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Everything posted by deepseacatfish

  1. Glad to see ikol on this one From the mac website: Option-Command-esc Force Quit Control-Eject Restart, Sleep, Shutdown dialog box Control-Command-Eject Quit all applications and restart
  2. This thread should be like a thousand pages long or something! Happy birthday you big perm
  3. Looks like a good purchase. When I have a little more in my savings account I've planned on picking up a vintage Japanese electric guitar (one of those no-name Teisco/Guyatone/etc. 60's funky things) and completely refurbishing it. I really have no experience, but it will be a fun project, and I've got a paint scheme I want to try out on it, hopefully it will all work out and I can do a stellar job on the instrument. My feeling is that if a guitar is in okay shape after 30+ years, its probably going to play for a while longer. 3/4 size guitars are cool as well. I'd say you should take a
  4. Compression can be useful, but yeah, it does create a certain quality in the recording where things don't have as much of an individual sound in a mix--but where the whole mix "jumps" out at you more. In the case of most home recording situations I think a little touch of compression where things are a little hissy is preferable to having a stellar mix with subpar sound. Reverb is another things to be careful about (unless you're Steve Albini and hate it as a rule) but can really enhance the quality of a home recording and give it a little more "depth." When it comes to hiss/noise, I know
  5. I'd say the most essential Deerhoof album for me is "Apple O," Their three most recent albums are all equally good and full of merits, so pick whatever you want from there.
  6. I like to own physical albums, so if I got an i-tunes gift card, I'd probably go around picking up weird oddball extras that aren't available, or at least aren't easily available in another format. Benefit compilations would be a good place to start.
  7. I'm in this boat. I did the same for AGIB, it was cool, I got to watch everybody battle over Spiders for weeks and then when I heard it myself (also having not heard the earlier versions) I got to finally here what the fuss was all about.
  8. The 20+ minute version of Sonic Youth's "Diamond Sea" can be pretty transcendent at times, though I don't know that everyone would consider that to be an 'epic' solo. The same can be said (at least in my mind) for Yo La Tengo's "Pass the Hatchet I think I'm Goodkind." Even classic epic solos can be great phenomena, Hendrix I believe for the most part lives up to all his hype as a guitarist, and there are plenty more who can keep on cranking it out without being a yawn-fest. Skynyrd, I just don't like very much, but the first time I ever heard "Freebird" I thought it was pretty cool, though
  9. Yeah, I pretty much got completely excited when that toy first was posted here, I still have yet to purchase...but will definitely be investing in its avenging powers soon
  10. It's still in Bob's below Quad so it should be sweet! But I'm thinking a nine hour drive is a little intense Though there is at least one unannounced and not yet officially confirmed show that may well be worth the drive if you're a fan, PM for details.
  11. Seeing as he is playing our small on campus coffee house, I can't imagine I would miss it. I'll get back to you Sunday
  12. Honestly I checked out a couple other band related boards when I wanted to get a copy of the Collin Meloy Morrissey EP, and later when the news about Jim O'Rourke leaving Sonic Youth came around. I don't know, the boards were okay, but they were just pretty scattered and full of junk a lot of the time, and definitely didn't have a good sense of community.
  13. This place is the greatest. No joke at all.
  14. I get what you're saying, but I just don't know that everyone is stealing the music. I mean obviously there are tons of people downloading and its clear their profits have been going down, but they are still cashing in big on a lot of album sales regardless. I just feel like at some point they just need to suck it up and accept a certain margin of loss from downloads and just concentrate on better ways to actually encourage people to buy their package.
  15. It used to be that Grinnell had a particularly good internal network (with its own search service) for sharing music/videos. This was particularly nice for checking out albums before I bought them, or just watching a cartoon or something after class (before Youtube really became a phenomenon at all). But then last year they reorganized the campus network to prevent spam from assaulting computers and now we're in "clusters" that can't share outside of basically our dorm group, so that basically died. Pretty much any external bittorrent client here won't function after they found some people
  16. Yeah...yeah...I'd love to show up, but school and all, and I think I may be running a concert that night. However, if any of this VC partying madness in Chicago goes down in the summer, I'm all in. Chicago is not such a far drive from Grinnell...and it's nice to get out of the boonies sometimes
  17. I would guess that it will be a lot like A Ghost is Born with a number of the Wilco members listed as the songwriters on each song. It wouldn't surprise me if there was a Stirrat/Tweedy piece either.
  18. To quote Frank Zappa, "who cares if hair is long or short or sprayed or partly gray we know that hair ain't where its at" I've had long hair for who knows how long, so shaving my head would be pretty surprising to people. I got 6 inches cut off around thanksgiving (it was still down past my chin) and people were definitely noticing that. But really, who cares, its only hair Maybe I should shave it, just to freak some people out.
  19. Last I heard Wilco is producing, Jim O'Rourke is mixing the album.
  20. Not the Big Parm/Chicken Parmesean/Ction sex change thread I was expecting. ...the genie also thought I was a girl
  21. I'd play Antarctica if someone was paying to get me there and back. True story. Wouldn't even ask for a tour bus either, but some heating would be nice...playing outside in that cold has to be hell on instruments though
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