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The Inside of Outside

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Everything posted by The Inside of Outside

  1. Meisterbrau is god awful. I buy a 30-pack of Miller Lite in June every year so I have something resembling beer for those really hot days. Which in Maine, is about 5 days. So, a 6-pack a day. My brother worked for Miller in the 90s, designing the computer systems for their breweries. Old allegiances die hard. I drank countless cases of Piels in college in the mid-late 80s. $7.20 a case. At 30 cents a can, it was cheaper than an enema. And a better buzz, too. I have no problem having a PBR or similar when it is on special in a bar.
  2. Music starts around 5 on Friday, noonish on the weekend. On where to stay: It is important to be close if it is important to you to be close. I have no need to be close, so a 30 minute drive would not bother me. It is beautiful there, so the drives are nice. I would not stay too far east of North Adams, as you will have to travel over a hellacious mountain road to get to and from the festival. I just decided last week to go as well. My neighbor has never been to SS, and he wanted to go, so that was all the push I needed. We're bringing his 8-year-old daughter and my 2 youngest children, who
  3. $39 for one day or $59 for two days. A steal! I love that midwest lower cost of living. Now if I only lived in the midwest........
  4. That one hurts. I was there, but did not hear the soundcheck. I need a couple of advil. Good one!
  5. Many great choices brought up so far. I'm going with two that have been mentioned: Too Far Apart Say You Miss Me Wishful Thinking I have yet to see the latter two live. Some day. Some day soon.
  6. I agree with you, tinnitus. I have put my stuff down at the front before and left it for a while. It didn't feel right, though. I decided some time ago not to do it again. For future SSs, I'm heading to the hill!
  7. ^^^^That made me laugh. I love the article on the techniques of concern trolls. Brings me back to studying the the tenets of good arguments (and bad ones) from college philosophy classes that I took some 30 years ago. I feel smarter after thinking about all that stuff again, and for thinking about things like standing up for what you believe in, our roles as citizens, and the power of the marketplace. People can agree or disagree with the action taken by the band. I am glad we are having the conversation. Thanks, Wilco, for knocking over the first domino that resulted in making me think de
  8. Me too. Good defensive catching sometimes seems like a lost art. That is a blow to the Red Sox defense. On a positive note, Shane Victorino played three days in a row and woke up feeling ok after day three.
  9. I have had good luck on the hill and down front at previous Solid Sounds. Sight lines are great on the hill, and if I go this year, that is where I plan to be.
  10. I bought AM in the summer of '95, but it wasn't until Being There blew me away a little over a year later that I went back to delve into the debut record. Too Far Apart quickly became one of my favorite Wilco songs. I am still a huge fan of AM 20 years later.
  11. Or stop drinking coffee, take all of that $ that used to be spent on coffee makers, filters, cold presses, coffee grounds, and Starbuck's double mocha cappucinos and spend it on reasonably-priced Wilco tickets.
  12. Wilco - 20+ Bob Dylan - 12 The Jayhawks - 10ish And count me in the "ticket-stubs-in-a-shoebox" group.
  13. That is fantastic that Gary played with them for the encore. I've always been partial to Gary's and Jeff's contributions in Golden Smog, and they sound great together. Radio King is a flat out gem. I was fortunate to see them onstage together at a GS show in the 90s in NYC - a top ten show all time for me. Lucky Minnesotans!
  14. That sounds about right. I don't mind bands charging whatever they want to charge. If they shoot too high, the tickets won't sell. If they sell, then the price was right. Charge whatever you want, Wilco. If it is in my range, I'll go. If not, I'll read about it from bbop.
  15. No News is Good News is fantastic. Believe it when I say.
  16. I suppose every fan has hopes in spring training, right? Do you think the "not bad" part should be revised to "pretty bad", or would you revise it to say that they will bring a WS title to Boston? I see it as a decent starting 5, one that should eat up some innings, but not a dominant staff.
  17. I love the moving picture shows. This awards show - it's ok. Some moments when I cringe (NPH in his underwear?) and others when I am touched (Patricia Arquette's call for equal pay for women). I am thrilled that Grand Budapest Hotel has won three of the arty awards (production design, costumes, makeup). Well-deserved - the movie is visually striking.
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