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Everything posted by anthony

  1. "Don't Think Twice, It's Alright" - Bob Dylan
  2. This my first - and only 50 pages in or so. So far, I am really enjoying the writing style. Verbose, yet sly-ly humorous. Rich character development without being to obvious. So far, so good.
  3. Saw this last night. LOL! I love adultswim. Harvey Birdman, Robot Chicken, Metalocalypse, Samari Jack ... No that is quality entertainment.
  4. Just paid 4.17 at Costco gas. It was 4.27 at the chevron across the street. Grrrr....
  5. I dig the tune. Very loose; very raw. Reminds me of Exile era Stones.
  6. The bonus disk is definitly worth tracking down. Radio Cure, Acuff Rose & Not for the Season alone are worth it, IMHO. Speaking of Disc 2, what's up with the Mumbling Version of Monday? Funny for messing around in rehearsals, but wouldn't you feel gipped at the live show?
  7. One year later, I find myself listening less and less to SBS. There are still great songs (YAMF, IG & S w/ S), but I feel the Law of Diminishing Returns kicking in. Which is odd, because this is the opposite of all other Wilco records for me. All of them (except AM ) have gotten better with each successive listen. Oh, well...
  8. I tried those EX Pegs once. Like said above: very bright with lots of sustain and volume. I didn;t really like the tone all-in-all. A little too jangle-y, IMHO. Some argue that pins make zero difference. I tend to disagree - but the effect is subtle. Even with brass. My two cents. YMMV.
  9. 1. Blood on the Tracks 2. Freewheelin' 3. Highway 61 Revisited 4. Bringing It All Back Home 5. Desire
  10. I put together this arrangement intented to be played as solo acoustic. I tried emphasize that one D-G Riff as the songs recognizable signature. Let me know if anyone has any feedback. Couple of notes: I like to mixing in 7ths. Try swapping Em7 for Em and A7 for A, F#m7 for F#mm etc. The Outro can be played with the D-G Riff, as well (like the YHF Demo version). Thanks and enjoy! Wilco - Ashes of American Flags (YHF) [Standard tuning / no capo] D-G Riff , D-G Riff D - G Riff The cash machine is blue and green D G G/f# For a hundred in twenties and a small service f
  11. Pretty sure it is correct. I usually use the Open D capo II configuration (less tension makes me feel better). I think the key for getting the groove is to ignore the 6th string and emphasize the walking bass notes. This progression is the key: E x54000 Emaj7 x44000 E7 x34000 A x20120 Also, I tend to travis pick this tune. You may want to try that.
  12. Great quote. I know what you mean. But lust is usually reserved for acoustics with exotic wood, like this one: http://www.theguitarshoppe.com/martinguitar.htm
  13. Forgot about this one. One of my favorite 1990's tunes.
  14. Here is what I use: G = 005430 C = 002010 D7= 020230 (or 000230 when I am lazy) D = 004030
  15. Wasn't she on the duet w/ Plant Zep's Battle of Evermore?
  16. Pepper - Butthole Surfers Come on Eileen - Save Ferris Seether - Veruca Salt Zoot Suit Riot - Cherry Poppin Daddies Sell Out - Reel Big Fish
  17. Just bought some converse EV pro II. 2nd best shoes ever made (Chuck's being No 1, of course).
  18. I just thought I'd share a few of my favorite guitar related websites. And maybe some of you can some more good ones to the list. For in-depth lessons and great song transcriptions, this is a great site: http://www.guitarnoise.com/ Need to name a chord? or find an inversion? Great place to start: http://www.all-guitar-chords.com/chord_name.php This one is good for that, as well. Has the ability to give chord names for alternate tunings: http://www.gootar.com/guitar/ For any part, tool or accessory you can imagine: http://www.stewmac.com/ Perhaps the most valuable website. Ev
  19. Van Morrison sounds like a choking badger. The Grateful Dead do not deserve their following. Bruce Springsteen only made one good LP. Baby boomers have ruined rock n roll. Metalica's The Black Album sucks. The Beatles were not good until they took drugs. Clapton should never have switched to a stratocaster. I have not listend to Pet Sounds in its entirety.
  20. If only I had the dough, I would love to sang this one: 1967 Gibson Barney Kessel
  21. Here is a frind of mine: The Travis King Band
  22. Wow, Thanks!! Much appreciated.
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