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The Inside of Outside

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Everything posted by The Inside of Outside

  1. Interesting prompt. Never given it much thought. Oldest sister - Eagles, Dan Fogelberg, Doobie Brothers, Hall and Oates, Michael Bolton, etc. So...no. Sister #2 - Eagles, classic rock back in the day, etc. Closer, but no. Brother #1 - Decembrists, Hothouse Flowers, etc. Getting warmer. Brother #2 - Wilco, DMB, The Who, etc. Very close. Seems those closest to me in age (I am the youngest) are closer to me in musical tastes. Not surprising I guess, given the decade difference in age between my oldest siblings and me. (Disclosure - my wife is a huge Hall and Oates fan, and I have
  2. For a festival setlist, I see at least three songs that are not regulars - War on War, Monday, and In the Street. Not bad to get three of these in a shortened setlist at a festival. Reason #376 to like Wilco.
  3. We went to Ohio for vacation two weeks ago (doesn't everyone go to Ohio for vacation?), and we had one day in Cleveland. Unfortunately, the game was delayed a few hours, so we had to pass on it. It was a wet day, so the crowd around Progressive Field was sparse. It is great to hear that folks are supporting the team. My kids have yet to see a major league game - we live in northern New England, and we'd have to get a second mortgage to see the Sox. Half the family are Sox fans, and half are Indians fans. Bummed that we didn't get to see the Indians a few weeks back. In the meantime, I have t
  4. I was just coming on here to write something similar! Walk off grand slam? 11 game home winning streak? What the hell?
  5. "The band...hasn't decided which tracks will make the final product, but Tweedy says it could end up being a two-disc set." Their last two-disc set from the studio turned out fine 15 years ago, so I vote for another.
  6. I remember that show as well, and agree with u2roolz. Didn't realize it was aimed at kids, but it makes sense. In a "Gustafer Yellowgold hasn't come down from a bizarre acid trip" sense.
  7. My wife (girlfriend at the time) hooked me on Y&R/B&B in the early-mid nineties. I completed a 12-step program for it (SOA) shortly afterward. Thankfully.... I thought Eva Longoria couldn't act her way out of a paper bag when she was on Y&R. Sometimes things don't change....
  8. I agree on both counts. I am looking forward to seeing the Autumn Defense on Sunday. I see some acts in the schedule to take a pass on , which offers some down time and some time for checking out the art, etc. I like that the schedule does not appear frenetic or overwhelming - just the right amount of activity for me. When the acts were announced, it was interesting to see who was going to play. Having the schedule makes it more concrete for me, and thus more exciting. Now the countdown begins.
  9. Love that photo, tagvestibule. You manage to get serious clarity in your shots; I am impressed. I could care less about the watermark. The photo is excellent.
  10. Reserved seating plus solo acoustic show can equal people sitting during the show. Not always, by any means, but often anyway. I stood at Jeff's solo show at the Calvin Theater two (?) years ago; I sat last night. The Calvin crowd sang along more (like every song), and last night the State Theater crowd sang along on a few. The upside two years ago was the crowd's energy; the upside last night was that you could hear Jeff sing the songs. There's something to like in each kind of show. Funny banter last night, as usual. His give and take early on with someone who was taping the show ("Can you
  11. "You Never Know" at the Maine Mall yesterday, 6 hours before Jeff took the stage at the State Theater in Portland, some 5 miles away.
  12. In the balcony, 2nd row I think. Probably will grab a beer before the show nearby. Thank goodness Congress Street is what it is today, and not the seedy area it was 30 years ago. 30 years ago, the likes of "Debbie Does Dallas" was playing at the State Theater!
  13. After nearly 20 weeks of reading, finished it tonight. Worth every minute!
  14. News of Cap'n Crunch's demise is greatly exaggerated: My link
  15. John Lee Hooker Stevie Ray Vaughan The Replacements Big Star The Kinks Whiskeytown
  16. I passed up seeing Bash and Pop in NYC in '93. Had tickets, but didn't make it. Thought I'd have another chance to see them, since they were on their first tour. Didn't realize it would be their last.
  17. Listened to a leaked cassette tape of Being There before it came out - that was the last one I listened to before the release. Don't think I'll break that streak now - I'll wait for the release. Old fashioned (or just old) I guess.
  18. Says Wilco is headlining the final day. Looks like others in the music biz might be catching on to what we've known for the last 16 years - Wilco is a monster live band. Pollstar
  19. I'm a little disconcerted by folks who write, "I was in 1st grade..." or "I was in the womb..." I go to a Wilco show, and I don't feel old. I read that, and I feel old. (Sorry to folks older than me who are reading this). Freshman in college, had turned 18 the night before, which happened to coincide with night of lost virginity. Was riding a high that next day - slept in, was in the midst of skipping classes, then back to earth with the news. Sat in a dorm room the rest of the day watching it over and over....
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