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Oil Can Boyd

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Everything posted by Oil Can Boyd

  1. Two new shows just announced: 09.20 - Music Hall of Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY 09.21 - Bowery Ballroom, New York, NY
  2. I saw it on an Imax, which, given Mick & Keith's ages, may have been too much.
  3. From one report: "Also, according to a source, Manny is spending the day shopping in Boston, relaxing and waiting like the rest of us. He is anxious to where he may be playing Friday."
  4. Just started this but I'm really liking it. If you are interested in urban planning, China, or urban planning in China, check it out.
  5. Manny's contract has two one-year team options so unless they are re-negotiated as part of a trade, it's up to the team as to whether Manny sticks around.
  6. I'd agree with this. My show-going days were between 1980 and 1986 and I saw some great shows, including some great Morning Dews. But most of what I listen to now is from 1969 to 1972. But I've never heard Dozin' at the Knick ...
  7. Peter Gammons just said that Francisco Rodriguez should be the AL MVP based on his 42 saves (including one tonight for getting one out (and throwing one pitch) with a three run lead).
  8. Exactly. And to keep beating the already dead horse and to reinforce the point that much of the importance of the closer is psychological, I saw one of the Phillies (Jimmie Rollins, I think) say that once they knew Wagner was not available to the Mets, it gave them some confidence that they could come back in the 9th.
  9. Manny gets a jay-walking lecture in Seattle: Mariner's Blog Want to hear a funny story? Here's one, a blog exclusive for all of you. Won't read about it anywhere else tomorrow. Seems that Boston slugger Manny Ramirez was leaving the ballpark, with headphones on trying to look inconspicuous and quickly get away from the crowds still leaving the stadium. He started to cross South Royal Brougham Way, against the signals of a traffic cop who was directing pedestrians. The police officer demanded that Ramirez open his wallet and show identification. He warned him that he could face a $500 fin
  10. I will freely admit that I don't follow the machinations of NFL schedule-making but how much say does the NFL have in it? Isn't it a somewhat prescribed schedule of what divisions play each other in each year, particularly AFC v. NFC? Or do they only decide those match-ups one year at a time? And don't the Dolphins, Jets, and Bills have the same schedule as the Patriots (except that they have to play the Patriots)?
  11. Interesting - I probably listen to March the most.
  12. Are suggesting that we move on (like 10 pages ago)? But that's the great thing about baseball arguments. They are unwinnable. People in New York are still arguing whether Mantle, Mays, or Snider was the better center fielder ...
  13. I certainly agree with this. Having watched the Red Sox try the bullpen-by-committee approach in 2003 with serviceable major league pitchers (Mike Timlin, Alan Embree, BK Kim, Ramiro Mendoza, Chad Fox, etc.) they couldn't end games. When they got Keith Foulke in 2004 or when Papelbon took over in 2006 I felt it really changed the dynamic of close games. As a fan I was much more confident when it got to the 8th or 9th innings. And I certainly agree that the save is a flawed statistic. The fact that the guy on the Rangers got a save in that 30-3 game last year is proof of that.
  14. The Band's cover of Atlantic City is pretty shweeet. Love the mandolins ...
  15. I'm still not sure what Milhouse had to do with it ...
  16. Braun gets my vote based on a laser of a home run I saw him hit at Fenway.
  17. Re-reading this after about 20 years.
  18. First Manny with the high five during a play, but now Mike Lowell steals a fan's cell phone during a game.
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