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Any of you looking to do whatever you can to impede Trump's vicious agenda may want to use this number from CREDO action to call senators and reject Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court.


I love this setup, which does all the work for you of contacting the senators who can make a difference. Just call the number and say you object to Gorsuch's nomination. It will patch you through to as many senators as you care to speak with! Remember November 9th and everything that's come since. Call and (figuratively at least) throw a brick through Trump's picture window!


The number is 202 765-3399


Do it! Let's not let the Supreme Court become another Trump Organization!


Easiest political activism ever. Make your voice heard. :thumbup

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Any of you looking to do whatever you can to impede Trump's vicious agenda may want to use this number from CREDO action to call senators and reject Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court.


I love this setup, which does all the work for you of contacting the senators who can make a difference. Just call the number and say you object to Gorsuch's nomination. It will patch you through to as many senators as you care to speak with! Remember November 9th and everything that's come since. Call and (figuratively at least) throw a brick through Trump's picture window!


The number is 202 765-3399


Do it! Let's not let the Supreme Court become another Trump Organization!


Easiest political activism ever. Make your voice heard. :thumbup


I am all for political activism and making your voice be heard (and this should be a condemnation of calling your representative), but unfortunately I don't think it will have an effect.  My Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) has received numerous calls on issues since the election and has been accused of turning off his phones, complained about the number of calls his office has received, and may or may not have sent a cease and desist letter to a constituent for repeated calls.  This compounded with the numerous "empty chair town halls," it is apparent to me our elected representatives just no longer care what we think, or believe the people complaining are just a small, but vocal group, who cannot get over the election.  


I think (and BTW I think this really sucks) all the phone calls in the world not change the minds of the GOP senators.  They showed they are not interested in their constitutional duty, but refusing President Obama's nominee.  So there is no evidence that they would do anything to stop now they have a nominee in place that they really like. 


Shit, this is depressing.  

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Kevin, it is so easy to be depressed and cynical right now...I speak from firsthand experience!... but I choose not to give in to it because some one of those phone calls or other efforts is going to provoke a legislative conscience somewhere, and perhaps make a wild and unexpected difference in how it all plays out. We lose nothing but a few minutes to place these calls, and all I know is, doing nothing absolutely insures that we make no difference. I'd rather err on the side of having tried.

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I concur, Kidsmoke. I've been calling my senators and congressional rep and writing letters.

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Same here - the letter writing/phone calling bit  --- got to admit, though, out of all this crap, Gorsuch seems like a solid pick -- I definitely don't agree with many of his past judgements or his judicial point of view - but he is definitely qualified. 


This whole crap that the R's did with Garland is beyond reproach, I don't want the D's to repeat. The Court needs to stay above this political crap. Once it goes - we all go.

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Well this is interesting...Gorsuch case unanimously overturned by the current Supreme Court. Actually it was a case that relied on a Gorsuch opinion. Regardless the timing couldn't be worse for him. He will still be confirmed but what little I have read about him Indicates to me that Thomas, Kennedy and Roberts probably will be the middle of the court once he gets on.

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I can't stand Trump and what happened to Merrick Garland, but "payback" (if one feels the need for payback) shouldn't come in the form of rejecting Gorsuch.  He is unquestionably qualified and a solid pick (Trump could have picked far, far worse).  Al Franken is embarrassing himself and should STFU in my opinion.

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I can't stand Trump and what happened to Merrick Garland, but "payback" (if one feels the need for payback) shouldn't come in the form of rejecting Gorsuch.  He is unquestionably qualified and a solid pick (Trump could have picked far, far worse).  Al Franken is embarrassing himself and should STFU in my opinion.


I am not sure what Franken said, but it is not a matter if Gorsuch is qualified or not.  The supreme court seat was stolen from Garland and Obama and the current President and his administration is now under and FBI investigation.  The legitimacy his entire presidency is under question.  Any SCOTUS nominee that the President brings up is illegitimate for these reasons.  The President could reanimate the corpse of Thurgood Marshall or clone the Notorious RGB and nominate them and it would be a moral imperative to not confirm.  This is not a payback, it is the right thing to do.  


And BTW, if Clinton would have won, I would be equally upset if she did not keep Garland.  

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Well, we will agree to disagree.  It's not the right thing to do unless you're embroiled in a dispute while sitting in a sandbox or playground. 

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Well, we will agree to disagree.  It's not the right thing to do unless you're embroiled in a dispute while sitting in a sandbox or playground. 


ummm.... no.  I hate that, "we will agree to disagree," and then throw out that my argument was childish.  Such a cop out.  This is not a playground fight, this is not payback.  This is a constitutional thing, this is a matter of principal, this is a matter of doing what is right.  


The GOP subverted their constitutionally prescribed duty, to advise and consent, they stole a constitutionally prescribed power of the President and the only reason they did this was political.  What they did was not right.  And now the question of the legitimacy of the very administration that nominated him has come into question.  Say if the President is found out to be working with Russia, or what not, does that not bring into question every single decision he has made as president?  Gorsuch would be on the supreme court for life (25 years plus).  Are you willing to take a chance for 25 years that he also had nothing to do with Russia, etc.  The Supreme Court should, at all times be above reproach, to be fair in their interpretation of the laws and constitution.  With the spectre of the FBI investigation on the administration, you cannot say in good conscious and faith that Gorsuch can do that.  Again this not about the Gorsuch, it is about the President.  And of course maybe there is no Russia connection.  Wouldn't you want that to be at least cleared so we know for certain the intentions of the President before allowing his hand picked guy to have one of the most powerful positions in the world for the next quarter of a century?  


With that being said, Gorsuch will be confirmed I have no doubt but that doesn't mean the Dems have to accept it.  Every single Democrat needs to vote no.  They need to explain their reasoning.  They need to force McConnell to use the Nuclear option.  This is not a petty act, it is a moral act.  

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they should go into more detail... it's a constitutionally-governed process, so they should ask him about the details and his interpretation.


Instead the GOP is asking him bullshit questions.  Asking him his favorite fishing spot.  Screw you.  Asking if he would rather fight 100 duck sized horses or one horse sized duck?  Fuck you Senator Flake, that is embarrassing.  And Fuck you Senator Cruz for ever tainting the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.  You sanctimonious prick.  Do your fucking job.

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KevinG -- didn't mean to offend or upset you.  While I applaud and admire your passion, I feel like while you were defending your argument, you actually made mine (and probably better than I could have). 

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KevinG -- didn't mean to offend or upset you.  While I applaud and admire your passion, I feel like while you were defending your argument, you actually made mine (and probably better than I could have). 


Aren't you just the king of backhanded complements.  So tell me, how did I make your argument?   Explain to me why Gorsuch should be confirmed.  If this were a normal situation, I would have no issue with him as a justice.  Let's make that perfectly clear.  But this is not a normal situation.  


It appears that Chuck Schumer agrees with me.  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/chuck-schumer-neil-gorsuch_us_58d3da09e4b0f838c630067b?ncid=inblnkushpmg00000009

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And they delayed the vote on the health care bill!  Apparently someone has lost touch with the art of the deal.


In the last two months has there been anything that the President has touched that has gone right, or smoothly?  

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