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The Inside of Outside

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Everything posted by The Inside of Outside

  1. Bummer. He appeared to run his band like James Brown - he got them so tight it was crazy. One of my wife's favorites.
  2. Driving around town today, I heard "I Might" on WCLZ in Portland, Maine. WCLZ is a solid adult alternative station. They have not sprinkled in much Wilco in the past year or two, so it was nice to hear some. It was also good for an eye roll from one of my 17-year-old daughters as we drove in the minivan (dad rock in the minivan - what else would you expect?). Of course, she then asked if we could put on some Taylor Swift.
  3. Why less love for WTA? It does not sound cohesive to my ears, which may be a product of a recording process that did not include the full band working through the songs together. I am a big, big fan of Country Disappeared, and I am a W(TS) fan. I loved it as an opening song on that tour. Bull Black Nova, One Wing, You and I, and I'll Fight are solid as well. I still like it a lot, but I do not love it. I love all the rest of their releases to varying degrees.
  4. ^^^That's an interesting topic to Google.
  5. I guess he has looked that way for a while. I'm not trying to be hard on the guy - I am honestly wondering about his health. He appears to be sweating a lot in the live video posted above, and it looks like he is pretty winded at times (35 secs in is the first time I see it). The list of performers who are significantly older than Axl who do not have breathing/sweating/weight problems is long. Dylan, Mick, Pete and Roger, the guys in Aerosmith, Tom Petty - the list goes on. The list of people who appear to struggle physically though a performance at his age (54) is not real long - Meatloaf,
  6. Is it just me, or does Axl look unhealthy (and has for several years)? The weight, the sweating, the heavy breathing. I think it is the heavy breathing that is the most troubling. It makes me a bit anxious to watch him perform, as I think he is going to have a heart attack.
  7. The photos I saw online did not have Peter Cetera in them. And I only saw three from Deep Purple - Paice,Gillian, and Glover.
  8. I liked Station Eleven a lot. I recommend that one often.
  9. I have a hard time getting excited about his recent records. The last song I really liked was Mississippi, from 2001. I have listened to every record since, and have not found anything to my liking. I got to hear lots of growling, though.
  10. Me, too. I lived in Nashville as a kid in the 70s, and his music was everywhere then. When I read recently that he had pneumonia, well, that caught my attention. That can be tough to battle for older folks.
  11. Opening Day is finally here. Some predictions, so I can chuckle about them in October: American League West: Houston Central: KC East: Toronto National League West: SF Central: Chicago East: NY Playoffs AL Wildcard Texas over Cleveland NL Wildcard St. Louis over Washington ALDS Toronto over Texas KC over Houston NLDS NY over St. Louis Chicago over SF ALCS Toronto over KC NLCS Chicago over NY World Series Toronto over Chicago
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KADpZwRT1KA&app=desktop Michael Stipe is one weird dude. And I love what he did with Ashes to Ashes. Can't ever be sure, but I'll bet Bowie would have loved it, too.
  13. Who knew that this show would be so special and unique? An extended Laminated Cat? Jim O'Rourke joining in (which might have been hoped for but not expected)? And a second go at Thirteen with a relatively new vocalist? Pretty darn special.
  14. Happy 21st, A.M.! Here is an article all about you.
  15. Someone probably already posted this upcoming show in California in April with Jeff and Pat helping to cover Big Star's Third. My apologies if this is a repeat.
  16. That is so cool. I love Way Out West. There is something very heartfelt in the vocals on those old Big Star songs, o matter who was singing them. So authentic.
  17. I'm not sure why, but that strikes me as strange.
  18. Five Years is such a great song. Might be my favorite Bowie song.
  19. Which would leave more beer for me, if I am drinking with Dubya.
  20. It is hard for me to find the facts in this story. Was Kenny Williams being a dink? Is LaRoche just ready to call it quits? Did he fly off the handle over a little thing? Was the kid really there all the time? Do other players kids hang out all the time? Did some players complain? Are some players now standing up for LaRoche because they feel they have to? Seems like it might be some time before we get a clear picture of what really happened.
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