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The Inside of Outside

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Everything posted by The Inside of Outside

  1. ^^^Bizarre - a gazillion pictures, and not one of Spencer. Wonder if the photographer knew what he/she was taking pictures of.
  2. Yesterday one of my daughters scored the winning goal in double overtime of a high school field hockey game. The icing on the cake? She's seen Wilco 8 times.
  3. That Shelburne show was a keeper, and a top 5 Wilco show for me. Loved the setlist that night, including a wicked version of Shake It Off. Yes, I said a wicked version of Shake It Off. Glenn was a monster on that one.
  4. Darin can definitely play. I did not have a problem with his grooving during the upbeat numbers - added some good visual energy that matched the songs. Rock star poses on the mellower songs? A bit distracting at best, seemed silly at worst. But hey, if I was playing bass in Jeff Tweedy's band for several months, I'd probably be so pumped I'd toss in a few flashy moves, too. And maybe even in the waltzes and dirges.
  5. Well done, Walt Whitman's Nephew - I always enjoy a good ballot box stuffing! Many here have likely done something similar. Well, maybe not 469 times. And welcome to VC!
  6. Watching it now - I really like the version of Jesus, etc.
  7. I have not liked an entire album of U2's since The Joshua Tree. There have been some great songs since, but not a great record, to these ears. All the albums up to The Joshua Tree were top-notch (though October had its misses). Boy blew mymind back in 1980. The Unforgettable Fire is truly unforgettable. Love that record. And I give them credit for continuing to attempt to make great records.
  8. I agree with the two Levon Helm records mentioned earlier, as well as Dylan's Love and Theft. The Johnny Cash American Recordings - definitely.
  9. My weekend plans include checking VIa Chicago every few hours to read about Wilco's set list at yesterday's Lock'n Festival, Day 1.
  10. My bad. And you are right on - $300,000 is on the low end of CEO pay. But $100,000 is still a lot of money to many, many Americans. Median family income (2008-2012) in my "affluent" town in Maine is $71,107. In 90% of Maine, $100,000 is a huge amount of money to make.
  11. $300,000 a year is a lot of money. Check the median income figues for Americans. It is a lot of money. Find me a nurse, teacher, or someone in the trades making $300,000. To say that isn't much money per year may be an indicator of your world. But not the world that many Americans live in.
  12. It was not a show that had many die hards there. One indicator of how few die hards were there is the lack of VCers posting about attending the show. I was three rows back from the VILLBE (Very Important LL Bean Employees), and there were not many folks whooping it up at the deep cuts. I put out 11 chairs for me and 10 friends - 7 of them had limited to no knowledge of Wilco/Tweedy. Upside - several new fans were made out of those 7.
  13. That is a great idea, from a public relations standpoint. Yet it seems like a way to make people feel good about their donation without really changing anything. So 100% of my donation goes to research because I requested it, while someone else who does not earmark theirs for research has only 5% of theirs go to research. At the end of the day, the organization is going to put the money together and spend x% on research, x% on administrative costs, etc. The ice bucket challenge has been a huge success for the ALS Association. Good for the organization, the families impacted by ALS, and those
  14. A great read by a high school grad who takes a year off to play 18 holes (or more) in each of the lower 48 states.
  15. Today, as a New Englander, all this talk of grinders has me thinking of a ham sandwich.
  16. I loved American Nations - the rare book that is entertaining and provides a (fairly) new viewpoint.
  17. Yes - I added the Peter Buck because he has not been playing with them this tour - though he is joining them for the next 4 shows including Cooperstown. I have heard scuttlebutt about back problems. On the DL, I guess. The band ripped through 10 songs in about 35 minutes or so. Dawes was much more rocking than I expected, and Conor Oberst (w/Dawes) was on fire.
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