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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Well last week I thought for sure this film wouldn't get funded, glad to be wrong. I'm happy that Jay will get immortalized in film... no pressure Gorman!!
  2. Well, it's a better reptile band name than King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard.
  3. Looks like George RR Martin took the night off from (slowly) writing The Winds of Winter to attend a Wilco concert.
  4. Summerteeth is the worst selling album? What the hell were people in 1999 doing?? Great recap WYWU!
  5. Did anyone get an LP of Hallelujah Anyhow yet? I couldn't find one in store and Amazon isn't shipping till October. Must have got delayed
  6. That's been my situation for the past few years too (more so because I just simply haven't had time to seek out new music), but in 2017 I've made a conscious effort to listen to more 2017 music. It's been great hearing music of the moment, understanding the general feeling and mentality of people these days and hearing that either directly or indirectly reflected in the music.
  7. I've just gotten into KV in the past two months in anticipation of his album with the great Courtney Barnett. I think all his albums are fantastic but his most recent three, Smoke Ring For My Halo, Wakin' on a Pretty Daze, and B'lieve I'm Goin Down, are probably his most accessible works. Childish Prodigy is great too but I probably appreciate it more after being familiar with his other work. I'm seeing him in twice October, I'm very excited!
  8. Yeah, it's really good.... probably my favourite I&W release since the Calexico EP.
  9. More Bootleg Series this year! Getting religious this time. Maybe we'll get Blood on the Tracks for 14....
  10. Loved his scenes in the new season of Twin Peaks.
  11. There's also her appearance on Benjamin Booker's Witness, a surprisingly catchy song about police brutality.
  12. To be fair to Spencer, I don't think I've ever heard a hammer being described as a "claw hammer"?? That's just a regular old hammer.
  13. Damn, I was really hoping for a Western Canada spring 2018 tour, but the guys deserve a well earned break. Though I guess this leaves an opening for a Loose Fur 2018 reunion
  14. Jeff's streak of writing a new album a year continues! I love that first single, rhythmically it has a strong Walk On vibe, and Mavis sounds awesome as always.
  15. First Listen: Neil Young, 'Hitchhiker'(NPR) Love love love this version of Powderfinger. Hopefully Chrome Dreams is the next "lost album" to get a physical release.
  16. The wife and I made the call last night, we're going to both nights in Seattle!
  17. Really love this song, sucks they're skipping Vancouver http://youtu.be/3KNsBCf34fQ
  18. The H is definitely for Hofner, as you can see in this video, John plays a Hofner on Someone to Lose.
  19. I think jff nailed it. John does indeed play a 12 string acoustic guitar on Misunderstood these days. Though now I really want to hear Misunderstood with a 12 string bass!!
  20. You have to assume this is the beginning of the end of his presidency but on the other hand.... I just feel like there's been a few times when the general consensus has been "well that's it for Trump, there's no coming back from this, no one will support him now". Like the Gold Star family fiasco or the leaked Billy Bush tape.... yet here we are.
  21. That's a pretty country Wilco song, I like it. A good cause for a good song!
  22. No but I did see the vinyl of it in a store for $85. I laughed out loud. Get real, Neil.
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