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Oil Can Boyd

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Everything posted by Oil Can Boyd

  1. I agree. I saw them on the Funeral tour in a mid-size club and it was really great.
  2. I've kind of lost interest in Arcade Fire but last night they played Funeral all the way through to start the show. I still think that's a great album. https://www.stereogum.com/2015509/arcade-fire-played-funeral-in-full-last-night/video/
  3. Whoa, really? I was pretty set on buying the 6 CD version but not anymore.
  4. I enjoyed that book too. Blood on the Tracks is probably one of my top ten favorite albums so it was interesting to read about the sessions.
  5. Looks like it's here at last (or coming on November 2) More Blood, More Tracks: The Bootleg Series Vol. 14 Disc: 1 If You See Her, Say Hello If You See Her, Say Hello You're a Big Girl Now You're a Big Girl Now Simple Twist of Fate Simple Twist of Fate You're a Big Girl Now Up to Me Up to Me Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of HeartsDisc: 2 Simple Twist of Fate Simple Twist of Fate Simple Twist of Fate Call Letter Blues Meet Me in the Morning Call Letter Blues Idiot Wind Idiot Wind Idiot Wind Idiot Wind Idiot Wind You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go Yo
  6. Not sure why it took me so long to see Gimme Danger but I watched it last night. Pretty entertaining.
  7. That's the one I went for too ...
  8. As for me, I'm reading this: I've read and enjoyed other Roth and not sure why I never got around to reading this one.
  9. Yeah, he's very clear that: 1) arranging the meeting with Wolf was complicated; 2) they had a really interesting, long night of talk and stories; 3) Wolf hinted about getting Walsh access to the tapes; and 4) he never heard from Wolf again and that any attempts to contact him were rebuffed.
  10. Wolf has them and Ryan Walsh saw them in Wolf's apartment, but Wolf's story has changed. When they met, Wolf said that he would need to "bake" the tapes before they could be played or transferred, but if I'm remembering correctly, Walsh later met someone who had digital copies provided by Wolf. I believe Walsh has heard them but does not have them in any format.
  11. The story from the guy in the audience was great. He said he was out walking around Boston and saw a sign that Van Morrison was playing. He didn't have any other plans and he knew Brown Eyed Girl but that was about it so he went in. There were about 30 people in the club. He said the band was sort of jamming and sort of tuning but it was not really coherent but then the song Astral Weeks emerged and it was incredible. And then the band kept playing and they would get quiet at the end of the song (while still playing) and people were not sure whether they should clap but then the band woul
  12. I saw Walsh read from this a few weeks ago and he was quite good. He told some stories that were not in the book and expanded on some other things (like his weird night with Peter Wolf trying to listen to recordings of Van Morrison from the summer of '68). One of the interesting moments was when someone who had been at one of these legendary Van Morrison shows at the Catacombs chimed in and said that they really did live up to the hype.
  13. Ha! (And Rob Sheffield writing about Slanted and Enchanted - nice!)
  14. Awesome. If you like the first two, definitely grab the third one (Only Life) next. I like 'em all! The two more recent "reunion" albums are good too though they are a little quieter. (That said, there last one - In Between - has the longest noisiest jam they ever recorded.)
  15. Thoughts (on The Good Earth by the Feelies)?
  16. Love that one too. That was the first Feelies I ever heard. It's different from Crazy Rhythms - more acoustic (or "lush" as the critics all said at the time).
  17. I have not been in a few years but many of your questions are answered here: http://www.newportfolk.org/info/
  18. Thanks for that report. I'm going tonight and looking forward to it.
  19. Wasn't sure where to put this link but the Boston Globe had a nice prominent piece about John and his new hotel venture Tourists. https://www.bostonglobe.com/arts/music/2018/07/19/wilco-john-stirratt-north-adams-artful-lodger/Aic8Pv6ieeGLwc7ImqRP9K/story.html?p1=Article_Recommended_ReadMore_Pos1
  20. Watched this the other night. I think i saw it when it first came out and had forgotten much of it. I think it does a nice job of capturing the ups and downs of being a band with limited success and an ardent cult following. They obviously edited it to include lots of scenes of the band sitting around or being in a van or getting on each others nerves.
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