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Everything posted by bigshoulders

  1. A friend of mine was a touch overzealous in the pre-sale and ended up with an extra pair of seats. She had a taker for one of the seats, which left a single... but now that one friend has bailed, leaving a pair of seats up for grabs. It'd be a shame to let 'em go to waste. Please send me a message if interested, or post back here, and I'll put you in touch with her, so you can work out the details. She's asking Face Value plus fees, which comes to $90. Cheers, Kevin, who just realized the date will be 08/08/08. Is the start time 8:00 PM, I wonder? Or maybe 8 min, 8 seconds after th
  2. Jeff did mention it during the 2008 Residency. I was there.
  3. Woo-Hoo! I just revisited this thread and after voting, I can verify it's still in the lead! cheers, Kevin
  4. Not dogging the cuteness factor but a big GOOD LUCK in house-training him. They are notoriously difficult to train. If I were to ever get a Basset, I want a full-grown slug, thank you. cheers, Kevin
  5. It's worth a shot. Vote early and often, as the saying goes. kevin
  6. I'll be there. Also got the 11th hour email (okay, not exactly last minute) from Music Today stating the tickets have shipped! Oh, and if you haven't yet put in your request for a song, and don't know what to choose, band together with me for "Dreamer in My Dreams". Cheers, Kevin PS: Can't wait to see Bon Iver as well!
  7. Your Hand In Mine by Explosions in the Sky (there are several versions, and they're all stellar)
  8. That's what I was trying to remember, the moire pattern. Some scanners can take care of this on the initial scan, though right? That's what I've done before...but then again my knowledge is dated. kevin
  9. $4.79 for diesel dino bones. And that's the cheap place. Edit: a peek back at my last post on 12-JUN, and the price is the same. It has gone done by .10, but it's back up to the same price it was almost a month ago. Weird.
  10. In the general public, about 10 percent of people are left-handed. In Major League Baseball, about 25 percent of players are lefties. Any serious fan knows some of the reasons why certain positions favor lefties, but David Peters has come up with a laundry list of reasons to explain this anomaly. Peters is an aircraft engineer and professor at Washington University in St. Louis, and a devoted Cardinal
  11. When setting up the scan, you'll want to make sure that the scanner knows the source of the image is a half-tone. The resulting scan will look better if you do that. You may also want to put a black piece of paper, (we used exposed X-ray film at Duke) directly behind the cover, so that there is no bleed-through of the words (or whatever) that is printed on the reverse of the cover image you are scanning. Kevin
  12. Heaven Forbid! That would put the brakes on Wilco for at least 4 years.
  13. I just collected some of my thoughts and posted them here. "On the Nickel" was probably the highlight of the night for me, if'n I had to choose. I think you could have heard a pin drop during that song! Kevin
  14. Knoxville was one for the record books. Lucinda/Ain't Goin' Down to the Well Way Down in the Hole Falling Down Hang Down Your Head Chocolate Jesus God's Away on Business Get Behind the Mule Metropolitan Glide Trampled Rose Cold Cold Ground The Part You Throw Away Black Market Baby Rain Dogs/Russian Dance On the Nickel Christmas Card from a Hooker in Minneapolis You Can Never Hold Back Spring Lucky Day Innocent When You Dream 9th and Hennepin Lie to Me Jesus Gonna Be Here House Where Nobody Lives Eyeball Kid Make It Rain Fannin Street Come on up to the House I'm still processing the show in
  15. Band: The 1900's and on [myspace] They might very well appeal to members of this community. They are from Chicago. I've enjoyed their debut quite a bit. Kevin
  16. Maybe this scene will be repeated throughout all major 'merican cities, and districts. Praise the LORD and pass the ammunition. Iraq, Kentucky Vie For World Shooting-Into-The-Air Supremacy
  17. Ratatat: "Seventeen Years" Paul Hardcastle: "Nineteen" (I loved this song back in the day. Dedededededede-Destruction! Kinda fitting nowadays, too.) Tom Waits: "$29.00" Soul Coughing: "$300" Blonde Redhead: "23"
  18. Hearing this on the radio this morning just burned me the eff up. I just don't understand why, when they are making billions in profits, they would allow them to get off with such a small amount of retribution to those fishing communities. It's been nearly 20 years-- they still have not recovered, economically. I am curious what the SC's ruling on the 2d Amendment will be. (This being the possession of handguns w/in the District of Columbia case that they are expected to rule on today.) Kevin
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