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Everything posted by TCP

  1. "Songs in the Key of Awesome" was the working titled for Sky Blue Sky. No, that was a complete fabrication. I'm sorry guys, I don't mean to be a liar
  2. Oh man, please please please be surround sound. That would be a trip and a half.
  3. Yeah me too!!! Too bad (unless you're ultra rich) we won't be able to see any events. I'd love to go watch some Olympic hockey.
  4. I disagree, this band is 2/5 when it was a dictatorship. Actually, you know what... The Blue Album had a bunch of shared writing credits and apparently Matt Sharp cowrote a lot of Pinkerton. Now, I don't think the drummer or guitarists songs are that good on this album but The Special Goodness had some alright tunes, I seem to recall and as I said before Osaka Aquabus by The Space Twins is classic. At the end of the day I think the problem is, Rivers is writing songs to be hits, when with Blue and Pinkerton he wasn't. I wish the label would let them release two records at the same time, a popp
  5. I wouldn't even put Nirvana in my top 25.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5W2-dvSzKk This is what Sawyer says!
  7. So I've listened to this album. There are some parts which I think are good. There are some parts which I think are not so good. There are some parts I think would be better if Rivers stopped singing in that stupid voice of his that he's had since The Christmas EP. Also some of the lyrics are pretty bad. Anyone know R.C.'s address? I'll mail him a copy of Blonde on Blonde... for inspiration. Anyways, I think it's pretty cool that they are sharing the vocal duties... that's something they should have been doing for a long time.
  8. I really enjoyed Let it Be, seeing the Beatles in the studio is something special. I also liked Meeting People is Easy.
  9. I do a radio show *plug* *plug* (no show this week though) and I play a lot of stuff off this album. There's a bunch of stuff I don't care for but the Jim James, Jeff Tweedy, Sonic Youth, Iron & Wine, and Bob Dylan songs are all very good.
  10. So are they going to run together or not?
  11. Weezer covering The Band is one of the strangest things ever. Does anyone know which member is singing? I know that's Rivdawg doing the "crazy chester" part. I'm thinking it's probably Brian since Pat's voice sounds um... bad. But it's been awhile since I gave "Osaka Aquabus" a spin.
  12. Neil Young will save the world. You can quote me on that.
  13. Haha me too! Hell, that was some of the best goal tending I've seen since Luongo last playoffs. I really think the Pens can win the next game. It's a home game.
  14. There's actually a bunch of stuff I don't care about on The Last Waltz... such as Ronnie Hawkins, Joni Mitchell, Dr. John, Neil Diamond, or Van Morrison.... HOWEVER! The Bands stuff is incredible. Up on Cripple Creek is awesome. Also that version of Helpless is probably my favorite. And the Dylan stuff.. oh man!!
  15. No, Ben promised to kill Penny remember? And we still don't know why Desmond was in jail. I reckon they have more plot. I'm fairly certain that Sawyer said something about his daughter to Kate. That's who Kate was talking to on the phone that one night when Jack was getting suspicious, not Sawyer's daughter but his babies mama, whom Kate also met in the past.
  16. I hate the Wings! I really couldn't care less about any of the original 6 teams, with their bucket loads of Cups.
  17. On to happier news: Game 4! Tonight at 5!! CBC and I believe NBC as well!
  18. Man I am NOT looking forward to that wait. Anyways, I finally got to watch it late last night. That was a really awesome episode. Anyone hear the comments made from the actor who played Michael? He doesn't like the way Lost treats black people. I guess the main question now is: is Hurley crazy or was he actually playing chess with Mr. Eko? Also: when Ben says they all have to go back does that mean Desmond, Lapidus, and Walt as well? And and and and has Charlotte really been to the island before? This is going to be a long summer + fall.
  19. I still can't believe this. 21 years old. I got the e-mail and it said "Passing of Luc Bourdon" and I thought it meant they like... passed on resigning him or something, it took a few minutes to sink in I sure hope there's a memorial or something... though I'm not in Vancouver anymore but I'd like to hear what some of the players and coaches have to say about him.
  20. 21 years old, I was really excited about him and another young defense man, Alex Edler... Apparently he just bought his motorcycle a few days ago. I had a friend in high school who died in a similar manner, it's really sad
  21. I haven't read any rumours but I still think JL and JS meet up in the future and have an epic battle. But that's not who is in the coffin. Michael is, I do believe. And I don't think killing JL would mean we won't see him again. Like Obi-Wan "strike me down now and I will become more powerful then you can ever imagine" or something like that.
  22. Fuck fuck fuck Luc Bourdon died in a car crash. He was one of the Canucks best young players, a future star defense man Fuck I can't believe this http://canucks.nhl.com/team/app/?service=p...rticleid=364711
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