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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. Tommy's album is now streaming @ http://music.aol.com/new-releases-full-cds#/7 Favorite track so far... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIIs8CW0ZBM
  2. That's a very good way to put it, and precisely why sometimes SBS is exactly what I'm looking for... and why sometimes it's the last thing I want to hear.
  3. It's not nice to tease the new folks, but I must admit I had a chuckle reading the last couple of pages. It'll be out soon enough, everyone. And yes, it will sound the same in a month.
  4. I have no problem with whooping, random cheers, clapping along, singing along... stuff like that. Concerts should be a fun, social experience and if someone enjoys them by doing that kind of stuff, more power to them (even if their off-key singing or poor rhythm annoys me a little). What I don't have any tolerance for is talking, texting, tweeting, posting to FB, etc. during a show. Like Jeff said in that Sunken Treasure clip - why are you even there?
  5. Wait... the final track is a 10-verse, 14 minute, alt-country jam? That sounds so wrong and potentially awful I'm intrigued.
  6. I was talking to an east coast FB friend and realized that she's felt more earthquakes this year than I've felt here in so cal. That makes me nervous, actually.
  7. Sorry to hear. Vacation injuries are the worst -- I was once lucky enough to crush my heelbone while on vacation in a tiny Mexican village, not fun! -- but a torn achilles sounds rough. Get yourself a good PT person, even if you have to pay out of your own pocket for it. Your initial recovery is going to have a huge effect on your long-term ability to return to normal. Good luck!
  8. Man, I need to make a goal like this. I can relate -- we live about 10 mins from the beach here in OC and we rarely go. Just too busy with work during the week & we're usually busy with other crap on the weekends -- or if we're free, chances are the weather is too nice and we don't want to deal with crowds at the beach. In fact, my kids are in a surf camp this week and that's accounted for 100% of the time we've been to the beach all summer. Just ain't right.
  9. Yeah, that's my only concern about Wilco getting much bigger than they currently are. Stadium shows suck and are too expensive. I would hate it if Wilco became one of "those" bands who only do mega-tours. (Luckily I don't think we really have to worry about that happening.)
  10. I also found Skyler annoying and preachy in past seasons, but I actually like her a lot more now that she's quasi-involved.
  11. I completely agree. This season has started out very strong and this week's episode was the best so far.
  12. This is awesome... but you probably shouldn't go here unless you're caught up with BrBa (S4E4). http://www.amctv.com...icher-case-file
  13. He has every right to make these demands, as I have every right to think he's a preachy, pretentious asshole for doing so.
  14. are you with me Dr. Hu? or are you really just a shadow of the man that I once knew? are you crazy? are you high? are you just an ordinary guy? have you done all you can do? are you with me, doctor? can you hear me, doctor? (Wilco is repped by this guy -- he's who you should contact)
  15. Man, it's been a long time since I listened to this album. Perfect mood-setter for me tonight... need this, desperately.
  16. Got the last one in stock from my local BevMo this afternoon. That's a damn tasty beer.
  17. Plenty of jokes coming out of DC these days.
  18. Ha... oh man, that's rich. If that word is in there, you can safely assume that they're not using a "safe" dictionary and who knows what other random vulgarities will emerge. I'm half tempted to play around with that feature just to see.
  19. Funny, I was also going to point this out but didn't want to be the only jerk in the thread . But I also noticed how he was "told" to give the ball to the other kid, and that's what turned him around. Now, to his credit, many/most kids would have ignored the park employee and held on to the ball... but his actions weren't exactly 100% pure 'selflessness' like it's being played up to be. He's a good kid who does what he's told, nothing wrong with that at all.
  20. Haven't been following this thread all that closely, but this FB note from Wilco caught my attention: "Nashville update: After catching some scalpers and ticket policy violators, additional tickets for both nights at the Ryman are now available." Wonder if they're going after them in other cities, too.
  21. Looking back at what I wrote at the end of last season re: Jesse's mental state... his conversation with Walt at the diner was chilling.
  22. Absolutely -- they picked right up where they left off. This is going to be one hell of a season.
  23. 1) not until 2007ish - after years of people suggesting uncle tupelo, wilco & tweedy to me because I'm a huge replacements/westerberg fan I finally bought the UT anthology CD. Loved it, and worked my way through the UT catalog from bottom up, while working my way thru Wilco from top down (starting at SBS). Taught me a lesson about listening to suggestions from people whose taste in music is similar to mine (which is the main reason I'm here, actually). 2) june 2009. caught 2 of their LA shows during the WTA tour. Fantastic shows - was mostly amazed at how much better the WTA songs so
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