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Everything posted by radiatortunes

  1. Thank you v much, Donna & Brennan!
  2. Hi bbop...I'm embarrassed to admit that I'm not familiar with very much of Big Star so I couldn't tell you if that was the last song of the set. Sorry. I couldn't find AD's Solid Sound setlist posted under "After the Show." You wouldn't happen to have it, would you?
  3. I hope it's soon, Donna, but for now I'm really happy to have had the chance to catch them @ the Drake Underground! Fantastic show, they opened with "Tell Me What You Want", an early favorite for me off their latest record. The small room (capacity 150) had a nice sound. Open floor with a few couches/benches along the sides. Highlights for me were "Full 5 Paces", "We Would Never Die", "Spend Your Life" and "The Sun in California" (I'm partial to John's songs!) Pat invited us to sing along on the first song of their 2-song encore, Bob Welch's "Sentimental Lady" ("14 joys and a will to be me
  4. "Hi this is Jeff Tweedy from Wilco and you're listening to CBC Radio Two Drive" (followed by "Wrote A Song For Everyone" by Mavis). Just now.
  5. "WILCO Podcast - Guest DJ Pat Sansone 30-Oct-10" now in the Roadcase (sorry if this has been posted elsewhere!)
  6. I haven't received mine yet so I purchased one from the iTunes store this morning. Going to see them in Toronto on the 9th. My first AD show!
  7. Does anyone in Toronto know who's selling tix for the show at the Drake? The Drake's website doesn't even list this show...thanks.
  8. This. I work out so that I can eat a burger or fudge brownie every once in a while without worrying too much about pushing maximum density. And also because I'm sort of an endorphin junkie. Like ponch1028 I exercise in the morning before work. I'm pretty lazy and will think of any excuse to not work out if I leave it until the end of the day. I did too much distance running in the late '90s/early '00s and incurred some chronic injuries so now I only run a couple times a week. The rest of the time it's cardio in the gym. I know I should rotate in some weight training but I find weights s
  9. I was the same way before seeing them at Malkin Bowl here in Vancouver earlier this month! They opened with "Anyone's Ghost" and "Mistaken for Strangers" and the energy was amazing. Even their encore - "Runaway", "Mr. November", "Terrible Love" and "About Today" - which might seem tame (with the exception of "Mr Nov") was unbelievable! Glad you had a great show, too.
  10. I'll try not to repeat stuff that's already been said. The festival surroundings were incredibly beautiful. Jeff said in his classic, understated way, something along the lines of, "You folks have a nice joint here." My husband and I found a spot just to the left of the soundboard that had a great view of the stage thanks to the four-foot wide aisle that separated the unwashed masses from the VIP'ers. (I joke.) The sound here was perfect and surprisingly, there was lots of room to "boogie" as Mikael would say. And not too many talkers at all. I'm with BoulderEagle: the "I'll Fight" > "
  11. Hey Shug...we're flying to Denver tomorrow and driving to Snowmass Friday morning. We last saw the band in Feb during the "Frozen Tundra" leg of this year's tour. Travel safely and enjoy the show!
  12. As a casual fan of CH I have to say I was blown away by their show last night in Vancouver. Solid 2-hour set. Particularly enjoyed "Distant Sun" "Private Universe" and "It's Only Natural" as well as beautiful versions of "Fall At Your Feet" and "Isolation" (featuring Sharon). I have to agree, these guys are incredible live.
  13. What's worse is...mgmt at the gym I go to (which bears the name of a certain point guard for the Phoenix Suns, someone not unfamiliar with sweat) doesn't give a sh*t about this kind of stuff. Sorry, cranky this morning.
  14. The night of the infamous "Deli-Tray Incident" ?!
  15. Your enthusiasm is infectious! Wish I could say 2 are coming from Vancouver, however, it just wasn't in the cards. Have a great time, everyone!
  16. Thanks very much for posting this. Jeff's response to the "Neil" question, which was sort of a stupid question, was brilliant. (The interview aired on CBC Radio One on Oct 21 last year. It must have been taped the week before when the band played Massey Hall.)
  17. Hope it's a great show. The band will be on "Q" (CBC radio one) Thursday: http://www.cbc.ca/q/ (door # 3)
  18. "Outtasite (Outta Mind)" during the Hockey Night in Canada pre-game show last night. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzCviTjypIQ
  19. Eldorado - The Tragically Hip Carl Perkins' Cadillac - Drive-By Truckers
  20. This. From what I've seen and read (which admittedly, isn't a ton) almost everyone involved has reminded me why this is such a great game: Galarraga, what a class act, showing composure and remaining calm; Joyce, obviously contrite (devastated, really) and owning up to his error; Leyland, actually urging Tigers fans to cheer Joyce today and not boo him. Maybe I'm trying too hard to put a positive spin on an unfortunate turn of events?
  21. I collect Toronto Blue Jays pocket schedules. But I'm missing their first 9 seasons ('77-'85). So it isn't such a great collection.
  22. Co-workers who think my office is the "microwave-waiting-room" just because it's located around the corner from the appliance People who don't wipe down machines after using them at the gym Firms that gouge you on foreign exchange transactions
  23. Still warm donuts A smiling dog Joe Morgan and Jon Miller on ESPN Sunday Night Baseball
  24. I'll second that. I haven't stopped listening to this record since Sunday night. And I can't believe my luck: they're playing Malkin Bowl here in Vancouver in Sept! Thanks, VC!
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