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Preferred B

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Everything posted by Preferred B

  1. Oh, so that's how you refer to Wilco now? It's possible! No, I was not in Maryland, but other than that, you have cracked my show-planning code. It was nice to see you and viatroy again. And Greg, Chris, etc. I think Uyen got a photo of the football jerseys, but I'm not sure when she'll be able to post it.
  2. He went! I also forgot to add that it was kind of nice to see Wilco without an opening band for a change.
  3. He didn't punch anybody, though he shook his fist at someone in jest. A very fun show, sounds like pretty much the opposite of the last one in terms of the crowd. I like LNGCA very much. Someone gave the band WVU football jerseys, and Jeff and Mike wore them for the second encore. (I assume Jeff and Mike weren't the only ones who got them, at least.) Nels was particularly wonderful in "Handshake Drugs". I'm tired.
  4. Wow. Oh, and the biggest problem with wazzack's comparison for me is that if someone waits around after a show for a performer, the performer gets to decide whether or not to have contact with that person. Not the other way around. As for the stage invaders not being threatening - actually getting onstage in the first place, you are already much further along on the generally accepted "unacceptable behavior" continuum than you would be making unwanted advances on someone at a bar. If you're willing to do that, and then start to manhandle someone on the stage, I don't think it's really cl
  5. I'm e-sticking my tongue out at both of you right now. See?
  6. I just picked this up last night after I saw Andrew in Madison - wonderful show, by the way. I need to write more about it later.
  7. This sounds pretty cool. I'm kinda sorry I got a new RAZR in September.
  8. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crescent_Dragonwagon I just had to google that name, so I guess it's working.
  9. Preferred B


    Have you given any more thought to a "change someone else's member title for a fee" program?
  10. We don't have too many cockroaches up here. (I hope they don't hear me say that.) But good Lord, I hate earwigs. They'll go anywhere, too. My friend found one between her newly washed sheets in bed one night. Well, felt it first.
  11. Thanks so much, Jeff, for giving me a place to stumble upon in January of 2003 while looking for a setlist and think, "Ohhhhhh crap." You'll be missed.
  12. Did you and my mom both come up with that joke independently?
  13. Way back when the first Wilco tribute volume was being planned, Brooklyn and imdwalrus and maybe someone else had big plans for a rap. I still think this needs to happen.
  14. It's possible that people who aren't intimately familiar with the usual Wilco setlists, have only seen them once or twice in the past, or actually have not seen them before, might be a little disappointed if they didn't play some of these songs. (It's also possible that the same might be true for people who have seen them more than once or twice in the past.)
  15. Do you hide many little girls in your bed?
  16. Thanks Lou. I've been waiting for this one. Who knows if it'll stick around, I suppose. Thanks for the reviews. It sounds like a tough show to have attended in some ways, but they made it work. Looking forward to reading future reports (and eventually making my own).
  17. Did Glenn by any chance take a drum solo in the new song?
  18. Well, I have long understood the genius of imdwalrus, so I would have agreed with that no matter what. But what I meant was that I had the exact same thought as soon as I saw the post (the same thought I'm assuming you had, that is) which is why I was so delighted to find someone else who has been around enough VC threads over that much time to notice it too.
  19. I agree 100%, and I don't even need to PM you!!
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