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Everything posted by sonicshoulder

  1. Popmatters officially doesn't matter anymore. This list is absurd. Since its confession time Art of Almost and Capitol City may have been skipped a couple of times.
  2. There are some pretty dorky threads around here but this one clearly takes the cake...no offense.
  3. Has anyone ever considered the notion that fans expectations are changing more than the band?
  4. My 5 year old loves music,likes Wilco,and is pretty well behaved. There is no way I would take her to a show at this age. I think she would be ready to leave within an hour, she probably couldn't see without being on my shoulders which would hinder the view of others around me,pot,beer,f-bombs,hipsters in oversized bright colored Rayban Wayfarers...there are multiple reasons. I've been to a couple solo Tweedy shows and they are really family friendly but would be pretty boring for a 5 year old I would think. Not trying to be a bummer, everybodys kids are different but in my situation my child
  5. Sometimes I have to be reminded of even the most simple things.
  6. Just trying to have a little fun with this months "rank the albums" thread, thats all.
  7. 1-KT 2-AGIB 2-YHF 2-ST 3-BT 3-SBS 4-AM 4-WTA
  8. It's a great album. If it would have came out after Being There or Summerteeth people would consider it a masterpiece.
  9. I might pull the trigger on about 6 of those Solid Sound bottle openers. You can't have enough $40 bottle openers laying around the house.
  10. Seldomly when its this beautiful outside(82 and sunny here in Northern Ky) do I wish I worked inside at a computer...today was one of those days. Looks like I really missed out on some healthy dialogue. Back on subject does anyone think Jane Smiley's Boyfriend could be about 6 minutes shorter. The last half reminds me of Less Than You Think part 2.
  11. Thanks Jules! Just got it. Theres a little "blip" noise in between song 4 and 5, kinda like the sound on Vitalogy before Betterman...is that just my rip or is it on yours too?
  12. I know it just felt good to do some anonymous whining about my tender feet since everybody in my house is just about over.
  13. I'll gladly trade you this plantar fasciitis for that torn achilles. I'm sure yours hurts more but I don't see mine going away anytime soon.
  14. There is not too much you can Google these days without coming up with something fruitful, "No Code Vinyl Re-issue" is one of them.
  15. This is what I always do and if they aren't hooked by the fifth "nothing" something is wrong with them.
  16. Raise your hand if you're someone who trashed the last 42.8 minutes of Wilco's studio released music and is going ape shit over this 1:35 teaser....I'm keeping track.
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