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Everything posted by mfwahl

  1. I vote for Summerteeth or Being There YHF- Why read the book when you can see the movie?
  2. Hopefully this ends today, so we can move on. I don't want to see Yunel go, but Peavey will be a big piece of what Atlanta needs to do in the offseason. And they have some money to spend this year.
  3. No fucking way. One of the best. RIP. Mitch.
  4. Bush's presidency was an Ornette Coleman-inspired beautiful disaster.
  5. I think her campaign will be funded solely by selling rape kits.
  6. Apparently they are already selling Palin 2012 shirts
  7. Thanks for the detailed info. Looks like I'm going to have to pick this up.
  8. Yeah, I don't see the box office fee going to artists (Ticketmaster is in the business to make money) UNLESS the specific instances they are saying this will be used are only for artists that have exclusive deals with Front Line Management/Ticketmast Entertainment (like the Eagles, who are also mentioned in the article). If box office fees are ONLY applied to their exclusive clients like the Eagles and Guns n Roses, the policy is at least justifiable. I'm sure Live Nation is doing comparably the same thing with their exclusives like Jay-Z.
  9. He wrote the article because her candidacy is symptomatic of a larger problem. He makes good points. How did the GOP have her on the ticket when our nation is in turmoil and continue to point to her as the future of the party, how did the press not call this out as irresponsible farce, and how did so many people vote for the ticket she was on. What you say about being afraid is partially true. Many people are afraid that so many people come out to see her and that she could be on a ticket in 2012. But it's not about losing, per se. I mostly vote Democrat, but I don't really care that much i
  10. I mostly do too. That is why this new thing is disgusting. For certain shows now, you're going to pay their fees no matter where you buy the tickets. Love your site, btw.
  11. That's right. It's out of print and when I've seen them online, they're pretty expensive. I did come across this site where you can buy digital copies of the official sheet music for Someone Else's Song, Sunken Treasure, and Far Far Away, but they're $5 each. http://search.musicnotes.com/?hl=y&Alb...o+-+Being+There
  12. A church down here did something similar recently. The pastor had all of the married couples have sex everyday for a month and all the single people abstain for a month.
  13. This has probably already been posted but this is so awesome:
  14. I love This American Life. I still need to see Season 2. I was really into the radio show. I still think the radio show is better but I never seem to be listening to the radio when it's on anymore.
  15. Can't wait to see this next week. I guess I should pick up the album already.
  16. Here is the application for the bailout. I'm asking for 3 billion personally. http://www.taxpayer.net/user_uploads/file/...application.pdf
  17. No but the other one sucks. Available at wilcoworld:
  18. Sailin' 'round the world in a dirty gondola. Oh, to be back in the land of Coca-Cola!
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