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ms. yvon

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Everything posted by ms. yvon

  1. hey, bridget...i'm going to these shows. !!!! barring any snow storms that keep my plane from landing, maybe we can meet at the show! neat!
  2. no, i have not! in fact, i just saw them in portland last night (where i am now). "hello, my name is yvon and i can't get enough of the 'jacket." wendy, i missed molly's call! i got the message on jan 1. AND she didn't leave her number b/c she'd assumed that i would have it in the call history, BUT my phone was turned off!! ARGH! thank you for giving her my number! i'm so sad that i couln't meet someone who has known you so long. i could've gotten some good "back in the day" stories.
  3. *FULL DISCLOSURE: this is a copy and paste of my post on the mmj forum. a fun fact missing from that post is that i was accompanied by our own ms. gogo ** let's start with the basics: opener was elvis perkins playing with a a band whose name i've forgotten but was FANTASTIC. boy howdy, from the trombone-->harmonium-->drummer playing harmonica-->upright bass-->wandering bass drum-->great songwriting i dug these guys. nice! mmj was led onto the stage by the bear, who was carrying the battery powered candlestick from the night before. quite the processional. here
  4. wow wow wow. costume changes and everything! charles, these are fantastic. i do like the bee shirt/guitar combo. the pix of the silverbacks are stunning. holy smokes.
  5. i saw this twice in the theatre last summer. once on my birthday.
  6. alright kids, heading to the hairport NOW! see you all in madison tomorrow night! synchronize watches and whatnot!
  7. can you believe that inconstant skyflynn is going to be out of town? dude. you should see if you can scrounge up a ticket, fick!
  8. *now looking for lime green felt with which to fashion a suit for parker so that he can be dressed up as o-man's avatar* wonderful picture of your expertly swaddled youngun! congratulations to you and your honey, oceanman!
  9. thanks for the beer info! always important to know where to find the quality beer when travelling! also, i'll be at the show! first time in wisconsin, don'tchewknow.
  10. i remember her telling me that and i thought "if only i'd gone to that bin first!"
  11. i've been seeing "luke & laura" posters in bus shelters all over town. what is going on out there?
  12. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY POCAHONTAS! does mr. bed call you pocahotness?
  13. glad to hear the show was rollicking!! i'm seeing them new year's eve in san francisco, and a week later in los angeles. i agree that they are only going to get better. i first saw them at bonnaroo 2004, and it was AMAZING. without loading this post with superlatives, the show and the atmosphere combined to make a transformative show experience (that included lots of head shaking, dancing and a rain storm)
  14. super cool super hero related sightings: on the sony pictures lot last week: got to work in time to see sam raimi up in a cherry picker 3 stories off the ground directing some special fx stuff for spiderman 3!!! i do believe bruce campbell was in there with him: there was a tall brunette man snapping pix of the logistical support from that high in the air. my co-worker who arrived a little later saw some spidey-attached-to-a-cable springing around action. last week: saw Patrick Wharburton doing a photo shoot in front of the lot coffee shop. now there is a striking man, in or out of a
  15. wow! beautiful! hooray for happy endings! they'll likely even have outlets where you can plug in the keg-erator. nice!
  16. that there is an establishment named Pita Pit is fucking awesome.
  17. oh, sad news. i didn't know that he'd such an affinity for music and dj'ing in particular. 65? damn.
  18. donna, with that camera you have become a photo-stud!! thanks everyone for sharing! WHAT A GORGEOUS STAGE!!! looks so intimate.
  19. great pic! can't help but notice oceanman that the shirt you are wearing is exactly the color of your avatar. i can so picture you swaying and waving your arms around. chris?
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