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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. thanks! i will be working on the photos and reviews this evening...not sure if i'll get 'em all done tonight or friday. i kinda wish i'd started concert photography earlier than i did ('06), as i saw a lot of great bands in the 90s-00s as well. last night's shooting wasn't exactly what i was hoping for...i'll stick my my rambling tale in the live thread...
  2. there were tapers at both nights, and i gave a card to a guy in boston (who i believe said he'd be @ the concord show as well, though i didn't see him) so hopefully these will surface soon enough.
  3. drinking was definitely allowed...plenty of beer sales that night. and, it was a friday night, so people didn't have to worry about hangovers and early work starts the next night. there were no band tag-teams at this show; Philly was the only other date Lucero was on the bill for, but i'm not sure if they did anything like that there. i hadn't heard Lucero before, but i dug their sound quite a bit.
  4. i totally agree w/ this. definitely a mood changer, esp as compared to Boston the night before, where the swell became a tsunami. overall a very good show, though not at the same level as the Boston show, which frankly was incredible. it probably didn't help that i had a tall guy directly in front of me which blocked my view of Tweedy fairly consistently, and he'd do a sideways head sway move to ensure complete view obliteration from time to time. i probably should have bailed to the back of the room, but wanted to stay w/ my wife.
  5. let me know when he decides to tour on _Meddle_ or _Obscured By Clouds_. Or gets along w/ Gilmour and Mason again.
  6. i've been riding for close to 20 years now...though i haven't gotten out on the dirt as much as i'd like to the last couple. here's my stable: '00 Independent Fabrications crown jewel '02 Specialized Enduro '00 Giant Team DH '01 Evil Imperial my wife also rides...she's got an Orange 222 DH bike, a Ted Wojcik trail bike, and an old Spooky Pit Boss.
  7. i get to see it live all over again tonight. seriously, last night was amazing. i've seen 800-1000 shows in my time and that was way up there.
  8. pretty amazing show for sure. saw Stirratt and Sansone post-gig @ Silvertone. can't wait to see them again tmrw night.
  9. review w/ photo gallery of last Friday's Boston show: http://www.prefixmag.com/photos/drive-by-truckers-lucero-langhorne-slim-house-of-b/ and a couple of Lucero
  10. someone @ the Spoon show near me had a bad case of rotten ass.
  11. it's the 2nd time i've seen Spoon, and the 3rd time for Deerhunter. i really like listening to Spoon, but at this point i think listening at home to the records will suffice. I liked Deerhunter's set, and this was 1st time i saw them w/ only 2 guitarists.
  12. cool, i met that photographer @ the Spoon show in Boston a couple of weekends ago.
  13. Alien Lanes Under the Bushes, Under the Stars Isolation Drills Bee Thousand Propeller
  14. i will probably hit up chinatown for dinner beforehand...the ~12 minute walk is definitely worth it.
  15. other stuff that pollard excels at: http://tinyurl.com/y9q3dsn
  16. got confirmed for both Boston and Concord today, photo-pass wise.
  17. The National (1st on left, 3rd row). others i think i see are Chromeo and Gogol Bordello
  18. Grails really good band, esp if you don't mind vocal-less music. they've certainly stretched out on recent records. highly recommended if you like brooding instrumentals.
  19. the Capital Center for the Arts in Concord NH is a bit smaller (1300 vs 1500). these shows are gonna be outstanding.
  20. i'm still waiting to hear my confirmation for this one...i am definitely going to the Concord show as I've got a ticket, so that request is photopass-only.
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