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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. it was 227 and a half. there's also something to be said against inbreeding.
  2. well, that's an interesting situation for Bruce to ponder...for one, i think it'd be a bit sacrilegious to hire another sax player and still call it the E Street Band...
  3. that makes the most sense to me. i'll definitely be catching Purling Hiss' set.
  4. i met that guy @ SSF last year...he had Glenn (and i think others) sign one
  5. amazing. i can't believe the B's have won. that Bergeron shorthanded goal was the dagger through the ribs. Marchand...what more can you say? Just like Linesman, he'll irritate the hell of you if he's on another team, but when he's on your team, you love him. Seguin got all the print for being a rookie, but Marchand delivered.
  6. i laughed, imagining RT telling me that, the jaunty cap sent it over the edge.
  7. because sedin and the rest of his team are pussies? let's be honest here, the Canucks set the tone w/ Burrows biting players and Rome blinding defenseless players. Fuck them. they brought it, and now they can't handle it.
  8. the three funniest bands that i can think of that i listen to on a somewhat frequent basis: The Frogs Ween King Missile
  9. i had some tacos w/ this stuff in it, when i was in baja a few years ago. it was tasty.
  10. nice! yeah, Sage wrote some killer stuff.
  11. i signed up but not sure what my schedule is gonna be like...but i will be around, so say hi if you see someone w/ a black messenger bag full of camera gear.
  12. plus, as far as i know, no teammate has sexed up yr mom.
  13. plus, as far as i know, no teammate has sexed up yr mom.
  14. the last episode was the best yet.
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