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Everything posted by moxiebean

  1. I alternate sitting/standing whenever the macrame owl blinks.
  2. We also lost our cat of 20 years, Goo, a few weeks ago. We got him at the Philadelphia Humane Society just a few months after my wife and I got married and he was a constant in our lives ever since. Our house (and my life) is a bit emptier without him around.
  3. Less Than You Think - you can get a lot of stuff done in 15:04.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NuuBfJLa3SA
  5. I think I remember reading that Michael was cracking up because he kept mispronouncing "Dr. Seuss" as "Dr. Zeus".
  6. I read it as they were unaware what Jay Farrar was up to musically after the split - did he have a new band? was he in a studio somewhere with a batch of awesome songs etc. etc.?
  7. I'd love to see them make all of the originally-recorded files of one or two of the tracks (not sure which would be best candidates - kamera maybe?) available for folks to download & re-mix - give us all a chance to play Jim O'Rourke.
  8. Love this song. When they did this last week in Atlanta I was surprised that Nels played all of the riffs. This song seems perfect for a Nels/Pats guitar duel.
  9. I believe he expressed his gratitude for the loan of the Duane Allman guitar.
  10. ...although not all REM lyrics were written by Stipe - for example, Mills wrote (Don't Go Back to) Rockville, and Berry wrote Driver 8 and Everybody Hurts.
  11. I wouldn't say I hate it but it's still my least favorite song on the album. To me it sounds like a creative writing assignment set to music (which I guess it kind of is) and it's the only song on the album that is set in a somewhat identifiable place and time. None of the other songs on the album do this (I think), they're more "interior" and timeless. Other folks may like the song for some of those same reasons and that's cool, too. Also, to my ears the chorus at the end fades out too quick; at first listen I was expecting a longer woozy singalong at the end.
  12. I haven't yet gone to a Wilco concert and seen someone in a tie-dyed peasant skirt spinning so... NO.
  13. Just saw the news on Facebook - sad, but inevitable I guess. In 1982 they were the first band that I felt a connection to and was truly passionate about. Although my attention drifted around the time Berry left (thanks for picking up the slack Wilco!) I always felt good knowing they were still around. It's like finding out that someone you were best friends with years ago is gone.
  14. For several years my wife thought it was "No love's as random as Scott's love"
  15. On a flight between San Juan and Baltimore about 25 years ago I was seated between the lead singer & bass player for 38 Special. We had a brief conversation about the questionable contents of Puerto Rican cheeseburgers.
  16. "Drag your blanket blindly And fill your heart with smoke" For me conjures a mental picture of a usually ever-optimistic Linus van Pelt, crushed and heartbroken.
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