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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. Oh yes, Kidsmoke, More Like the Moon! Why oh why don't they ever play that one? It's so beautiful. And Wishful Thinking is one of my favorite songs (see my signature line) but why are you all calling it underrated? I think of it as a well-loved song, both by the fans and by the band. It's played fairly often. Who dares disagree?
  2. I'm interpreting underrated to mean "worthy songs that don't get as much love or respect as they deserve." By those standards, I would name: That's Not the Issue On and On and On Standing O I'll insert my usual caveat that tomorrow I might have an entirely different list, but these are the songs I'm thinking of tonight. I think the last two really come alive when they're played in concert. As for That's Not the Issue, I've always loved the sly humor in that song, but it sure doesn't get played often.
  3. I don't think this has been posted here yet. It's the best piece I've read on the subject. http://www.pastemagazine.com/articles/2015/03/wilco-and-the-concern-trolls-tweedy-and-co-cancel.html
  4. What bbop said. There'll be a lot more to say about this as the time gets closer, but I would suggest that SSF first-timers take a look at the threads from previous years to get a good feel for what to expect. I don't think this year's festival will be radically different from the one in 2013. The very first year they handled access to Joe's Field differently, with a lining up and later mad dash to the front, but since then it's been open all day. It definitely makes sense to make friends with your neighbors, for all kinds of reasons, and you'll probably have to miss out on one or two acts dep
  5. This is just my opinion, but I think it would be a good idea for us to chill out on this topic. We've obviously got a former fan here who is upset and I don't see where baiting him is helping anything. Sometimes people get incredibly riled up and there's no calming them down, and everyone seems to be talking at cross purposes. Seems to me the issues are clear, and whether everyone is adknowledging them or not, it's not going to help to keep piling on.
  6. I hope someone is compiling a list of some of the comments from Facebook, etc. Here's my new favorite: "the whining lyrics that drip from mouths that appear to suffer from Novocaine injections can't even begin to pass for 'music'." Jeff is going to have a field day with this stuff at that solo show in May!
  7. The point is awareness. The point is hopefully the start of a groundswell of others--artists, sports teams, corporations, you name it--who will see this as the right thing to do, to have the courage of your convictions. The point is NOT to screw fans out of a concert in their hometown. Political action can be a little bit painful in the short term to some people, but it's the greater good that's at stake here, not a few fans being inconvenienced. I would be very disappointed if I had bought tickets and this happened, but it would be a personal disappointment that would be far outweighed
  8. Wow. Talk about putting your money where your mouth is.
  9. Nobody has commented on Juan Watters as the opener. He opened for one of the Tweedy shows in Chicago earlier this month. He was definitely...um...unusual. Reactions were mixed among my friends, so I am curious to hear how it went over in Omaha. And thank you to bböp and H. Stone for all the delectable details!
  10. The War on Drugs. I'm really excited about this one.
  11. I also wonder if there aren't venue rules at seated theaters telling performers that they shouldn't exhort people to stand up. Like, if it starts happening naturally the performer doesn't have to stop it, but he shouldn't actually encourage it.
  12. Hmm, you're right, they do. Never thought of that, and the rest of the song doesn't sound like anything else to me, but now that you mention it I hear it too.
  13. I'm so sorry to hear of all the troubles that you had last week, and I know the sadness that follows on from many of them will be ongoing, but hopefully things will pick up and be better soon. Good lord, they have to.
  14. Ha! You keep providing the content, I'll do the commentary.
  15. Spencer was giving it a little extra oomph tonight. :-)
  16. This is one of the best recent Jeff interviews I've seen. He is so self aware. "Being able to open up in ways that other people find more difficult is part of the job." ... His goal, he clarifies, was to put himself in a state of unease.... "I want to say something so direct that it feels like the hair on the back of my neck stands up a little bit."...."I want to feel vulnerable. I think that's my job, actually." This is such a perfect articulation of what connects me so powerfully to certain music, and especially to Wilco and Jeff Tweedy. I loved reading his thoughts on this and thinkin
  17. Dare we hope that Conan will find something for Jeff to do other than perform with the band? I'm thinking of how great he was with Jimmy Fallon playing charades...
  18. Thank you so much for taking time to write up a report. I've seen a printed setlist friends snagged from last night and for the solo portion it just says "How It's Done". (I also got one from the second Chicago show and the solo section was labeled "Awesome solo stuff".) I would love to hear more about what he talked about, so when you have time if you--or anyone else in attendance--could provide more details I'd appreciate it!
  19. That was a great report. Thank you. I'm so glad Jeff is calling out the people who are so rudely taking flash pictures. There was some woman who posted on Facebook a few shows ago who was just incensed that Jeff called her out, since she was only trying to memorialize the moment for herself and her son. Well, excuse me, but nobody needs to hear your personal story, lady. Sorry if you're disenchanted because you got your feelings hurt, but Jeff is absolutely doing the right thing for the artistic integrity of the performance. Right on, Jeff!
  20. Thank you for the more than serviceable recap, Sandy. Boy, Jeff's having fun with the toilet humor these days. I assume Spencer is not mortified--presumably this is familiar territory in the Tweedy household.
  21. I guess I shouldn't be surprised anymore but I still am.
  22. Today I am wondering if somebody kidnapped bbop. Or kept him out way too late last night. It's the morning after night 2 at the Fillmore and no reports.
  23. Wonder if they would have gotten points for "What band rose from the ashes of Uncle Tupelo?"
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