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Everything posted by Calexico

  1. More to the point, if they had an album cover that featured Carpet Munchers...now that I would buy! Get James McFadden fit soon will ya? I have him on my fantasy footie team and he's fooking injured!
  2. Man, these things have sold like hot cakes. The powere of the "senior dollar" eh?
  3. I really like Big Star but probably not enough to spring for something this big. Unless some fat dude in a red suit gave it to me sometime in December.
  4. No, I haven't. To be honest I kind of fell away from them after Dream Police and didn't reconnect with them again till recently. This new one is great though, chock full of great power pop tunes.
  5. That bint from the Yeah Stupid Band Name Yeahs? Jesus, there's one to avoid then.
  6. I get what you are saying. I hear so much music these days there is always the fear that I never really take it all in. This new Crowes album along with the new Bottle Rockets, the new Richmond Fontaine and surprisingly the new Cheap Trick are all albums that are currently making their mark with me.
  7. I adore this show and am only halfway through this current season but those interludes are abysmal. Cringe inducing rather than funny. Blech..
  8. Fair play to CR, fucking drunk ass bastards at shows are a fucking pain in the hole. Loving THE SHIT outta the new albums. Best from the band in ages.
  9. I've heard songs from this on the radio all week here and it just rubberstamps my decision to abandon this band. Bloody awful shite.
  10. I agree with you there. The new song sounds bloody great too. I am looking forward to this new release, big time.
  11. He must have re-read his depressing fucking "book" then.
  12. A true giant of his profession. A proper journalistic totem. The likes of Cronkite and Murrow will never be seen again and that is completely disheartening.
  13. You people should be buying smokes over here! 20 Marlboro Red are €8:15 or thereabouts. That's about 11 and a half bucks. We are the 4th most expensive country to live in on the planet. And if that is not exactly right, it still is pretty expensive to exist here. Bastards.
  14. God, some of that King Crimson stuff is so good. Red is a great album from them. Also maybe check out a British band that have been going for a while, Porcupine Tree. Lots of prog influences in their music but still highly accessible and enjoyable. Opeth are another great band but more towards the metal edge than anything else.
  15. How patently fucking WRONG. Any R.E.M. album from Murmur to New Adventures completely overshadows anything Wilco have released.
  16. It really is a great little abum. Certainly the best since Farrar re-ignited the SV brand and an album that will garner more plays in my house than the new Wilco...or the previous Wilco at that.
  17. I agree with you there about which one to play the most. The booklet notes were done by a Minneapolis local who also posts on the Jayhawksfanpage board. Still waiting for my Deluxe version in the mail.
  18. I have been caning Bloodsugar...this past week or so and wondering why it went from that awesome album to the saccharine sweet shite like Californication and Arcadium. I have been toying with the idea of picking up some solo Frusciante myself.
  19. I agree. Their last 3 albums from Angel Dust to Album Of The Year are their finest work. That youtube clip was brilliant as well. I am gonna see them in August.
  20. God yeah, bloody awful circus shite. Even his hair sucked ass.
  21. See? Iron Man agrees with me, even though he is dead wrong about the Superhuman Registration Act.
  22. I have ordered the DVD version, awaiting it's delivery. I don't have a Blue Ray player and I am not springing for that too. That Don't Be Denied thing is the same thing that was on BBC a while back right?
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