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Politics 2016 (election edition)

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I wouldn't. Cruz is a seasoned politician who is both savvy and evil (my opinion, of course--I assume yours is different). Trump, on the other hand, is such a crazy ass wildcard that I think he would be impeached. Of course, that means it'll be pretty important to see who his running mate is.

I agree. Cruz's appeal to the Christian fundamentalists is different than Trump's. Cruz is, or at least wants to be perceived as, a religious fundamentalist. Trump throws them cursory Bible bones that he, and they, know are bullshit. Trump appeals to them as an anti-establishment, straight talker. I'll take non-religious unhinged over religious unhinged. That said, no matter which one of them is the GOP nominee, I believe they'll lose.


Also, there is good reason why Cruz is loathed by his fellow senators.

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Can this fucking thing be over already.  It is taking up too much time and energy. 


But I gotta say, Bernie is really hanging in there. Go Bern.


I was so wrong about Rubio. The guy is finished.



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After Rubio loses Florida, it will be interesting to see what he does. Is there a chance for a Cruz-Rubio ticket? Will Rubio regroup and run again in 2020? I can't tell if he's too young (although the same age as Cruz), or just a weak candidate.


The other strange thing I've been reading a lot is how last year it was noted by everyone how strong the potential list of GOP candidates was. I know it's hindsight now, but I honestly never thought that Cruz, Rubio, Rand Paul, Scott Walker, etc., were particularly strong candidates. Last year's enthusiasm for those guys seemed as strange to me then as it does now.

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Rubio absolutely blew any chance he had when he got down in the dirt with Trump.  If he had kept his cool an ignored him (best thing you can do to an attention whore bully) we'd probably be looking at a different picture right now.  The old guard Republicans would have much preferred to champion him than Cruz.

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It will be Trump vs. Hillary, which means I'll vote for Hillary. Not so much an endorsement of Hillary as a vote against Trump.

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This election will be worse than the new Ghostbusters.

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Bob Dylan

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Curious what the crossover vote looked like in MI and whether that's what put Bernie over the top. Two of my republican friends (yes, I do have republican friends!) did it because they're resigned to Trump getting the GOP nomination and would rather have Bernie as Pres than Hillary.

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It isn't policy, Lou, it's politics. They loathe Hillary so much that they can't abide her being president. They'd rather have a very liberal man of perceived integrity, than a fairly moderate woman of perceived criminality.

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It isn't policy, Lou, it's politics. They loathe Hillary so much that they can't abide her being president. They'd rather have a very liberal man of perceived integrity, than a fairly moderate woman of perceived criminality.

Precisely. Between the two, a Sanders presidency is much less troubling to them than having a "criminal" in the WH.

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