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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. Doesn't that suggest, though, that the problem is not with the system but with the public?
  2. Not out and about, but I just heard "Hoodoo Voodoo" in Mumford.
  3. This is what happens when you find a stranger in the Alps, Larry!
  4. Certainly possible that his affiliation had something to do with his ejection.
  5. They were ostensibly singing in tribute to the man in the coffin. Granted, it may have seemed more appropriate for something weeks or months later, but honestly, that's for the family and the participants to decide for themselves.
  6. Wrong. He is a Red Sox fan.
  7. My uncle and the church choir each sang several songs ten feet from my grandmother's coffin a couple weeks ago. Didn't seem weird to me at all.
  8. He did have two home runs tonight.
  9. this one? here is a weird ass video for it
  10. What about Miami? You really seem to be.
  11. So now you're telling Jeff how much time he should spend with his family?
  12. I can post more, too. If you think I'm just blindly defending Jeff Tweedy because of who he is, then you have no idea of my history on this message board.
  13. Yes, and yes. Although I'm sure his defense of the first point is that we're already living under martial law, but we're not aware enough to realize it. And as for the ham sammich flu, I'm sure the Army is working on that one right now; futureage is just ahead of his time (natch).
  14. Can you not understand that you're just pissed that Wilco is not coming to San Diego? There are thousands of cities Wilco will not be playing this tour, and it's not because they feel like being pretentious. You're just taking it personally, and that's understandable, but you'll probably just have to get over it. And you haven't "shown" anything about the tour, other than that Wilco will be playing L.A. and not San Diego.
  15. I don't know about you, but I don't live with anyone named Feist.
  16. Funny, your Myspace link doesn't mention where you got your Pharm.D.
  17. Somebody who knows Jay (more than one, even, perhaps) did say that he had had the surgery already.
  18. Any movement on getting the "mark forums as read" feature to work? I have not changed cookie settings on my end at all (although I have deleted them), but every time I mark a forum as read, the next time I'm at the main forum switchboard, it shows as having new posts, even if there is no new activity. Also, anything on getting my work computer to recognize that I have been online from home and vice-versa?
  19. Why would Jeff need to inform Jay of his new address?
  20. I have been one of Jay Bennett's biggest supporters on this board for a long time. I have listened to very little besides his music since reading the first rumors of his death. I see no contradiction in people reacting to his lawsuit in one way, and reacting to his death in another. If your brother sleeps with your wife on Thursday and falls off a cliff on Friday, are you a hypocrite for being mad at him for what he did the day before? Are you a hypocrite for remembering the good times you shared on Friday?
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