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Wilco heard while you're out and about

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There's probably a thread somewhere about this, but it's always fun to be out and about and next thing you know the sound of wilco is wafting through the air.


went to lunch at chipotle with a colleague and when we walked in we were greeted by the usual lunch crowd and "when the roses bloom again". it made my lunch that much better.

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There's probably a thread somewhere about this, but it's always fun to be out and about and next thing you know the sound of wilco is wafting through the air.


went to lunch at chipotle with a colleague and when we walked in we were greeted by the usual lunch crowd and "when the roses bloom again". it made my lunch that much better.

Must be on their standard store CD, cause I've heard Roses at Chipotle a few times recently.

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the best was hearing them played in my favorite bar. the worst was hearing sky blue sky being played in the grocery store a month or so ago



that didn't add to your grocery shopping experience. i would probably buy a lot of useless food if wilco were played at my grocery store.

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I'll third the Chipotle encounter -- have heard Wilco there before. And, over the summer I read that Starbuck's was playing Wilco too -- but I don't drink coffee, so have never confirmed the Starbucks thing first-person. I found the Starbucks news disappointing, but I guess it's good for Wilco sales. Starbucks has played/sold Beck, Aimee Mann, the White Stripes, etc. Of course, Chipotle's parent company is McDonald's, so that's not much better when it comes to corporate chains. But, I do occasionally get a Chipotle burrito or some McD's fries, just not too often as there aren't any locations near my house. I instead go to a taco truck for authentic burritos at super-cheap prices :)

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i sometimes hear them at a cool bar now and again and once, from someone's car while i was driving around the city.




i always open my car windows at stoplights and blast my jeff tweedy, as either a gift or a wakeup call.

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i don't see why wilco being played at starbuck's would be disappointing. don't you want to hear good music everywhere you go?


Well, I don't go to Starbucks, so I wouldn't hear music there. I don't like big chains if I can avoid them (disclaimer: I work for a F100 corporation, so I'm just as much a sell-out). I was really conflicted about the VW ads, but I own an Audi, which is owned by VW, so can't complain too much. And, my Audi always has a Wilco, Tweedy, or Uncle Tupelo disc in it :) But, my husband kids me every time a VW ad is on that Wilco sold out... but at least it's VW and not some not-to-be-named car company I don't like (not named to avoid offending, with a board this size, there's bound to be a wide range of cars owned).

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Guest David Puddy
Well, I don't go to Starbucks, so I wouldn't hear music there. I don't like big chains if I can avoid them (disclaimer: I work for a F100 corporation, so I'm just as much a sell-out). I was really conflicted about the VW ads, but I own an Audi, which is owned by VW, so can't complain too much. And, my Audi always has a Wilco, Tweedy, or Uncle Tupelo disc in it :) But, my husband kids me every time a VW ad is on that Wilco sold out... but at least it's VW and not some not-to-be-named car company I don't like (not named to avoid offending, with a board this size, there's bound to be a wide range of cars owned).


i just look at it this way. if i'm watching tv, and there's a VW commercial, and in that commercial there's a song, why would i want it to be anything other than a song from my favorite band? i understand the whole sellout argument, but i just want to hear wilco as much as possible.


and i'm all for avoiding chains.

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i just look at it this way. if i'm watching tv, and there's a VW commercial, and in that commercial there's a song, why would i want it to be anything other than a song from my favorite band? i understand the whole sellout argument, but i just want to hear wilco as much as possible.


and i'm all for avoiding chains.


Ok, I've got to admit, if I hear one more Jennifer Lopez or Beyonce commercial -- btw, what's up with the dancing and sales-pitch talk for a phone? -- I'm going to feel either 1) older than I am, or 2) more out of touch than usual. But, then again, I usually won't watch TV unless it's a commercial-free station or I can skip the commercials via my DVR. I probably would've missed the VW ads completely if I hadn't been DVR-less this summer as we drove across the country (East to West coast). And, as much as I hate chains, there were parts of the country where a McD's sign was a huge relief as there are large stretches of nothing along the way -- literally almost ran out of gas east of Denver due to lack of gas stations... yikes! We have videos of some of the "nothing" we drove through, set to Wilco music, taken from a car going at a nice clip ;)

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My favorite bar has every Wilco album except A.M. and Being There, as well as UT's Anodyne. I hear them every time I go there.

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just before the sydney show in april, a pub down the street that we stopped into was playing the whole Summerteeth album from start to finish, which gave it a nice atmosphere considering most people in there were waiting for the show to start


John walked past and we asked him to come in with us but he and the rest of the guys went to some Thai joint directly across the street



also back home, i've seen Outtasite and Kamera listed on a jukebox at a pub

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A friend of mine told me he was watching the Blackhawks game on TV last night and just when they were down 3..."Can't Stand It" was played :rock

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This one time I was watching a VW ad on TV, and...


No, that's never happened to me, thankfully, but I've heard the band plenty of places. Jesus Etc. at a Blockbuster once, and A.M. blasting away in the booth at a gas station. Seriously! This couldn't have been more than three or four years ago.

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No, that's never happened to me, thankfully, but I've heard the band plenty of places. Jesus Etc. at a Blockbuster once, and A.M. blasting away in the booth at a gas station. Seriously! This couldn't have been more than three or four years ago.


were you in oregon? 'cause i worked at a gas station and used to bump me some wilco...

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