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Everything posted by jff

  1. Wrapped up like a douche* another runner in the night. *I realize he isn't singing the word douche, but it sounds like he is, so it loses points. It also loses points because, since this is a cover song, he's supposed to be singing "cut loose like a deuce" and not "wrapped up like a douche**" **See previous disclaimer.
  2. H. Hawkline: In the Pink of COndition (PopTodd, you might like this one. Cate Le Bon produced and plays on this record. Pretty similar to her own music.)
  3. Overture: The Who, opening song of the Kids are Alright Tour, 1989. My second concert, but first rock concert.
  4. Why do I keep fuckin' up?
  5. This is terrific. I will definitely pick this one up.
  6. But...Brian Williams is on record as a Wilco fan.
  7. But now it's politicized. Entirely by the right.
  8. OK, those of you who are saying anti-vax is non-partisan, give me some examples of Democrat politicians or left leaning commentators who are promoting anti-vax.
  9. What would the lineup be if they did a song like this today?
  10. I kind of doubt that. Doesn't JT only need five or six songs for a LF album, since Jim O'Rourke also contributes songs? The TWEEDY material is pretty good, but it seems too conservative for a Loose Fur record.
  11. UGH! My best friend passed away last year after his lung cancer spread to his brain. Once it spread it was too much to overcome. 44 years old. I feel for you, and I'm sorry for you and anyone else going through this. This is a terrible disease.
  12. Aw shit...I wrote something but it sounded super complain-y. Let's just say, I have a number of challenges I'm hoping to overcome or resolvet. Fortunately, they're mostly money and real estate related, and not issues of health.
  13. Mary Timony asked me to be her boyfriend the other night at the Ex Hex show.
  14. I don't like quoting myself, but if y'all get a chance to see Ex Hex on this tour DO IT. That was the most joyous rock show I've seen in a long time. That band is having a ball onstage and had the audience in the palm of their hands. I like their record a lot, but their live show completely destroys it. Birds of Avalon were really good. I liked what I saw of them on youtube, but they exceded my expectations. I was expecting sort of a hard rock, '70s type of sound, but it was a little more like Eno or New Wave with heavier drumming. Motherfucker (I only saw a couple of their songs) were
  15. Ex Hex, Brids of Avalon, Motherfucker. Probably won't get there in time for Motherfucker, but I've heard they're really good.
  16. That's what I have, except mine is the AT-PL120 (non-usb). I've been very happy with it. No problems in the five years I've owned it. The only thing I've changed was the cartdidge and stylus when the original stylus wore out (I upgradede to the one in the link), but it sounds great with the stock cartridge. http://www.amazon.com/Shure-M97xE-High-Performance-Magnetic-Cartridge/dp/B00006I5SB/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1420057007&sr=8-1&keywords=shure+m97xe
  17. None, but I got a Spin Clean record cleaning kit. I bought my wife Kate Bush's The Kick Inside.
  18. Mr. Big. The first time I saw Rush, Mr. Big was the opening band. Their guitarist got his hair caught in a drill and had to leave the stage so his roadie could cut his hair and free him.
  19. I hadn't considered that. He should be in for sure.
  20. Damn, I wasn't expecting this. This saddens me. I've been listening to his first two records a lot lately. So good, particularly the self titled one. It sure would have been cool to see him team up with Leon Russell one more time, but it was not to be.
  21. Jan 3.: The Glands, Tenement Halls Jan. 5.: Ex Hex. Birds of Avalon
  22. A bunch of gussied up old, rich people. 100% white (Nothing against white people. I am white, but in Atlanta that's a pretty rare and oddly disconcerting feeling). Standing during all the ballads, sitting during the faster/louder songs. Lots of griping when someone in front of them stood up or needed to pass by to go to the bathroom or get beer. We should've bought the cheap tickets. The band was really good, despite the audience.
  23. I have never seen her. I remember hearing about her and considering going to see her when she came to town for Rid of Me. I hadn't heard her music yet (aside from maybe a video on 120 Minutes) and decided not to go. What a mistake!
  24. Feelies Kinks Jeff Beck Holly Golightly (if she ever puts together another proper band) PJ Harvey Mahavishnu Orchestra (could happen) Charles Bradley Paul Simon used to top of my list of remaining "classic" artists to see, but having just gone to a Fleetwood Mac concert two days ago, and seeing how utterly bizarre audiences have become for dinosaur act arena shows, I don't think I care anymore.
  25. Here in Atlanta there's a Smiths cover band called Smithsonian. I don't know the Smiths music all that well, but I know some of the guys in this band, so I go see them sometimes, and it always strikes me how upbeat and rocking the majority of the songs are.
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