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A Thread for Musical Blasphemy you Truly Believe

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While Matt Sharp's overall contribution to Weezer is probably overstated by many, his falsetto harmonies put the first two albums over the top.


Also, Against Me! has released two great (underlined, capitalized) albums. "Baby, I'm An Anarchist" is a fucking brilliant song.

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I was a big fan of how the thread started. Some folks have a hard time avoiding being contrary for contrary purposes.


I can live with comments stating that Matthew Sweet is one of the best songwriters of all time regardless of it not being remotely true. The negative stuff just goes a bit over the top for me personally. Generally just comes off as posts trying to incite people.



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Question -


Why is what he said douchebaggery?


A. Because he mentioned bands and styles of music you like?

B. The way he presented his blasphemy - that is, too much at once?

C. Just because it goes against what the majority of people like and listen to on the board?


I have looked at this thread from time to time - and have noticed constant putdowns of a lot of music I have listened to for 30 years - is that douchebaggery?


Where is the line? Is there a line?


I don't much understand the need for threads like this - seems to be a big negative trip.


I am curious - not trying to cause a ruckus.

mostly B, i don't give a fuck about A otherwise i'd never bother opening this thread


but Chris is right, the last line just shows musical close mindedness and downright ignorance, which is fine, but i don't expect anyone to get their panties in a tizzy when i call them on their shit either. there's plenty of Rap w/ melody & harmony, but he'll never be privileged to hear it because of his inherit bias. funny thing is, here's what Frank Zappa had to say about Rap:


Jon Winokur - Do you like rap?

Frank Zappa - If it wasn't for rap there would be no poetry in America. I think we went directly from Walt Whitman to Ice-T.

which tells me he obviously has an appreciation for the artform.


like i said, you can post all the crazy ass beliefs you want, but if you come off like an asshole, it's gonna come off like you're just saying shit to get a rise or to show your supposed "musical superiority" over others, both of which are kinda pathetic to me.


but i'm kinda with you A-Man, i don't really see the point either. i guess some people like/get off focusing on negative aspects of music/artists, i choose to focus on what i like and let people enjoy what they like. there's far too much great music in the world for me to waste much time on the negative.


and it's not like i was saying he couldn't make his points or that the dude kicks puppies for fun, just saying that it came off pretty asshole-ish, but i'm guessing he doesn't really care and that's fine.

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Thanks for the answer. I see now - I was somewhat confused.


And yes, I recall that I use to run things down quite a bit - but at some point saw that it was not really doing me or anyone else any good. I am not perfect by any means - but I try to refrain from being negative. At the end of the day, whatever moves you, moves you - as Keith Richards once said.

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I don't care about Duke Ellington's Orchestra. The way to hear Duke is with his piano way upfront. I don't care how good of an arranger he was, his piano playing and his composing are what made him great in my book




The live version of "I Am Trying To Break Your Heart" is so far inferior to the record version that it might as well not be the same song.


No, that's truth. It bugs me that they try to recapture all the nuances of the recorded version when they should do a totally fresh and, you know, LIVE take on the song.

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George Michael and John Mayer are both incredibly talented, but unfortunately make some less-than-stellar choices in material. Having said that, I like a fair bit from both of them. Their early solo stuff - and even SOME stuff from Wham - is fantastic.

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The live version of "I Am Trying To Break Your Heart" is so far inferior to the record version that it might as well not be the same song.


I was floored when I heard it in '04. Since then, not so much. I think the Kicking TV version kindof sucks.

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I think this thread had/has a certain amount of value, in a venting sense and in an educational sense, but once people started challenging one another on their blasphemies, the "magic" was lost.

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Rush is "The Band With No Soul".


I believe that each and every member of that band sold their soul to be able to play as well as they do. And that would explain why the music is so soulless.

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Vince Clarke is a good songwriter.


Yaz and Erasure have some good tunes.


I would love to hear some Vince Clarke tunes rerecorded with the musicians, singers, equipment, technology of early Motown. If you listen to the songs, they'd make some excellent classic Motown tunes.

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Vince Clarke is a good songwriter.


Yaz and Erasure have some good tunes.


I would love to hear some Vince Clarke tunes rerecorded with the musicians, singers, equipment, technology of early Motown. If you listen to the songs, they'd make some excellent classic Motown tunes.


Vince was good with Depeche Mode too! :thumbup

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I stand by all my statements, and although I did not intend any of them to be personally offensive to anyone on this board, it's worth noting that I also did not directly attack any of the previous individuals who posted. Yet somehow my post apparently warrants a direct attack on me. Hmm, if stating my personal opinions in a thread called "Musical Blasphemy You Truly Believe" makes me a douchebag, then there must be a lot of us douchebags in here.


A-man's points are well taken, especially this one:

I have looked at this thread from time to time - and have noticed constant putdowns of a lot of music I have listened to for 30 years - is that douchebaggery?

I guess the answer is No, eh?


Just because someone calls something "poetry" doesn't mean I have to appreciate or enjoy it, or even acknowledge it as such. I have a Master's Degree in English, but I don't subject myself to cheesy Poetry Slams that are basically rap-without-the-rhythm-section. Know why? Because I think they suck. Besides, I thought this thread was supposed to be about MUSIC, not just vocals or lyrics. From a musical standpoint, I believe - and will continue to believe - that rap/hip-hop = crap. And sorry to burst your bubble, but I don't think this way out of mere ignorance. I've been exposed (er, subjected) to a huge amount of this stuff for over 20 years, from Paul's Boutique to Snoop Dogg to friggin' Vanilla Ice, and I find it all to be utterly without merit. That opinion has not changed from Extra Exposure. You may not get a lot of solace out of my informed opinion, but that's not my role here. I also don't much like opera. If YOU don't like opera either, does that mean you simply haven't listened to enough of it, and are just another simpleton? I don't think so. Perhaps there's just a little Pot Kettle Black aspect to this charge of douchbaggery?


And I truly resent the blanket statement about "musical closemindedness and downright ignorance," especially coming from someone who not only doesn't even know me but also one who fancies himself a self-styled critic with the "power" (oooh!) to regulate others' posts as an Admin. I'm a very musically curious person with an ever-expanding collection of CDs and I'm pretty knowledgeable on a variety of musical genres which are of interest to me. Do you expect me to listen to a few thousand more rap artists, instead of listening to what I enjoy, just to see if I change my mind about the genre? I think I'll take a pass. I'm perfectly fine enjoying my rock, folk, jazz, blues, country, etc.


I'm glad so many of us are passionate about music, but I think you have to realize that it's a little easier for some of us to cross the line than it is for others. I'm not an admin on this board, and I'm aware that it's a thankless job ... but if I were one, I'd like to think I'd have the balls to act like a responsible adult and not attack people personally whose considered opinions are different from mine. Also, it's worth remembering that this thread is not called "Obscure Indie Bands I Love" or "What Do We All Agree On?" Govern yourself accordingly. Oh, and feel free to heavily edit my post if it cuts a little too close to the bone. Or you could just grow the fuck up.

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For what it's worth, Mr. Heartbreak, I've got your back on the rap/hip-hop question.


I will acknowledge that I do occasionally listen to a couple of Public Enemy albums (that came out around twenty years ago), but I haven't heard much of anything since then that I've thought was worth a damn. There have been a few stray tracks that I've enjoyed for various reasons, but the entire catalog of rap and hip-hop could disappear from the earth and I really wouldn't miss it in the least.


My take on all this is that this is a thread for blasphemy. It self-identifies its content as shocking. If you're shocked by it, good -- that's the intent. This is not a thread for debating the merits of certain artists, songs, or genres, and it's especially not a thread in which to drop words like "ignorance." If you don't like what someone says here ... tough shit, and keep it to yourself.


Just my opinion. Please carry on with the blaspheming.

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