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Everything posted by Analogman

  1. I don't know - it just seem like a lot of artists are doing the cover deal these days. I recognize he is doing something different, than say, another version of Long Black Veil or whatever. It just seems odd to me that he (they?) would choose to do songs off the album Oar. But again, it is something not run of the mill.
  2. I was making a general comment. As far as sound quality goes, I still think the first Wilco show I ever went to is one of the best I ever heard. As I said, I am into archiving, so I take whatever I can find.
  3. Wilco does not allow Soundboard patches, although it appears to happen once in a blue moon. We put up all the Wilco and related recordings we can get - regardless of the year or tour. We are not interested in the sound quality of shows (or I'm not, anyhow), but rather archiving all the shows we can get. Of course, some sound better than others. People who want to bitch about the sound of AUD tapes should remember we are lucky to have them in the first place. If you listen to more shows than just the show you are after, you will grow accustom to the sound. I think in the beginning people fre
  4. I have not heard those songs in a long time. I see what you are saying though. On a positive note, If I was going to do a VU song, I would do Countess from Hong Kong. Beck could do that one, I think. Someday, The Singing Nerd will do a Moby Grape song called Big.
  5. You could have just edited (changed) the thread title. It's up to you. If you check out the Bit Torrent and Related Links thread I made, you may find some links in there that will help you out.
  6. Jay Farrar is on More Oar. I'd say Oar is not something you really want to hear. The story behind the album is more interesting that the album. They should have covered something good, like a Moby Grape album for example. I suppose it's all well and fine, but to me it is still someone doing a cover album. It may be in a different way, and songs that are off the beaten path, but still, it is a cover album. I guess the trend has not died off yet. The information in the above paragraph is not quite right. Skip was fired from the Airplane by Marty Balin.
  7. Click on My Profile-->Click on Edit My Profile (under top right corner)-->Click on Manage Ignored Users (lower left side)-->Then you should see: Manage your ignored users --> Add a new user to your list
  8. Dude - don't delete threads (unless people post a bunch of bullshit in it). The information posted may have been useful to someone else down the road.
  9. Analogman

    7/11 Lowell

    It's up at bt.etree.org. I have not seen another source, so far. Generally, shows are not instantly available for the public by way of The Wilco Archive. It's best to just put them up at bt.etree.org, or Dime A Dozen.
  10. Yes What are FLAC files? What are WAV files?
  11. Check this out: Click here for information about rides to Wilco shows via Zimride... who are now partners with us on our Passenger Side Ride share application.
  12. I was reading something earlier that suggested that from here on out they are going to concentrate more on playing their own songs - as opposed to so many covers. I can't believe they still play Hard To Handle.
  13. Previously, it was just Paranoid. Now, some more re-masters are out: Master of Reality Black Sabbath (first album)
  14. I meant to say - I don't always love the sound of the last album. Whoa Mule is a great song.
  15. Try this - click on the triangle at the end of your user name in the top right corner of any page you are looking at here. When you do that, you will see a drop down menu with various options.
  16. A while back, I mentioned to someone I know that I would be surprised if all of the people who did the voices originally would be back for the new episodes.
  17. I've noticed this topic seems to come up quite often these days. Here is the the latest thread. (Buying a record player what do you suggest) Another one from not too long ago. (Record Player Help About to dive into the world of Vinyls...Need some suggestions) How to clean vinyl records. How to clean phonograph needles. Maybe we could have a pinned thread about record players.
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