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Everything posted by jff

  1. I really only want something I can use to keep track of songs at band practice, and which will allow me to easily share with my band mates. I can probably just get an app on my phone for this, but having dabbled in that, it seems like the audio is always blown out.
  2. I also made a RBCF purchase. French Press should arrive tomorrow.
  3. This is a tough question. I don't really know the right answer, but any time I see Tony Williams credited on an album, I want to hear that album. I've been let down maybe only once or twice out of the several dozen albums I've heard that he's on (and the blame for that was late '70s overproduction, and not poor quality music). I can't think of anyone else that I can say that about.
  4. Since your guests would have eaten that night whether you had a meeting or not, there is no economic benefit. It's just money out of your wallet and not your guests' wallets.
  5. jff

    Henry Kaiser?

    He was part of the band French Frith Kaiser Thompson John French (aka "Drumbo" from Captan Beefheart's band) Fred Frith Henry Kaiser Richard Thompson
  6. I'm looking at getting a hand help digital recorder to make recordings of band practices and gigs. I want an all-in-one unit that's stupidly easy to use. Do any of y'all have experience with these things? What do you recommend? Anything I should steer clear of or features I definitely want? Thanks!
  7. Very unlikely. I expect to see their heels digging in even deeper.
  8. The problem is, the media never lost the trust. Rather, trust was stolen from the media by high-profile interlopers (Hannity, Limbaugh, etc.) and shadowy figures (Robert Mercer, Bannon, etc.) alike through trickery. How do you rebuild trust when you never did anything to lose it in the first place? I say you can't. As for the voters having buyer's remorse...I've never seen that happen on a scale large enough to cause any change. It remains to be seen whether or not that will happen out this time, but I have zero confidence that it will.
  9. We're way past the point of no return on that. I don't think this will ever be possible again.
  10. The only thing overrated is this futile attempt to silence the media. Trump doesn't realize he's shooting himself in the foot with these stunts.
  11. I've picked up on some of this. I've noticed a lot of news folks, namely Anderson Cooper (but he's not the only one, have started playing the role of devil's advocate in Trump's favor when speaking with guests. To some degree, that's what people like him should be doing, but it's gotten to the point where every statement a guest makes is questioned to give Trump the benefit of the doubt.
  12. It does seem eerily calm. But surely they'll have someone else who serves essentially the same role with the media as Conway. Who is that going to be? Steven Miller? And don't underestimate Conway's need for attention. Taking away her camera time could blow up in their faces.
  13. Even then it'll somehow be the Democrats fault.
  14. Cool, thanks. That should be an excellent set.
  15. Anyone know who is in the Nels Cline Four?
  16. No Atlanta or SE dates. Bummer. I'd be all over that. Never seen the Puppets, and a tour with Watt would be a great way to see them.
  17. I believe so. A friend recently got a Bluetooth turntable and she runs it through her stereo, but I think it should work fine with your Bose system. She got it through Turntable Lab. This is the one she got. Not the world's greatest table, but fine for listening and better than Crosleys or other all-in-ones.: https://www.turntablelab.com/collections/bluetooth-compatible-audio-components-alpha/products/audio-technica-at-lp60bk-bt-bluetooth-turntable-black
  18. A turntable with built in speakers is going to have poor sound quality and will quickly wear your records out because of a low quality stylus. Records are expensive these days, so unless you're only going to be listening to beat up old records, I would steer clear of all-in-one record players. If you already have a stereo system, you might consider getting a bluetooth turntable, which will allow you to listen through your existing speakers.
  19. I would tend to agree. As a career politician, it's probably more likely Pence is taking advantage of this moment and doing damage control, motivated by self-interest, rather than being legitimately out of the loop. Both scenarios are pretty shitty for all of us.
  20. Hardee's guy decided to withdraw himself from consideration for Labor Secretary so he wouldn't have to admit beating his wife, committing tax fraud, and hiring illegal labor.
  21. I agree. There's a LONG way to go before Republicans get on board with removing, or even investigating Trump. And speaking of Hannity, as long as they've got him and his ilk in their corner, Trump isn't going anywhere.
  22. DT has been a public figure since I was a young child. He's been a dickhead that entire time on a wide variety of levels. So, why should anyone be expected to press reset and give him a chance now? There's no do-overs. Everything he's done up until now counts, so no, there will not be a "chance" given.
  23. I give Spicer two more weeks. He's seriously cracking up. I'm actually going to miss him in a way, because I know his replacement will be ten times worse.
  24. And when those programs are cut and you don't get a commensurate break on your federal taxes, but you are hit with an increase in state and local taxes... That's a tax increase. GOP = tax increases.
  25. ^^That was right around the time he turned into a pathetic junkie, so I'm going to say your wife made the right choice.
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