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Everything posted by H.Stone

  1. Ah, love that. 'Round here, that song is called "Sad Marina" by my 4 yr old. I hope the Jayhawks saw a little something for that (vs. being ripped off by VH1 for years with the use of the opening bars of "Blue").
  2. I think it's easier to "give 'em a break" when you've had the opportunity to see them recently. Not long ago someone said that just when she thinks she's kind of "over it," she sees Wilco live and is reminded why she loves the band so much. So imagine you've been Wilco-less for 3 yrs, they're finally coming back, you've got your tickets, and then the gig is cancelled with less than two weeks notice. Add to that "scheduling conflicts" and it's easy to see how one could feel bitter. Of course no one *wants* anyone to be sick, but when a show's already been scheduled for months, it's hard to
  3. I'm so sorry--I too know how much it sucks to have a Wilco show cancelled on you. Maybe hit the pubs tonight?
  4. Wow. I threw up a little in my mouth thinking about you just then.
  5. It's so obnoxious when writers don't take the time to do something so simple.
  6. I was like, "Omg, was a show announced--oh, hahahaha...."
  7. His sexual orientation was likely part of his character bio--the groundwork Rowling laid for each of the characters before writing the first book of the series. It's just part of who he was, and the fact that it never factored into any of the books in an overt way doesn't make it any less true. Every character has a rich background--the surface of which isn't even scratched in the actual work. So for her to acknowledge, after the fact, that he was gay just means that it somehow came up--maybe as suggested by the above post. She knows her characters in ways even the most impressive student o
  8. Hoodoo Voodoo-NICE! Sounds like a great show, and how nice to meet so many VCers. Was Pittsburgh a seated venue? Edit: show is up at bt.etree already...
  9. Probably "It's Just That Simple" from A.M. Looking forward to seeing a setlist.
  10. "Nip it in the butt." "Supposably" "Graduated sugar" vs. granulated...
  11. Cars Can't Escape and Far, Far Away-- Amazing!!
  12. I"m just waiting for A-man to show up...
  13. I love U2. The first album I bought and really got into was Achtung Baby! back in '91. I went backwards through their catalog from there. I appreciate the way they've experimented and tried on new sounds over the years--they haven't been playing the same thing for 25 years. Plus we had McPhisto, The Fly.... And Bono's voice on Running To Stand Still absolutely cripples me.
  14. I have no idea what a YSI is, but if you can tell me and I can figure it out, I'll help you out.
  15. I will be using that line... Thanks Analogman's English Teacher.
  16. You just made my day...
  17. Sounds like a great show--and great pics! Yeah, the stand/sit thing in Madison added a weird vibe, too. Still, they are just ROCKING right now. I felt the same as a few of you here who said the second (and third, in some cases) encores were just raging. That's exactly how I felt at both the Milwaukee and Iowa shows--just charged with sheer rock and roll madness.
  18. Yeah, I asked you about the set list on the way out.
  19. No idea if they play longer without an opener, but the shows I've recently been to have been between two and two and a half hours. SHould give you enough time provided getting out of your parking lot isn't as tedious as it was in IA City.
  20. It was suggestion 1 for Lammy. And are we doing your homework?
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