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Everything posted by mfwahl

  1. No, but there should be. I'm gonna have to go back and watch those.
  2. Long Cool Woman or Thriller On a side note, Page's senior thesis
  3. Never knew that, but there you go. A few I noticed on Thriller: Steve Lukather
  4. Have they released specific dates? If it's close and reasonably priced, I'll hit this up. It's gonna be weird though. They used to be fronted by a little black kid and now they'll have a middle-aged Asian woman.
  5. This thread must be for Platinum members. I don't have HD or Blu-Ray.
  6. Perfect Colbert. I'm a few days behind on Colbert, but I had to jump ahead to see Wilco.
  7. In case this hasn't been posted:
  8. Fun song, interview was great. Did Colbert really endorse Obama on his show the night before?
  9. I'd never heard about this. Just read a review. It's supposedly a flat transfer from the master tapes. I'll have to find a copy of this. Thanks!
  10. Anyone score tickets? I see the going rate online is around $300 per ticket. Anyone going? I'm praying for a simulcast and waiting for the tour.
  11. Never heard em but they'd have to be beyond stellar for me to get behind anything called Slobberbone.
  12. This is sad. While I understand the importance to the songwriter, I can't believe these goons are doing this based on a love of music. There has to be better ways to work this out. People hear songs in bars and cafes that they like and then buy the CD. Also, bar owners need to be able to play music. There's gotta be a better way than potentially shutting down a business. Why don't they bust my dentist for playing that shit smooth jazz?
  13. P-Funk first row Wilco 7th row P-Funk was a great show to be in the first row. We didn't actually have tickets. It was a theatre with members where the front row is for season ticket holders. Most didn't show for P-Funk and our friend's father was working security, so we got to sit there, They have a guy in their group who guys out in the audience, and he partied with us all night. All I can think of but there's been more.
  14. Did you see the SNL skit? They're so far ahead in the polls, they decide to do a musical revue for the half hour. Was halfway decent and Armisen's Obama was finally convincing imho.
  15. My local Fox station's lead in to the Series is so horrible, I'm pretty excited about this.
  16. If you don't mind me asking, who are you voting for?
  17. As soon as we kicked the devil out: Nov. 2007
  18. I like this. None of the other choices excite me.
  19. I have the cutouts but I don't think it's an original pressing. Never looked into it though.
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