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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Hey Chuck, I'm really sorry to hear that. I'm in the pit which I'm assuming is not an option for you, but if it is, I'd be more than happy to watch the show with you.
  2. What if the hazmat guy was employed by the organization that ran the record label in the Low Key video?! Maybe it's all connected like the Marvel movies.... ladies and gentlemen, I present the Jeff Tweedy Cinematic Universe. .... I'll let myself out.
  3. I'm assuming Evergreen is just a similarly named song to the JT classic Childlike And Evergreen and shares no musical similarity? Can anyone confirm/deny?
  4. Nice collection Tim!! I'm always jealous of collectors who were still buying in the 90s and early 00s, lots of records pressed in those days that are now rare as heck, not to mention I'm sure thrift stores were getting rid of 60s/70s/80s albums for pennies. I got my first few records in 2002/3 (Nirvana, The Strokes, and Weezer were my first three) and got a few more (I think mainly Jason Molina's solo albums, as they were only on vinyl) in my college years (2006ish). A few more came after that (I think I got Wilco The Album when it came out on vinyl, I remember spontaneously buying Sea Change
  5. Wife this morning insisted she's heard Some Birds before, I said "no way". Of course, her memory is better than mine because after looking up my own post, yep, Jeff definitely played a song with lyrics "I love to take you down and leave you there". Never doubt the wife! I'm surprised it's taken this long in Jeff's career to get an album of original material under his own name. I love the new material but I've never been able to hear Nels, Pat, etc on Let's Go Rain. Also this is the 5th year in a row of new albums written by Jeff. As a songwriter this has to be the most prolific era of his car
  6. Do they usually put the Bootleg Series on streaming? I think the last one was Tell Tale Signs which was a few years ago. I vaguely recall some of The Cutting Edge being on Spotify at one point but I think it was just a sampler.
  7. New album Bottle It In, October 12!! http://youtu.be/pOFWHty4XFQ
  8. Country Disappeared is in the film Juliet, Naked.
  9. I'm still having the issue on my MacBook and work computer, both on Chrome. Sounds like a few people on the Facebook group are also still having the issue.
  10. Is Times Like These not the Di Vinci Code of music?? That said, I don't think Dave has done his equivalent of Cloud Atlas so I guess Tom reigns supreme.
  11. Dave is a nice guy and I'll always sort of admire him, but yeah, even when I saw them in 2003, they did a few long "jams" that were too long (and not jams at all, completely rehearsed long versions of what should be 3 minute songs). I read somewhere that "Dave is the Tom Hanks of rock" and I think that's a really good comparison.
  12. TCP


    Yeah I should look into that. A first pressing in good shape would have easily been a $30 record in a store. Estate sales are better than my idea of getting a time machine and going to thrift stores in the late 90s.
  13. Ummm.... .....Wouldn't Harvest Moon's lyrics be about Pegi??
  14. TCP


    3 bucks?!? Good find.
  15. I have the same issue with getting to forums.viachicago.org. Also on Chrome.
  16. That is a show you will want to be on the rail for, my friend. Enjoy!
  17. TCP


    Today, for the first time in, probably, a decade I changed my name on here. And right after I realized a way better name I should have changed to. I'll have to wait 90 days. Curses!!
  18. Ahh new KV!!! http://youtu.be/7mbh43HgT4U Great song. Can't wait to see him in December.
  19. More Jack White tonight! Yeah definitely, most people don't have lighters but everyone would have a phone.
  20. Oh man, it was a little annoying having my phone locked away. I wasn't crazy about not being able to check the time or message my wife when she was at the merch booth. I'm, admittedly, not opposed to taking a quick photo at the beginning of the set either. But it was nice not having jabronies filming videos, holding up their phones, letting their flash go, and shoving their phones next to the people on the rail's faces (this happened to me during Spoon earlier this year). Also it was nice seeing the warmth of actual lighters again and not a bunch of phone screens during slow songs.
  21. Hey all, I'm assuming since bböp hasn't posted anything (and the fact that I didn't see him), means we're bböpless for this recap. I, unfortunately, am no bböp, but gosh darnit I'll give it my best shot. First up, no setlist, though someone nearby was keeping track, maybe they are on here and will post?? It was only a 60 minute set, stalwarts like California Stars, Jesus Etc, Locator, Misunderstood, Hummingbird, I Am Trying To Break Your Heart, Not For The Season, and I'm The Man Who Loves You were played. Uncle Tupelo's New Madrid and We've Been Had Were also played. Four new songs were play
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