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Preferred B

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Everything posted by Preferred B

  1. Ha! I blogged about the CH show I saw at the Pabst and was pretty mean about 16 Frames. A few weeks later, the drummer replied to my post.
  2. Dang, you're right. I guess since summer is now over this year it feels like two years ago?
  3. Andrew "opened" for Wilco at Summerfest two years ago. Well, he played at the same stage directly before them, anyway. I saw him last week and it was a very good show, but I'm looking forward to seeing him solo again. Though it looks like in Minneapolis he will be with a band, which makes sense because Jeremy Ylvisaker and Martin Dosh are both from Minneapolis.
  4. It's a little early for the real color changing, but I took this picture last week in a local park: I'm excited for autumn. I'll get trick-or-treaters at my new home for the first time this year!
  5. I'm an American history geek, so I can't wait for this. However, there's no chance I'll ever be able to catch this for a couple of hours every night for ... however long. It may be Netflix for me.
  6. I went to college here and haven't left yet. I love the city and this general area ... and believe me, there is much, much more to Madison than just the small area surrounding the UW. (Not that there's anything wrong with the university.) Football, Farmer's Market, the capitol, State Street, Concerts on the Square, Willy Street and the Weary Traveler (where I take all my visitors for a late-night meal), the huge summer art fair, the lakes ... and that's just downtown and near east side. Skyflynn is really the master of Madison knowledge, but feel free to PM me with any questions as well.
  7. I didn't take it, but it's the mural at the top of the capitol dome here in Madison.
  8. I read it back in high school, but The God of Small Things ranked right up there as one of my favorite books ever.
  9. How fun! I've seen the Autumn Defense do "Just That Simple" a few times, but never Wilco. I love all of these surprises that keep popping up - wish I could make it to another show. A.M. is really getting some love lately.
  10. That would be the best new tradition ever.
  11. Me too! Johnny, excellent job with the poster. I saw a lot of people yesterday, but managed to miss you. Sounds like there was a summit!
  12. Glad you got home okay too. I wish I could take Jeff's advice about not working tomorrow, but alas... This was a really fun show, and my first time in Millennium Park. I loved hearing all the old stuff, especially "Box Full of Letters" and "Casino Queen." I was also thrilled that Chicago sucked much worse at clapping during "Spiders" than Madison did on Tuesday night. Jeff did say that the band requested "Too Far Apart." They've been playing it at every show lately, which is as it should be as far as I'm concerned. So much fun.
  13. Good thing you posted; we probably would have been waiting a loong time. The first encore was excellent. And the Overture Center is beautiful, but I think the Barrymore show last November spoiled me forever in terms of Madison venues for Wilco.
  14. Lou tore my ticket! I enjoyed all the acts I saw (I only went on Saturday) though I didn't enjoy Andrew Bird's set as much as I usually do. I'm seeing him again next week at the WI Union Theatre, which should be good. I have some photos here.
  15. I think I've read nearly her entire catalogue; fiction, non-fiction, for children, for adults. Many of my favorite books. RIP, Madeleine.
  16. Hey, you know me - I'm always in for the pogoing. I'm glad we got to hang out! And jump together!
  17. I see you can request "Blank," that hit from Summerteeth.
  18. I was never going to be able to go to this show, but I really wish I could.
  19. I'm not sure I follow your reasoning here. Woody has influenced a ton of musicians. It was unfortunate that Wilco's presence was falsely advertised, but just the fact that they're not taking part in this tribute doesn't seem like that big of a deal.
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