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Everything posted by nettles

  1. Mark Olsons new one, which I believe may already be out, just haven't picked up yet.
  2. Me too, the hand clap and breathe is the coolest.
  3. My All time fav. is from the 71, and from all the reviews, I'm not alone. 8/6/71 @ the Hollywood Palledium http://www.archive.org/details/gd71-08-06.....129.sbeok.shnf
  4. Tony M. is a brilliant manager, there is nothing wrong with making money in the music BUSINESS, there is however an ethical line you shouldn't cross and where that line is drawn is up to the artist.
  5. great recomendation for anyone who doesn't already have this, 'She wore a blue dress when she walked in the room'
  6. Truly a classic, but my all time fav would be The Jayhawks 'Blue Earth'
  7. Anyone actually perform with MMJ on this board? twice, a few years back now. Awesome both times, super cool and friendly, and as a bonus the second time MMJ performed the best rock show I've ever seen.
  8. Somethings are beyond your control, I say, Jack White lighten the fuck up.
  9. I think I lost a little respect for Jack white here, I can see not wanting a crappy sounding version of my new record being heard out there, but anyone with a half a brain that took the time download this shit knows it's not the greatest quality and are probably big enough fans that they'll buy the record anyhow, if for anything to just to see if there is sexy pics of Meg in the artwork. I can see a rep from the label calling in and flippin out, but Jack himself, to me it does make him sound like kind of an A-hole, be satisfied you get to make a living off of making music, you could still be
  10. I agree with Andrewwyle, it happens and if it's not a complete knock off of the melody, just play around with it and make it your own.
  11. 'The places in between' by Rory Stewart, It has my highest recomendation It
  12. I had the thought last night while I was watching the show, that I had forgotten how devastatingly beatuiful that song is, I hadn;t heard it some time.
  13. HOw about K Hamels last night? I was goin to just watch a couple innings and go to bed (long day) but what a performance!
  14. Gave the album another full listen yesterday, in my opionion, it kind of stinks, but I still hold the band up very high because they've made a couple of records in the past that helped change my direction in life, and I think I'm happier person for it, or maybe there to blame!
  15. Wow! I really dig that song
  16. that song with the whistiling by peter, bjorn, and whoever, that shit is weak, but goddamn if I don't catch myself whistling it myself hear and there.
  17. Martin Sexton was fantaistic last night, he's certainly walking to the beat of a different drum, a uniquie talent, on the other hand Ryan Adams was just kind of a douche. Cowboy Junkies where also good.
  18. Bummer, I'm going to the Keswick tonight, was looking forward to hearing him and Neal Casal play together, that shit sounded great on the Henry ROllins show.
  19. Can anyone link the location of the dylan interview? I can't find it
  20. My favorite record last year, but that again I may have more in common with the aging rocking critics, longing for a time thats past, I just don't get that music the young kids are into these days, every song i hear sounds like the Arcade Fire, i can't tell em apart.
  21. This Liz phair thread sucks! where is all the half naked pictures?
  22. I've been on a huge Mark Olson era Jayhawks kick lately, anyone have any live stuff from that era? or can point me in the right direction?
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