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I don't know why. My first reaction to the debate here was


I will say she acquitted herself on a personal level, as in she's appealling and likeable -- for a PTA parent, but not a Vice President. But she doesn't know a thing about the issues that she hasn't been fed. And Biden was great in substance and tone.

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Is it reasonable to suggest that Palin had her clock cleaned? After a very shaky start, Biden was in command of the facts, generally answered the questions, and spoke in paragraphs. Palin was folksy (which grew increasingly empty), set her own questions, and eschewed coherent paragraphs for lists of familiar talking points, often piled up one after another in a rambling, rapid, free-associative way devoid of any connecting thread. Sometimes I had to strain to follow her line of logic, and had to strain even harder to locate any substance underneath all those feel-good generalities and Americana platitudes.


And the moment Biden choked up was so real and genuine, it exposed Palin's overcooked folksiness as buffoonery.

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Sometimes I had to strain to follow her line of logic, and had to strain even harder to locate any substance underneath all those feel-good generalities.

totally. same here. made that snl sketch that much better.

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I guess we'll see what people thought.


I don't think I can vote for mccain because of palin's outspoken problems with gay rights and a woman's right to choose. I'll leave it at that and end my tenure in the political threads, because I frankly can't stand the rhetoric, which so mirrors politicians themselves. I respect each of your viewpoints and wish no ill-will to any of the participants herein.





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I wish I was playing a drinking game, and had to do a shot every time I heard the word maverick. I'd be crawling to the bathroom right now.



Ummm..I posted this pre-debate. Where was your drinking game dude?





Take a chug of Moosehead beer whenever Sarah Palin says the following:





any sentence including the words "neighbor" and "Russia"


small-town values


Gwen or Joe (remember how many times Palin said "Charlie" during the Gibson interview?)


off shore oil drilling




"Thanks but no thanks!"


witchcraft (not likely...but hey, you never know, especially if Kathleen Parker's name should pop up)


Take two chugs of Moosehead whenever Sarah Palin does the following:

Utters a coherent sentence (i.e. contains a subject and a verb and makes logical sense)


Talks about her new friend Henry Kissinger or Hamid Karzai


Explains how being the part-time mayor of Wasilla, Alaska with a full-time city manager counts as executive experience


Chug a whole bottle of Moosehead if Sarah Palin mentions the following:

Palin Presidency


On second thought, make that two bottles of Moosehead.

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The whole down home, folksy thing got a little old for me. Gosh darn, darn right, say it ain't so joe, you betcha, we're gonna help ya....yeah, a little annoying.


sorta like when I went dog sledding in MN and Canada, I bought the " Oh sure ya bet- cha" cards...then threw them away. I still have yet to make it thru Fargo.

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The media keeps talking about how Palin exceeded the low expectations everyone had for her performance. I guess I don't see it that way, mostly because I don't think anybody besides the media expected her to fall off the stage. I never thought Palin was an idiot, and tonight I expected her to be reasonably skillful in her style and delivery. However, that very fair expectation is what made her performance so damn underwhelming. I'm still not convinced that she's an idiot--clearly, she knows some stuff--but I'm more convinced than ever that she is not qualified to be vice-president.


I was surprised when Obama was widely seen as the winner of the first debate; I felt that one was closer to a tie. I'm equally surprised tonight, hearing so many pundits calling the VP debate a tie.

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why is 'nuclear' the only word people get mocked for pronouncing with any sort of trce of dialect?



I really don't think it's a dialect thing.


And I'm unsure as to why it irritates people so.

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I still think this thread would benefit from more than one point of view.


But it has. I disagree with Obama's gung-ho Pakistan destruction policy. Some people here are for it. Some people think Putin is a real threat, some think he's just sitting around. These are complicated issues that have a lot of implications (like the bail-out for example). But the fact that so many people are unanimously judging on one issue: Sarah Palin's intelligence might reflect on how un-complicated of an issue that is. She is uncomplicated. She is a total moron. I think there's easily 15 people on here that could debate her into the dirt with out going to 'debate camp', and I wouldn't trust them to run our country. The lady is a moron. McCain is not. I disagree with most everything he is for, but I can tell he has actual reasoning behind his viewpoints. Palin is a moron and picking her has (hopefully) ruined the McCain campaign.

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I really don't think it's a dialect thing.


And I'm unsure as to why it irritates people so.


I think it is. You hear it alot more in the South than the North. I think some conservatives and liberals have gravitated towards or away from the different pronounciations based on the image they create now, though.

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It's just my opinion; much like the ones everyone else has here, except mine isn't of the popular sort. This election has been off the rails for months and has been one distraction after another. Despite the best of debates set forth on this forum, I'm afraid this will fall to being a popularity contest for most Americans. I just think that when it comes to pulling the lever the McCain/Palin ticket will, at the end of the day, snag more of the type of voters who aren't exactly passionate about finding out every aspect of the candidates and are sold on a couple of sound bites or talking points. Change sounds good but for the majority of the population change is scarier than anything really. You know comfort zones and all that.


I don't think people really appreciate this possibility or give it nearly enough credence.


So you all keep musing over how stupid Palin is or how McCain is going to die in office and I'll watch as the Republicans present another hack for President and watch him win.


Wow, Jude, more than 2 sentences. Shitfire.


Yes, we will continue to revel in Fred Thompson firebacks. Losers complain. Losers complained when Kerry lost. It is your turn to lose.

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Is it reasonable to suggest that Palin had her clock cleaned? After a very shaky start, Biden was in command of the facts, generally answered the questions, and spoke in paragraphs. Palin was folksy (which grew increasingly empty), set her own questions, and eschewed coherent paragraphs for lists of familiar talking points, often piled up one after another in a rambling, rapid, free-associative way devoid of any connecting thread. Sometimes I had to strain to follow her line of logic, and had to strain even harder to locate any substance underneath all those feel-good generalities and Americana platitudes.


And the moment Biden choked up was so real and genuine, it exposed Palin's overcooked folksiness as buffoonery.

Nice post, Eric. Especially that last sentence.


Here's my take, for what it's worth: Palin did ok, she was successful in one area - she didn't totally flop out, so those in the republican base who were getting squeamish about her are probably placated now. For me the "aw-shucks" demeanor grew old real quick. As did the retreating to talking points instead of just answering the question. Solid B.


Biden: please tell me if anyone here doesn't think that Barack made a good choice for his VP pick. As Donna said, he came across as smart and dignified. I think he did nearly everything the Obama camp would've hoped for. The difference was really striking - Biden IS ready to be President, Palin is not. A- for Senator Joe.


The tone between the two was much better than the Obama/McCain debate at least. If Joe had adopted the arrogant, condescending tone that McCain employed at times it would have been a disaster for him. Joe did his homework folks. I'm proud of him tonight.

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Both Biden and Palin succeeded - Palin didn't implode, and Biden didn't come off as a smug dick. Palin at times sounded like she had a script and she was sticking to it, no matter what. Biden may have had a script too, but his looked less obvious.

I wonder how many people are now barfing after Biden's eight-mavericks-in-a-row part at the end?

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that's not the issue. It was the direct implication that if I can't see what's wrong with palin then no one can help me. I already have my own problems with palin, as I've clearly stated. But I don't deserve to be talked down to because I simply want to hear a fair exchange on tonight's performances.


That's cool..."that's not the issue" I need to listen to that, one of my favs. I reckon we should know where you live to determine our approach. If you're a swinger, be patient, make your choice and I'll discuss the happenings. If you're a red state up 7 points or more, then shit, Palin is a douche, so is her grampa John.

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I think an interesting point is that no one is actually talking about things Palin said, simply that she was poised and spoke well and related to the common folk, which I happen to agree with. If anyone actually dissected what she said, uh, I don't want to know what they'd think. Everyone is congratulating her for not going down in flames and nothing more.

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I think an interesting point is that no one is actually talking about things Palin said, simply that she was poised and spoke well and related to the common folk, which I happen to agree with. If anyone actually dissected what she said, uh, I don't want to know what they'd think. Everyone is congratulating her for not going down in flames and nothing more.

That might be precisely the point. There's been so much yakking about how unfair and attack-dog the media has been lately that folks had the idea that she was gonna really go shit up - who doesn't want to see implosion? Well, it didn't happen. Thankfully, really, in hindsight.

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