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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. here you go, happy listening: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5jdWgkqRn0SaR6qlPu5wOE
  2. actually most of them aren't really metal, though a few would land in that patch... Meg Baird is pretty folky, Umberto and Emeralds are electronic, Dungen is psych/folk, Blackshaw is acoustic (not really folk though), Barn Owl is kinda droney, Graveyard is hard rock, and Erki Parnoja is kinda like an Estonian Tortoise. I'll whip together a playlist of songs (assuming spotify has them) I like the best from those records and post it in this thread.
  3. it's been diminishing returns for me w/ Parker going into full dance mode... the 1st EP and Innerspeaker were great, I thought Lonerism had some great songs, and then the bottom fell out. this is as good a place as any to start. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPRNXngMZoo
  4. I pulled this together for another board and here are my 20 (excuse the numbers in parentheses as i pulled from a discogs export) (I also did extend to ~50 if anyone cares to see the lower tiers) 1 Elder (2) Dead Roots Stirring 2 Dungen Skit I Allt 3 Dommengang Love Jail 4 Elder (2) Lore 5 Mogwai Les Revenants 6 Sleep The Sciences 7 Barn Owl Lost In The Glare 8 Warpaint The Fool 9 James Blackshaw Love Is The Plan, The Plan Is Death 10 Purple Mountains S/T 11 Grails Deep Politics 12 Om (8) Advaitic Songs 13 White Fence For The Recently Found Innocent 14 Graveyard (3) Hisingen Blues 15 Elder (2
  5. you should go, because Sleep is unlikely to play again for a while... i am heading in for the Sunday show w/ Circuit Des Yeux opening (another inspired choice).
  6. yeah i was gonna slide up to your table during the 2nd intermission when Robyn was playing piano but someone had moved their chair so that entrance was blocked. so i shot from a few rows back. i mean basically you can get one or two shots there and that's it. sitting at an angle w/ your neck craned for an hour is no fun.
  7. good seeing you last night! god i hate that venue. even Robyn seemed to be smacking on it, and he's played there a couple of times now.
  8. High On Fire Power Trip Devil Master Creeping Death
  9. i went to see a night of experimental music last night w/ my son... we grabbed dinner before and as a result missed most of Forbes' set, a trumpeter who played with some backing tracks. was pretty good for the couple of minutes we saw. my friend Kate was next. she plays guitar in Major Stars and for tonight she had a half-dozen or so electric guitars and amps scattered amidst the cavernous interior of Boston City Hall, where she would gradually set up a noise loop on one and then move to the next, occasionally adding in some vocals along the journey to the next guitar station. pretty cool.
  10. eventually they will tell us that our social security number is in danger of being shut down and we need to call to re-activate it.
  11. how was it? Did Lukas re-create Neil's cocaine booger?
  12. they should have renamed it The Final Waltz
  13. i had heard that of the color variants, white is supposedly the worst re: surface noise, and at least anecdotally i found that to be true. I've got a Warpaint record that's half white and half black, and you can hear the difference as the cartridge moves from zone to zone.
  14. "Man, this spotted owl tastes just like bald eagle!"
  15. count me in for #teamparquet they made it their own song.
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyYV1pqIhEA
  17. right, he'd saunter out w/ his glass of red wine when it was his turn to sing, and then disappear again. must have been a blast on the tour bus!
  18. i haven't seen him in the NP lineup since 2014.
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