliving that magic, as I did during all those shows. I hope to see you again, 2 years from now, in the same spot! P.S. I saw you in someone's picture showing your Jeff Tweedy soccer shirt to The Man himself at the book signing. He was g
  18. As I understand it, the organizers for Pilgrimage are encouraging performers to do at least part of their set acoustically, but its not being positioned as an all acoustic festival.
  19. Something was bleeped, right? I can't remember what it was, but there are quite a few very clear holy shits in Company in My Back.
  20. I think the track listings for Theologians and A Shot in the Arm are switched, at least in the mp3 version that I bought. I notified Kung Fu. It could have been some error in the way I downloaded them, but I don't think so. Simple enough to fix by relabeling those tracks, but thought I'd let you all know.
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