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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. Aw, your post makes me happy just to read it. It is so worth a night of lost sleep to get in to see Wilco. It's worth a lot more than that, actually--I'm finally on the road to recovery from a whirlwind week of east coast shows. I lost a lot of sleep, a lot of sheckels (did I really need those cowboy boots in Nashville?), and some may say I'd already lost a few marbles, but it's a week later and I'm still basking in the glow with what's left of my littlebrain. You must post more and tell us all about it.
  2. What's wrong with the thread title? It's Capitol City now (7 PM EDT). Did it used to be Capital City?
  3. Yeah, I definitely hear it, assuming we're talking about the same thing--not a tick-tick like a clock, but slower--but I don't think it's an incidental thing. I think it was intentionally included and is part of the overall sound mix.
  4. This past Thursday, on The Daily Show, Jason Sudeikis was the guest, and Jon was asking him about who were some of his favorite musical guests on SNL. He first mentioned U2, but followed that up with saying how one of his personal favorites was Wilco, and how excited he was when he saw they were going to be on the show. He said that he and Seth Myers are big fans, and Jon nodded and said, "Jeff Tweedy, sure". It was kind of cool to see our boys get a name check during the interview, and to hear that the cast of SNL are fans. (I know this doesn't exactly fit in this thread, but it wasn't quite
  5. Yeah, Shug, I was thinking the same thing. I was really rooting for Kingpin because I don't think I've ever heard that played live, and I knew I was going to be up close and wanted to inspect Jeff's tonsils during the scream. I also am beginning to wonder whether much attention is paid to the requests. What I'll bet really happens is that they make up their setlist, then someone tells them what's been requested for a given show, and assuming something that's already on the setlist is also on the request list, Jeff might mention that a particular song was a request. At least for these recent an
  6. And while we're sharing this whole lovefest (pun intended) I'll say that I really appreciate Norman Stanley Fletcher's contributions, especially of late. I love interviews and reviews, and recently it's been impossible to keep up with everything all by myself. I expect the pace will slow down soon, as the buzz about the new album dies down, but I've really enjoyed all the foreign press coverage in addition to the U.S. stuff. Speaking of which, was there an article associated with that German Rolling Stone Tweedy cover? Maybe I missed it, but I never saw anything other than the cover. If the
  7. I actually love Capitol City--it's wormed its way into my head and I like it there. And speaking of songs in kids movies, does anyone else get a little bit of Just a Kid vibe from Standing O? That comparison probably wouldn't stand up to close scrutiny, but I like these bouncy tunes--not as the main course, but a fun palate cleanser.
  8. Oh, I'm late to the party--didn't see this thread till just now. (Donna, you're right--it's impossible to keep up nowadays!) Raleigh was lots of fun and had some very special moments for me--meeting jimtweedy1977 (hi Jeremy!), catching up with other Solid Sounders after the show, and getting to share the whole experience with one of my oldest and dearest friends AND the only person I've managed to fully convert to Wilco fandom. She's hasn't gone quite as far over the edge as I have, but way more than I would ever have believed possible. God, I'm gonna miss having Wilco shows to look forwar
  9. Yes! We'll be getting in early too, staying at the Marriott downtown. Pretty sure I met you at Solid Sound this year, right? I'll send you a PM with my phone number. There are a couple other people that will probably join in--the more the merrier. After paying $9.50 for a Stella and about $7 for a pretzel at Merriweather Post last night, I'd just as soon catch a buzz and have a bite outside the venue, thankyouverymuch. (Just reinforced how special Solid Sound is in every way, even down to the reasonably priced food and drink.)
  10. Just put in my request for Kingpin on night #1 in Nashville. C'mon people!
  11. The NPR stream is how I'm listening (right now, in fact), but there was an earlier stream from Wilco's website. And they're now selling at their shows, it appears, in advance of the official release date. I would advise plugging in your headphones to listen to the stream on NPR as of now. And there's a rip of the stream floating around, too.
  12. You are so right. It was a great show. Coming in with no expectations probably made it even better. I was vaguely familiar with some of their music but most of it was new for me. Immediately engaging.
  13. LOL! Call in the Cialis police after 5 hours of love.
  14. Hmm, maybe you can go to the song request list for the show you're going to and hit "decline"
  15. What's it like to have all these people you don't know obsessed with you? Along the spectrum of creepy to flattering, tell us what you really think!
  16. Here's a link to the chat, which is still up as of this morning: http://www.npr.org/2011/09/13/140429798/monday-live-chat-and-listening-party-with-wilco But still no archived interview, though there's a note that says it will appear at some point.
  17. Tonight going to see the Avett Brothers. Don't know too much about them but rumors are they put on a good live show. I won the tickets on our cool NPR station's nightly music show "Out of the Box" with Paul Shugrue. Paul is the best possible DJ for new music and he's a big Wilco fan. He's played several songs off The Whole Love already and is very enthusiastic about it.
  18. Excellent article. It's clear the band wanted to put all their strengths on the table on this album. And Tweedy's description of his and Pat's creative process reminds me of his collaboration with Bennett and O'Rourke. It's got to be good to find that person you can work with who allows you both to bring out your best qualities.
  19. I read somewhere that the early part of the summer is when the Berkshires have more space for the festival. What with all the vacation and tourist activities in the area in the latter part of the summer, June is considered almost a "shoulder" season in the Berkshires--not quite off season, but not primetime either. I'd also prefer August, but if it has to be June, I'll take it. Wild horses couldn't keep me away from this festival!
  20. I can't believe I posted the info about this and then had such a mother of a day at work that I couldn't listen to one bit of it! I was able to read all 30 page of chat that's still up, though. That's a lot more fun when you're in the moment, but still I'm struck by what a really nice group of people Wilco fans are, overall. I hope I'm reading correctly that Bob Boilen will be posting the interview segment on the website later?
  21. I assume "prestigious" was said with extreme sarcasm. That was the most amateurish, regurgitated piece of crap I've ever read.
  22. God, that is the funniest clip ever. It's probably a very good thing that I've never managed to actually speak to Jeff Tweedy, because I'm pretty sure I'd make Chris Farley look razor sharp in comparison.
  23. At noon on Monday, 9/19, there will be a listening party, followed by live chat with Jeff, John and Pat. Details here: http://www.npr.org/2...arty-with-wilco Here's our chance to ask Jeff all those burning questions!
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