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The Official Bob Dylan Thread

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Wow - the thread has been dead since 21 ----  will be catching two shows in April in Indiana --- the A Complete Unknown movie really put the Dylan bug in my kid and he will be my traveling companion f

To quote an old Merle Haggard joke (heard when he opened for Dylan): We''re so old  we've got an ambulance to follow the tour bus. 

I saw Dylan in 2023 after taking about a 15 year break from seeing him. I'm in the camp of not being a fan of his current arrangements and phrasing on older songs, and after that show still feel the s

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at this point? that mag has sucked for years. i've bought maybe 3 RS issues in the last 10 years.


I bought the lifetime membership several years ago for $99 so whether they suck or not I will still be getting them. They have some interesting stories and interviews still but as far as album reviews they are not the most reliable.

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I bought the lifetime membership several years ago for $99 so whether they suck or not I will still be getting them. They have some interesting stories and interviews still but as far as album reviews they are not the most reliable.


I get it for free - and I think it is terrible. Seems like they are trying to copy The Onion/various men's magazines/gossip magazines these days. Maybe they will get Dylan to do another interview this year.

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in his case, this is true... i'm at the same point with Neil Young now too



Neil has really gotten to be hit and miss.


Dylan has really seemed to hit a renaissance in the twilight years of his career.


Personally, any year with a Dylan AND a Springsteen release is a goooooooood year.

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they gave new springsteen 5 stars too...so, let's all get our grain of salt ready.



And just what would you have given the new Springsteen...


(gearing up for war here...)

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Loved Love and Theft, but felt like Modern Times was a recycled version of the same album. I don't dislike it, but it never really caught on with me.


Can't wait to hear the new one, though...


I saw him play the Ryman on his last tour, which Jack White came out for a guest spot...pretty amazing stuff.

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noooo, i've loved all but one of his post '00 albums, just saying never know when it may be his last album/tour :(

I agree on his latest output. The guy is amazing. My way of convincing the wife to see him on every tour he does now is "he might die soon." While it functions somewhat as a ploy, there's a sad reality to this statement.

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Modern Times was indeed one of Dylan's worst records, in spite of the fawning ink it got, and the two and a half years since its release have done it ZERO favours. I still listen to L&T and TOOM almost constantly, but this piece of shit just sits there, offering almost nothing at all. Unitempo blooze schlock, and no real Dylan songs, let alone classics (although Nettie Moore is the record's lone bright spot).


That said, I'm ecstatic that he's reportedly ditched the snoozers who have been backing him the last few years for a new record. Hopefully this pans out, and hopefully the rumours that he wrote and recorded the record in a short creative burst are also true, since that's how TOOM came about. I'd be disappointed if this were simply another record made to satisfy his label (like MT clearly was).

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Springsteen, Dylan, U2, all get 5 stars. I hope the Dylan and U2 are better than the Springsteen which was not bad but not 5 stars. And Jason Isbell gets 3 stars. Not sure about their rating system at this point.


It's an exercise in wheezing, hobbled absurdity at this point, I think. That Springsteen record was so dire that I couldn't even get through it, for bog's sake. Isbell, on the other hand, made a record worthy of the ones Springsteen used to make 20 years ago, before the fire went out.

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It's an exercise in wheezing, hobbled absurdity at this point, I think. That Springsteen record was so dire that I couldn't even get through it, for bog's sake. Isbell, on the other hand, made a record worthy of the ones Springsteen used to make 20 years ago, before the fire went out.



I was gonna make an irate reply...than I saw who the poster was.



Never mind

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I wonder what happened to the unreleased songs of Hank Williams album that Bob was working on with various people?


Dont' know how accurate this is, but...


As the Dylan Digest excerpt notes, one prevalent theory gaining credibility is that the album is either partially or completely a Dylan-composed soundtrack for a new Oliver Dahan movie, titled My Own Love Song, starring Ren
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could you explain, cortez?
Few thoughts:


1980-Hawks and Doves-totally inconsistent. the first 3 songs are masterpieces. i wish neil had put out some amazing introspective album in the 70s with all those gems including little wing, old homestead, home fires, lost in space, sad movies, try, stringman, hitchhiker, will to love, pardon my heart, too far gone, etc. i know some of those tunes were supposed to be on homegrown. maybe i'll have to make a mix.


next up...1981.



All that crazy shit with his kid came up, but still neil managed an album. the production is warm yet tiny. there are a few fun tunes here like opera star and surfer joe. TBone and Shots are terrible. the acoustic version of shots, though, is up there with and of his gems.

with side two of rust never sleeps, i think crazy horse became, at least for a while, this kind of novelty band. neil making fun of rock and roll. welfare mothers, into the black, the whole reactor album.


totally goofy and inconsistent. would love to hear that Island Sun record he did before trans with all those love songs and rainin' in paradise. i do like little thing called love, but no keepers on this album.


1983-Everybody's Rockin

Terrible--can't help but wonder about Wonderin' being on that lost crazy horse album that was planned before danny died.


1985-Old Ways

slick country crap. i do like My Boy though since i have two sons. old ways I was probably great.


1986-Landing on Water

unlistenable. might have been a great album if neil had just done the tunes up crazy horse style. the songs really aren't that bad. what gets me is how much work he seems to put into his worst albums.



again, produced terribly, but some good songs. the only keeper is Inca Queen. neil continues with that goofy crazy horse approach...prisoner's of rock and roll?


1988-American Dream, Blue Notes

Both really bad albums. however, American Dream did have Feel Your Love which is a gem.


so, still no best album post 1980...we might have a nice mix of gems from that era though.

the comeback!



not up to 70s standards, but still a pretty good album. the two versions of rockin' are good, if not overplayed. crime in the city is excellent with the subtle horns and acoustic guitar. same with eldorado. ways of love is a bit cheesy, but i love hangin on a limb and too far gone. broadway is so dumb, but it's neil. this might be his best album of the 80s-90s. it was definitely a breath of fresh air after the 80s. (it does have some slick 80s production though;(

The 90s...


From Freedom on through the end of the 90s, Neil didn't miss a beat. he was still inconsistent, but the quality of tunes was better as was production.


1990-Ragged Glory

As far as I am concerned, RG is the second real crazy horse record (the first being EKTIN). just neil and the band. no random tunes from other sessions thrown in and no cheese. that being said, i have a hard time listening to this all the way through. some of the lyrics are terrible and some of the songs do have a toss of feel to them. i love country home, white line, over and over. the love songs are a bit long for me, but still pretty good. mansion on hill is ok, but natural anthem is pretty bad. the album does have a bit of late 80s slickness to it, but it's as good, if not better, than freedom and very consistent. is this the best album post 80?


over produced live album, but what a comeback live album.


1992-Harvest Moon

This may be the best of the post 1980 era. again, nothing as amazing as the 70s, except unknown legend. i saw neil on his solo tour before this released and was amazed at the songs. there's a bit of 80s goofiness thrown in on a few songs, but it hangs together well. unfortunately, i can't think of any stand out tracks besides unknown legend. as an album it's okay and a nice 'return to form', but no amazing tracks. hank to hendrix is kinda goofy, dreamin' man has such an intrusive back up vocal, such a woman is pure schlock, natural beauty is neil grasping for another cortez.

all in all, i'd say it comes in third behind freedom and RG. RG is pure horse, with it's faults while Freedom was neil finally getting back to what he does best.



this is just a great live album. a gift to the fans. i love the versions of old laughing lady and mr soul. string man is good as is look out for my love. wish neil would give us a live album after each tour like he did in the early 90s.

1994-Sleeps with angels

prolly the best post 1980. the 200s are another story. silver and gold is classic as is greendale. i really think those two records, although not containing and hits, are the essence of neil young. the songwriting, the production, and the accompanying musicians.


1995-Mirrorball-an acquired taste. i know it's cliche, but i wish it was produced better. there are some classic riffs on there, but it's a hard album to listen to all the way through.


1996-Broken Arrow-Awesome pure crazy horse album. Loose Change does go on too long though and I wish he would've put Interstate in instead of that awful last track.


1999-Looking Forward CSNY

Slowpoke and Looking Forward are incredible. if i remember correctly, neil was gonna put out an album called Slowpoke. then CSNY stole those songs and neil put out silver and gold.


are you passionate is such a missed opportunity. love the production, but the songs are just laughable.

Just waiting for your post-AYP reviews. ;)

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