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A Thread for Musical Blasphemy you Truly Believe

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  Winston Legthigh said:
Rarely played live?? Have you ever looked at their schedule from 63-66? If they weren't in the studio, they were on the road. Epstein practically worked them to death. Their hellish schedule was a big factor in choosing to stop touring.


yes i have... and yes they played quite a bit those 3-4 years... but in the grand scheme... compared to other bands who were around nearly 10 years, they didn't play a LOT of live shows, and didn't have the reputation as a live band, that's all I was getting at.


but even during those first 4 years, i've seen way more grueling touring schedules over the last 20 years than that.... like way way more.


  Winston Legthigh said:
CCR's output vs time ratio is unparalleled.


this is totally true...

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  mrkinsley said:
This is the blasphemy thread, not the confess your embarassing guilty pleasures thread. ;)


In most cases, there really isn't a difference, is there?


Plus, I don't believe in guilty pleasures. That's a meaningless term to me. Music shouldn't make you feel guilty.

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  Winston Legthigh said:
Los Lobos are the best American band today, and probably in the Top 5 all time.


REM hasn't put anything interesting out since Document (that's 20 years of suckage).


George should have been knighted before Paul (or, at all, for that matter).


CCR's output vs time ratio is unparalleled.


Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Mine is the flipside of your....


REM is the most important and influential American Rock Band of All Time! There I said it! It feels good!


PS I also enjoy all their albums including Around the Sun and Reveal!


What can I say! :cheers

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Maybe not a blasphemy as much as a greivance:


'Folk rock' is the worst genre label ever invented. I couldn't name one thing that is cool that would deserve such a shitty tag. Dylan in the mid-60's was rock and roll. The only stuff I'd consider folk rock is usually devoid of originality, spontaneity, or any other adjective to describe music that is thought-provoking or exciting.

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  Winston Legthigh said:

Los Lobos are the best American band today, and probably in the Top 5 all time.






TOM WAITS is unlistenable!!




wow this thread is cathartic!



i really don't like wilco anymore.




that may change tomorrow.

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  mkush001 said:
randy newman is a far better songwriter than anyone on earth except for leonard cohen and bob dylan.


also, i can't think of enough hyperbole to truthfully describe the holiness of leonard cohen and his art, so i won't try.


This is close enough to the truth for it to not be blasphemy in my mind. Newman at his peak was fucking amazing.



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Most of Radiohead's output bores me to tears.

I can't stand AC/DC.

The Polyphonic Spree is exactly 7.9 times better than Broken Social Scene and infititely less pretentious.

Vampire Weekend does not deserve the attention they are recieving.


... That felt good.... :ninja

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Beck has never made a "great" album, Odelay is particularly far from it, and Guero is closest to it!


Pet Sounds: Greatest Beach Boys album. Not of all time.


The Zombies 'Odessey and Oracle' is an okay album from the 60's. A similar example of an overblown okay album is 'In an Aeroplane Over The Sea' from the 90's.


Weezer didn't go downhill after such-and-such album, they always sucked.


The 70's were a better time for music than the 60's


The 00's have been better than the 70's!


The Decemberists and The Arcade Fire are in a neck and neck race for the biggest bullshit band since U2. Watch out for newcomer Vampire Weekend.


How was Sufjan's Illinois ever considered by anyone the best album of 05? Seriously. When was the last time anyone made it through the thing start to finish? Seriously.


Nigel Godrich and David Friddman have only done disservice to the two bands they owe their livelihood (Radiohead and Flaming Lips, respectively).


And at the risk of losing anybody I haven't already alienated: Deerhoof is the most creative rock band since The Beatles.

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  The Eradicator! aka THDW said:



That should be bobbob's new avatar.


I have John Denver's Greatest Hits*, 3 Kingston Trio albums**, and Hootie and the Blowfish*** in my CD collection. I know guilt when I see it.




*Not as good as I remember from my childhood.

**Love them and listen to them frequently. I can sing along with every word.

***You know you have it, too.

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Yeah, that reminds me. Beck is a big-ass moron! (Actually, he is a clever synthesist, but not a genius by any means.)

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