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1 beloved album from your collection

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Ruben Gonzalez - Introducing Ruben Gonzalez


If you saw the Buenuea Vista Social Club you'll know Ruben's piano work. The man is incredible! This recording is so full of life its amazing.



John Phillips - John The Wolfking Of L.A.


I can't say enough about this recording. A freind gave me a copy before I went on a month long road trip. Put this in while in L.A. (didn't even read the title). The next day I drove up Highway 1 and now new all the counties! This is great if you love The Flying Burrito Brothers, Tupelo, Byrds sound. Its high country that at first doesn't let you see the darkness in these lyrics


Dizzy Gillespie - Dizzy's Big Four


Dizzy with Joe Pass, Ray Brown and Mickey Roker)


Daivd Crosby- If I could Only Rember My Name


Jerry Garica, Neil Young, Joni Mitchell, Phil Lesh, Mickey Hart, Gram Nash and the list goes on on and on and on. one of my favorite albums produced by any of CSNY






Honestly though whenever ever i feel the way you are i just grab some great jazz or classical and turn it up way loud and realize I don't even understand what I've herd.

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Steve Reich-Music For 18 Musicians.


Quite possibly the most amazing piece of music I've ever heard--particularly the first time I listened to it, when I literally had to stop everything else I was doing and just sit and listen. This is definitely the finest piece of minimalism that I've listened to and the way that it organically grows and evolves is its strength and beauty. I listen to it and feel like I'm suspended in time and space...that is what great music does (I could name a few other albums that can do this--but most people are probably more familiar with them).


Music for 18 Musicians really isn't any particular genre, it's primitive and modern at the same time, but ultimately just great music. I don't know that everybody gets into it as much as I have, but everybody who I've had listen to it has always been intrigued and enjoys what they hear.

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  jc4prez said:
Daivd Crosby- If I could Only Rember My Name


I thought I was the only person in existence that still had a copy of that album! It's a good one.


John the Wolfking of L.A. is a great one, too


I would vote for Simpatico by the Vandermark 5 or maybe Earl Harvin Trio At the Gypsy Tea Room - both of those blew my mind when I heard them.

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The Semantics - Powerbill

Will Owsley and Millard Powers share songwriting and lead vocal duties, with Zak Starkey on drums. A hook-drenched power-pop masterpiece.


Sand Rubies - s/t

Criminally overlooked band. I saw them open for the Jayhawks in '93 (touring on this album) and they were fantastic, despite having a substitute rhythm section for that tour. They used to be called the Sidewinders but had to give up the name. Heavy Neil Young influence (they do a fine cover of "Interstate" on this record), with a lot of lovely, rough guitar complementing the eerie vocals of David Slutes. An old favorite of mine.


The Nils - s/t

I've already blathered enough in these forums about the greatness of this album, but yeah, it's great.

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  cryptique said:
:yes That's been a favorite of mine ever since my heavy dope-smoking days back in college. Coincidence? I think not.

Still one of my very favorites, even though the heavy dope-smoking days are long gone.

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  jc4prez said:
Daivd Crosby- If I could Only Rember My Name
I think I have at least one and maybe two vinyl copies of this.....


One of my favorite all times are the Blasters first two records, American Music and The Blasters....both under appreciated in my opinion.



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  deepseacatfish said:

Steve Reich-Music For 18 Musicians.


Quite possibly the most amazing piece of music I've ever heard--particularly the first time I listened to it, when I literally had to stop everything else I was doing and just sit and listen. This is definitely the finest piece of minimalism that I've listened to and the way that it organically grows and evolves is its strength and beauty. I listen to it and feel like I'm suspended in time and space...that is what great music does (I could name a few other albums that can do this--but most people are probably more familiar with them).


Music for 18 Musicians really isn't any particular genre, it's primitive and modern at the same time, but ultimately just great music. I don't know that everybody gets into it as much as I have, but everybody who I've had listen to it has always been intrigued and enjoys what they hear.


Can't say enough about this recording.



Do you have John Cage's "Music for prepared piano"???? Aboustley love that album.

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  jc4prez said:
Do you have John Cage's "Music for prepared piano"???? Aboustley love that album.
I have the version that was on Tomato records. I believe it is out of print, but not sure. It was one of the first LPs I bought at Lauries when it first opened.



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  LouieB said:
I have the version that was on Tomato records. I believe it is out of print, but not sure. It was one of the first LPs I bought at Lauries when it first opened.




Such a wonderful set of music. So full of life

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  jc4prez said:
Such a wonderful set of music. So full of life

Is that one back in print?? I believe there is a new version that came out not long ago too.


For some reason I recall listening to a version in the library way back when I first was getting into Cage and there were few records available. (I was lucky enough to see him lecture at Northwestern one time...)



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