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Everything posted by brownie

  1. That is a dark, dark show. But I really like it too. Love Idris Elba in most everything he does.
  2. No, I can't go tonight even if the price drops significantly...I have other plans. But generally speaking, I am on a very tight budget at the moment, which is why I've been only talking about free shows and shows in NJ. Glad you had a great time! Did they play any other old gems?
  3. I thought Bill Clinton's speech was wonderful. I think last night's convention went a long way towards making me see Hillary from a different perspective.
  4. How did you like night one? I just watched a video of last night's performance of Let Down and really enjoyed it...that's a favorite of mine. I considered doing the Stub Hub thing again yesterday, but tickets were still $200 and up as late as 4 pm, which is the latest I would have been willing to leave here. Just out of curiosity, I kept looking all the way up to show time and they never went down. So there were a fair amount of people who ate those tickets.
  5. Thanks for that link. Reading through, it tells me that she waffles back and forth about the issue. I'm not saying it's a deal breaker, and I will almost certainly end up voting for her. But I won't be voting for her because I have strong belief in her. It will be a half-hearted vote. I think my ability to have strong belief in any candidate was destroyed by Obama's failure to live up to just about everything I thought he was going to be and do when I voted for him. Bernie Sanders is probably the last remaining person I believe in, partly because I have been following him for many years
  6. You don't think it would be odd for Hillary to take a position 180 degrees from what is one of the most significant accomplishments of her husband's time in office?
  7. I loved Bernie's speech and it reminded me of all the reasons I voted for him. I just wish I could believe everything he said that "Hillary Clinton understands." I was willing to believe him until he got to TPP. And I remembered that Bill Clinton was the one who signed NAFTA. I felt for all those Bernie supporters who were crying in the stands during his speech.
  8. What a great post, Mr. Heartbreak. I think you've crystallized a lot of what I feel as well. I know every word by heart of so many songs from Summerteeth, YHF, and AGIB. And like you, much of the newer material fails to stick with me in that way, although there are definitely some great songs in there - One Sunday Morning springs to mind, but for me, that one is all about the music and the sound...I couldn't tell you one line from it off the top of my head. To be honest, I'd never quite thought about it this way until I read your post. I had been thinking more that maybe I'm in a differen
  9. There are several much more inexpensive options if you scroll down to the bottom of the page.
  10. I heard Drunk Drivers/Killer Whales on the radio today and my ears perked up. What a great song. When I saw the artist was Car Seat Headrest, I recognized it from this thread. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I'll have to check this out further...Drunk Drivers/Killer Whales is totally my kind of thing,
  11. That was the only way I could see to do it.
  12. I have vague memories of JFK's assassination. I was just about to turn 3 and did not realize who he was or what had happened to him, but I do have clear memories of pictures of him being on TV for what seemed forever. I clearly remember watching on the black and white TV. I can even picture the old TV room in our apartment and seeing it on TV in that room. That is one of my earliest memories. I much more clearly remember RFK's assassination several years later, and was very aware of who he was (the brother of the other guy I remembered!) and exactly what happened to him.
  13. No, I paid double that, and it was a block of 5 or 6 tickets, of which I bought one. . Doesn't matter now. I will be six seats away from your friend. Thanks for the reassurance about gettng in.
  14. I'm in 225 Row 1. I bought my ticket from Stub Hub a few days ago. First time I've ever used Stub Hub and am a little anxious about being able to get in!
  15. Yes, I believe all the free tickets are for general admission only. At least that's what the settlement website says: http://www.ticketfeelitigation.com/faq#Q18
  16. Interesting! My account says I have vouchers for 17 free pairs of tickets plus a lot of those $2.25 discounts. I'll be curious to see if we are ever able to use these vouchers. If you read the fine print, it says that for any show they decide will accept these vouchers, there will be a limited number of tickets per show.
  17. You too? Wow, I thought I was the only one on the planet! It's a really hard food to avoid, isn't it?
  18. Interesting that I just saw an ad for this show on the local ABC-TV station all the way across the country in NYC! I can't remember ever seeing a TV ad for a concert farther away than Atlantic City or the Poconos. Just seemed a little weird to me.
  19. It's crazy how much money we spend on this stuff, isn't it?
  20. The same thing happened to me. I ended up buying the 128 GB iPod touch, but I'm not totally happy with it. It is not as easy or intuitive to use as the old iPod classic, and annoys me in many ways. For example, I can never remember how to get it out of shuffle mode, and I have to figure it out every single time and it is not obvious. I guess I justify the purchase to myself by reminding myself that it has a very good camera, which I do not have on my oldish, cheapish Android phone. It is nice that I can still easily sync it with iTunes on my Mac. Not much of a suggestion, I know.
  21. Wow. What the heck is going on this year?! How many music legends have died in the past 4 months???
  22. No Cetera for Chicago. He seems to have had a giant hissy fit a couple of months ago and no compromise could be made. Too bad, because I loved all the Chicago records when he and Terry Kath were in the band, saw them numerous times in the mid70's, and loved it. That era of Chicago was my first favorite band, and I anxiously checked the news to see if Cetera showed up at the Hall of Fame induction, but no such luck. Oh well, Peter Cetera stopped being the musician I liked in Chicago a long time ago.
  23. I didn't see it. What did he say? I have been pinning my last hope on Kasich. Mind you, I usually vote democrat, but as much as I love Bernie, I don't see him making it past Hillary, and I just don't trust Hillary.
  24. Kind of an interesting show, although it seemed somewhat hastily thrown together with the dance troupe. The music in part one made my head explode. I thought the second half was a little less interesting. Mind you, the last and only other time I saw Los Lobos was over 20 years ago. I sure do love the sound of that guitarron!
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