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Preferred B

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Everything posted by Preferred B

  1. I don't think they played that song.
  2. I wanted to go to this, but with a crazy work week, two nights in a row in Chicago are not in the cards. Report back please!
  3. I think I'm still from there!
  4. Finally indeed! And nobody even had to pass out, right?
  5. I was beaten to this, but on "Never Felt Before" the horns were coming through loud and clear. I think it's because that's a pretty spare song in terms of instrumentation, at least during the horn parts. I love that a side effect of Kris's new name is that everyone now casually refers to him as "Pervert". Some of you probably know this, but for those who don't - Kraig has a new song streaming on MySpace. As for pictures, there were a couple of people with photography passes, so we can hope some of those turn up. I stealthily (and very quickly) took two incredibly bad photos wit
  6. So many great moments, but "Until You Came Along" was just fantastic. I think everyone from both bands was onstage, Blake joined in for a chorus and was clapping into one of the horn microphones in the back, I think Peter Anderson was shaking (what looked like) an orange the whole time like a maraca ... so much fun.
  7. Oh, neat. I read a book of short stories by Owen King a few months ago, and it was pretty good.
  8. I'm trying not to get my hopes up for this ... but at any rate, Mini Kiss is at the Pabst, not the Riverside. They have the same ownership, so the site calendar has a mix of both venues.
  9. I'm dying to see pictures too ... congratulations!
  10. That was never supposed to be a preorder bonus. The tracks will be available to anyone who purchases the DVD.
  11. Geez, what have I been doing all day? Working? Anyway, that reminded me that the guys who worked for the pool cleaning company or whatever the hell the plot was supposed to be in the "I'll Make Love To You" video ... as indicated by their uniforms, the company was named Alex Vanderpool. ZING!
  12. One of my newest twin nephews (also Logan), bustin' a move the day he was born:
  13. Holy shit. I must have subconsciously sensed the awesomeness, and it drew me here to bear witness. That and Sir S's new sig, a perennial favorite. Great thread all around, too.
  14. Even if getting tickets is a bitch, I hope Wilco never stops playing places like the 9:30 Club (or the Vic, or Otto's.) And this almost immediate selling out of the presale is nothing new - I remember when summer '04 tickets went onsale, almost every show went like this. It's actually gotten better overall. Best of luck to everyone tomorrow in the general sale. They'll go quickly, but they won't go as quickly as these did.
  15. Some friends and I have tickets for the Madison show. Are all of these dates in conjunction with the Chicago Short Film Brigade?
  16. Wait, I'm confused, I thought nothing was happening today! Happy birthday, Sam. Hopefully I'll see you this weekend.
  17. There are so many pictures I want to post here, but I won't. Have a great birthday, Paul! I wish you a banana-nutella-vanilla birthday shake.
  18. I am becoming increasingly tempted by this show.
  19. http://wilcoworld.net/news/index.php October 24th, looks like.
  20. Did anyone tell Bob what he's getting himself into coming to our campus on Halloween? Actually, better then than the weekend right before it.
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