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Everything posted by NightOfJoy

  1. They list "Jimmy Corrigan" by Chris Ware (which is a comic) but no "Blood Meridian" by McCarthy. Thusly, this list does not pass go, does not collet $200 and must start from the beginning. Sorry but its for the best.
  2. In yesterday's Chicago Tribune, there were a couple pictures of grown men...........who were waiting to see the film, dressed as the Joker. How empty could one's life be to do that? Sad, hilarious and pathetic......all at the same time.
  3. From today's Chicago Tribune.... "I believe 9/11 could have been prevented if we'd had a Republican president at the time" Mike Meehan, a Florida businessman who posted billboards in the Orlando area that said "Please dont vote for a Democrat" over the picture of the Twin Towers hafter hijacked airliners hit them on Spet 11 2001. It appears that Mike isnt the sharpest knife in the drawer, eh?
  4. Is that sign for real? If so, how can the GOP possibly attempt to place the blame for 9/11 on Dems when bushCo was asleep at the wheel? The mind boggles at the audacity of it all.
  5. Hey! Whats that in the hands of the guy on the right? Lawdy, bunch of meth heads around here.....dont you people know that stuff makes you see tiny little white spiders and stuff?
  6. Clearly, this is a meth induced mania. Ma'am, step AWAY from the crank!
  7. Hey man.......you probably dont even remember but back in 04 you did a very kind BnP for me....turned me on to some very sweet Wilco soundboards for which I am eternally grateful. Dont beat yourself up so much, no one and I mean NO ONE is perfect. We all have our failings. The fact that you've recognized one within yourself is a good sign.
  8. "Crum" by Lee Maynard. About 20 pages into it, pretty good so far.
  9. He really did squander his opportunity though. In the later years of his tenure the guy is barely conscious. Donna should've kicked his ass.
  10. "Teeth"......an amazing B movie schlockfest about a rampant case of vagina dentata.
  11. A wonderful four day walleye fishing trip with the guys in October to the upper part of lower MI. Nuthin' to do but fish, swill vodka and eat like a pig. Sounds like heaven on earth, eh? Oh yeah, you bet!!
  12. I believe he played that Fest just the once. I went the first 3-4 years until the frat crowd caught on to it and the quality of the performers went down. The Steve Earle show was the last one I went to...way too crowded and Earle put on a poor performance IMO (I could care less about his objections to the death penalty, which he was vocal about). Remember when Patty Smith headlined? I like her but what does she have to do with folk music and the OTSFM? I rather see obscure cajun, bluegrass, folk, country and blues acts.
  13. That reminds me.......I worked as an usher at Drury Lane in highschool (mid 80s) and got to see Tony Bennett, Peggy Lee, Rosemary Cloney and a couple other oldtime whitebread acts like that. At the time, I was heavily into Judas Priest and Dio, etc.....so these performers bored and mortified me.
  14. I saw Del McCoury there, I think it was the first year of the festival.....they played an afternoon show in front of about 150 people.
  15. "The Mist". Fun flick, very adventurous ending.
  16. "I'm Eighteen"--Alice Cooper "I Am One"---Smashing Punkins
  17. Not sure if these necessarily qualify as musical legends but...... Helmet......their first couple tours thru Chicago, late 80s or early 90s, at Metro. Those were some heavy, almost out of control shows. Soundgarden......again, their first tour in Chicago (89?) at Metro. They sucked. I think Mudhoney opened for them too. Smashing Pumpkins, many times at Metro in their early years. Atari Teenage Riot, super late show at Metro, 1996 Cibo Mato's first tour, they opened for Boss Hog, again at Metro, 1994ish. Liz Phairs really big show for the Guyville release, Metro, 1993. She seemed sc
  18. 'Desert Solitaire' is a wonderful book. I wish he wrote more like that. 'Monkeywrench Gang' I found a bit juvenile but still a pleasant read.
  19. I attended that Alpine run as well. We got there early, parked the car and didnt move it for 5 days. Listened to Dylan from atop one of the skiing hills behind the pavillion. Way too many stories to tell about those days. Returned home in a rather dusty and burned state. Took days to recover.
  20. Watched "Night and the City" with Richard Widmark last nite with my son. Great noir!
  21. I second MattZ plea....purty please? I can get blanks out pronto.
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